More on 29th March 2025.


More on 29th March 2025.

This date and its preceding and next dates are creating interest globally for the peculiar astrological formation on that day. Currently Muslim astrologers too are into it.

Besides the formation on that day that can directly trigger events for one or two months before it and two months afterwards, another event will begin.

Jupiter will be on a fast forward mode soon after. It is called atichari movement. This is akin to a car accustomed to moving at 30kms/hr suddenly accelerating at 100kms/hr. Worst still this movement will span for 8 years from 2025 to 2033!

Very drastic events take place when such a movement occurs. The "positive" thing is people remember God. The words "Oh God help me, O God please stop these events", will be on everybody's lips as people are overwhelmed and frightened by what takes place. And again people will also blame God for what is happening.

These and other combinations that begin from November 2024 onwards are being pointed out by astrologers of all cultures and countries.

While there is the claim that astrological predictions will not work during the end times; what is concerning is that the astrological formations match and certify all other forms of predictions.

There is no doubt that the period beginning 2025 will not bore well for this civilization.

29th March 2025 heralds a huge shift. We need to analyze this shift that will be in force for 2.5 years. What kind of a shift is it going to be? There are several possibilities;

  • It will completely end money, electricity, internet and all kinds of gadgets
  • So what does it indicate? With these props down our present civilization will certainly end
  • But the same collapse is needed for the great reset. It needs a shock and awe to force people into accepting the new system

Whatever it is, the impact can turn out to be huge in phases and bursts as even an engineered collapse is followed by unplanned breakdowns that ultimately destroy the well laid plans. This is inevitable and what will happen. But people will suffer anyway as any kind of collapse will have terrible consequences. To top it other events will also be happening.

It is being advised to store provisions preparing for a long time disruption and restore provisions whenever there is the opportunity.

You need to stock up on food, medicines, fuel, lanterns, batteries, first aid provisions, and all other emergency and essential requirements. They may allow you to last for some time. You may slowly start doing that.

The other is preparing yourself spiritually for whatever happens. That is very important.

What can really help is that communities ought to unite and, forgetting differences, help each other. Let us hope good sense prevails and that happens. Unless there is unity it will be very difficult to face what is coming.