Our predictions are not irrational
We have predicted a lot of things.
In 2013 the great Bill Gates hinted that a big
epidemic is coming. Immediately we started warning that something was cooking.
We noticed that government funds from reputed medical institutes in USA and UK
were being channelized to secret high security bio labs for strange kinds of
research. We kept watch and warned people.
In 2015 Bill Gates provided another clear
message. We again warned. People laughed. In 2017 Fauci predicted an epidemic
that would occur while Trump would be in power. We kept the people informed.
In 2019 when Event 201 was held we had a fair
idea of what would transpire. We warned about lockdowns and other steps that
would facilitate the great reset. We could know that a massive vaccination campaign was
Just as the epidemic was launched I wrote an
article titled "The Perfect Virus". Whatever I wrote came to pass.
However when I wrote it I was dubbed a stupid conspiracy theorist.
During Con-vid times I kept on writing that
people were being conned and being prepared for a strange experiment in the
name of vaccines. When the vaccine ingredients were
declared we immediately knew what was in store.
People read and listened to us as we occupied
space in TV channels. But no one was ready to believe. People lined up for the vaccines despite our
warnings. It is amazing how the same group that engineered the crisis, offered
a much greater crisis as the solution, and the experts decided to side with
them fully knowing that it was the great depopulation that was in the offing
for nearly a century.
The Danis Rancourt study points out that so
far 48 million people have died worldwide (17 million directly, 31 million
excess deaths due to all measures taken). Critics say it is the tip of the
iceberg. The killings continue and are expected to peak from 2025 onwards; the
predicted 4 years gap as admitted by the manufacturers in a bid to get legal
People believed the goons and scoffed at those
who were trying to save them. That they are still doing so is an indication of
the huge indoctrination that masquerades as science.
Strange sudden deaths became the norm after
that, a trend that continues globally. It was only in 2023 when the
manufacturers admitted in the UK Court that the vaccines were linked to a
whole host of adverse effects that realization dawned something was amiss. But
by that time the damage was done. Our civilization is trained to believe the
criminals and only when the criminals confess do the public believe. There are
many things under the Sun that the criminals will never confess to.
I lost a number of friends, classmates, and
neighbors; people I had informed and hoped they would not fall for the trap.
Many others suffered cardiac events and survived. Had they heeded our warnings
lives would not have been lost and health compromised.
From 1985 at least I have been warning people
about vaccines. I have backed my
claims with evidence and studies. I campaigned against dangerous pharma
products and the fact that pharma abhors health and cures. Those who listened
benefitted. Others suffered not knowing what hit them lulled into submission by
erudite scientific sounding lies thrown at them.
We had predicted the NWO and the great reset
much before these terms became mainstream based on our study of international
policies and trends. We identified weather manipulation (a noticeable trend
since the first world war) and highlighted patents that pointed towards
transhumanism. We pointed out that digitalization would result in a global
prison. We pointed out the risks from wireless technology and GM food.
Today all of our warnings are accepted and
established facts. But yet people prefer to act like ostriches with their head
in sand. They feel that these developments are just for curiosity and will
never be implemented in a "democratic" society.
Now we are predicting the end of the current
civilization. It is a perfectly logical conclusion. Watching the pharma and war
economy closely, and studying the limits of nature, has honed our instincts and
we can sense what is in store.
I keep on writing, the collapse of our
civilization is not a Biblical myth. The people who feel they own the world are
carefully and meticulously planning a huge collapse and massive depopulation to
steer the world towards industrial revolution 2.00, the great reset that will
kill the soul and permanently seal the fate of humanity.
The intent is not hidden but openly written
about and declared from international discussion platforms. Eminent influencers
are preparing the population for the collapse and subsequent reset. This is the
mind manipulation we have always been warning about. There is no disagreement
up to this point.
The only thing we are saying in addition is
that the engineered collapse will go out of hand. The reset will only progress
halfway. Before it is completed a second collapse will ensure that nothing
remains of the huge malefic world that we have built.
The plans for the great reset involve;
- Complete collapse of the monetary system
- Collapse of the current internet system to launch a new satellite based system
- Seeding every person on earth with technology to harness wireless and launch a transhuman era
- Ensure a digital prison where those with the approved chip based digital ID alone get access to basic services
- A social credit based universal basic income
- Artificial lab and insect based genetically modified food
- A huge depopulation engineered to bring down human, animal and avian population through planned disease outbreaks, wars, riots, famines, and engineered calamities
- Collapse of national governments to usher in global rule with an autocrat in command who has tremendous political and religious clout
- Complete negation of all private property
Does such a state of things appeal to you?
Would you like to blindly walk into such a set up? Would you say you will
accept because there is no devil and God is doing everything?
We are not pointing out things for any kind of
benefit. I have fought against Big Pharma and Big Agri to save people from a
cruel fate. Being a survivor I am aware of the intense pain and suffering such
misadventures bring in their wake. I do not want others to go through what I
have gone through in life.
So laugh at me, call me superstitious, call me
a fool, call me a Brahmin, throw every vile epithet you can think of at me but
years of investigation and activism has taught me to sense what goes on behind
the scenes. We activists are alarmed at what is coming. What is frightening is
how complacent people are. They have no idea what is in store for them.
More worrying is the trend to deny the
inevitable. To say that there is no evil in this world. That we have to accept
everything as fate. There are also those who are involved with pharma and
engaged in fulfilling the coming nefarious activities who do not want the
issues discussed and seek to malign the truth tellers.
We can only keep on pointing. It is up to the
public to emerge from their sleep and get ready for the future. They can choose
to die of shock or stand their ground and oppose. The choice is theirs.
I am a very old fashioned person. I think
about others. I feel it difficult to adopt the scientific attitude of treating
people as objects and expendables. I will therefore keep on warning.
In the age of knowledge ignorance is a choice
for those who do not know how to exercise their brain.
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