The collapse of Dharma is imminent


From our childhood days we know that this is Kaliyuga. Here Dharma stands on one leg, a silent witness to a false paradigm and the consequent evils. We have seen and read about how a happy and contended society was affected by greed and converted into what it is today.

From enjoying the bliss of life and living we now dread life and what it brings. We are devoid of peace and comfort. Families, friend circles, communities are disappearing. Governments that ought to protect are busy devouring us.

But this is just the beginning. We also know that a phase will come when Dharma will lose the last leg. All protection that it provides by residing in the hearts and right actions of men will be taken away. I wish to warn you that we have entered into that phase.

Dharma is losing its last leg. The 3 year period from 2024 to 27 will show us what happens when Dharma recedes. The incidents we are witnessing now, the mindless violence, the unimaginable atrocities against women, the insatiable greed of men, the extreme love for power, are all indications that Dharma is now powerless.

The Achyutananda Malika warns about this phase. It says the unimaginable will happen. Protection will be taken away as the deities leave their places. Chakradhar had told us that deities are pillars that uphold the world just as pillars support a structure. He had also warned that prior to the collapse these deities will have to shift from their places. When that happens, he had warned, small incidents will flare up to assume massive proportions. Does that not reflect our current times?

It is only in 2028 that Dharma will buck up again. The events within the 3 years preceding it will make the decadent population realize its follies. Repentance will lead to reforms. Society will swiftly reorganize to battle and reinstate order by snatching the world from the jaws of the adharmic rule that reigns. 2029 to 2032 will witness that massive upheaval.

Currently we are witnessing the build up to what is coming. We still think we are in charge but as days pass the complacency will be broken. People will actually feel the ropes of fate dragging them towards the end. The pace of events will build after the dreaded 29th of March 2025.

That day is the final seal of approval of the destruction process. A Saturday, new Moon, Solar eclipse, six planets in one house, and Saturn enters Pisces on 11.01 pm that night. The following days witness the predicted two eclipses in 15 days. Events will pick up pace and as Achyutananda says, the minds of the best of intellectuals and experts will fail as they face situations that cannot be comprehended and tackled.

Dharma will disappear from the manifested world. But it has a place where it is firmly entrenched forever. That place is within you. Now is the time to seek it and reach the un movable spot where actions do not reach.