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Vaccine Regine Coming: Suffering is guaranteed!

You will be allowed to choose the debate you want to engage in, the fight you want to fight. But at…

Keep an eye on Lord Jagannath.

The Panchasakha or the five devotees, including Swami Achyutananda, who have predicted the future i…

Preparations are on for the next planned pandemic

Preparations are on for the next planned pandemic; While our attention is fixed at the WHO, WEF, Bil…

What about the Aliens?

There is a lot of talk about UFOs and aliens. It has reached the mainstream news with the Harvard U…

What is weaponizing our mind?

What is weaponizing our mind? Reckless pharmaceutical interventions Introducing syphilis containing s…

Way out of the maze called life

Way out of the maze. Man wanders into the maze called life; takes birth, owns a body, witnesses a wo…