Countering Extreme Toxicity.


Yesterday a friend pointed out that as our bodies have become extremely toxic, holistic healing is difficult and people have to resort to allopathy to suppress the symptoms. Also in a doctors forum a member pointed out that for the current aches and pains, only allopathic pain killers help.

I have been pointing this out. What has led to this situation?

  • The body is encountering novel forms of poisoning it was never built to handle. Chemicals in gross and nano/ micro forms are everywhere in the environment. Internally the breast milk has 300+ toxins, the placental fluid has 200+ according to 12 year old studies. Currently we know that the spermatic fluid and the brain is poisoned.
  • Ordinarily toxins are handled by the mucous in the nasal passage, saliva in mouth, lymphatic system, bacteria in the skin and the digestive juices when one is exposed/ or consumes them. The process of injection; for modern medicines and vaccines bypasses these protective mechanisms and the body becomes helpless against them.
  • In case of vaccines what is not known to the public is that there are binding agents used so that the body cannot expel the contents. Also the universally used adjuvant; aluminum is present in nano form that cannot be expelled
  • In case of the Covid vaccines, the adjuvant is in a gel form and lipid nanoparticles are declared as ingredient. These cannot be expelled
  • The body has its own detoxification mechanism. It expels toxins through elimination symptoms like cough, cold, diarrhoea, dysentery, vomiting, skin eruptions etc. High fever breaks down the toxins so they can be expelled. Modern medicine treats these symptoms as viral or bacterial infections and suppresses them with more toxins adding immensely to the toxic state
  • The detoxification depends entirely on the inherent strength and energy of the body. This is known as vitality. The vitality is destroyed by wrong lifestyle and toxic treatment. With depleted vitality the body then has to coexist with the toxins
  • The body accumulates strength and vitality through the sexual health of parents before conception, nutrition and strength of the mother during confinement, natural delivery, breast feeding, facing the childhood illnesses, nutrition, exercise, health of mitochondria in cells, health of microbiome that assists in digestion, exposure to elements, conserving sexual energy, freedom from stress, strain and negativity etc. All of these processes are compromised, medicalized and chemicalized
  • In normal times too certain constitutional defects run through families and individuals due to wrong lifestyle, thoughts, and actions. These are inherited upon birth and are very powerful elements that compromise health. The normal childhood illnesses actually try to deal with these constitutional issues. The constitutional defects are terribly aggravated by the modern environment, lifestyle, mentality, and toxic treatment

Through the above we realize what we are up against. The issue now is; how do we circumvent and emerge from this quagmire?

  • The first thing is to stop the toxicity. We must try and live as natural a life as possible, veer away from toxic and suppressive treatment, resort to natural farming, and governments should clean up the environment
  • People must spend time in nature, in forest environment. Cities must be designed to contain more of greenery and less of concrete
  • The next is to ensure good health of parents before conception, a drug free pregnancy, active pregnancy, natural childbirth, early breastfeeding, and a drug and vaccine free childhood
  • The value of acute symptoms like fever, cold, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, vomiting, skin ailments must be recognized and allowed to complete their term as these are all about detoxification and rectification
  • A good night’s sleep is essential for detoxification as it is during the night that the body takes up the detoxification
  • Society must recognize the value of discipline, good and wholesome education, altruism, physical and mental purity, energizing lifestyle, fulfilling everyone's basic needs, and other factors that contribute to good health
  • Each person should resort to naturopathic/ ayurvedic detoxification every six months without fail. In case of serious diseases due to toxicity there are specialized detoxification protocols
  • For tackling the constitutional vulnerability homeopathy should be resorted to before conception, during pregnancy, to aid natural childbirth and during childhood. Constitutional defects are best tackled this way
  • All efforts must be made to preserve and conserve the valuable medicinal herbs that detoxify and heal. Without them we are condemned to a life of disease and pain

To sum it up;

  • A return to nature and natural living
  • Resorting to holistic methods of treatment
  • Ensuring safe food and environment
  • Regular detoxification
  • Respecting acute diseases
  • Ensuring healthy children

One can resort to the holistic methods of treatment;

  • The strength of naturopathy is the individuals own control over health and illness
  • The strength of ayurveda is in knowing one’s own strength and vulnerabilities, ability to counter them with mentality, lifestyle, spices, and herbs
  • The strength of yoga and pranayama is detoxification and the preservation of energy and vitality
  • The strength of homeopathy is its ability to treat and eliminate constitutional challenges to health

For 300 years we have abandoned the above as the world has forced us to adopt scientific medicine. Standing on the brink of collapse we must collect all of our strength and regain the health and wellness that is our birth right.