What is weaponizing our mind?


What is weaponizing our mind?

  • Reckless pharmaceutical interventions
  • Introducing syphilis containing serum
  • Heavy metals
  • Neurotoxins
  • All kinds of pollutants
  • Breaking down the blood brain barrier
  • Destroying the gut and gut microbiome
  • Destructive education
  • Destructive politics
  • Weaponized media
  • Wayward religious personalities planted in each religion for a purpose
  • Blind activism that seeks destruction unmindful of the path towards regeneration
  • Huge experiments and efforts of governments worldwide directed towards controlling the human psyche.

But it begins with pharma. The healthy human being is stable and has the ability to think. There is an internal intelligence that points out the right and wrong. The body works towards peace and harmony as it is essential for health. Disturbing this creates an unstable personality that is unable to hear the internal voice and is totally taken up by the world. The mind is filled with negativity.

With this weaponized mind we are led towards a war. The new war involves;

  • Intense brainwashing
  • AI induced false perceptions
  • Wireless activation and manipulation
  • Weather warfare
  • Technology induced disasters
  • Lasers
  • Killer drones
  • Robotic soldiers
  • Poisoning of all beneficial elements
  • Release of new toxins
  • Release of new predators
  • Weaponization of all medications and medical procedures
  • Highly potent and destructive conventional weapons

War is a seriously researched subject with massive investment. The thinkers, ideators, innovators, and manufacturers are waiting with bated breath to witness the deployment of their new technology. They will be laughing and clapping at the display fully knowing they too will be consumed in the process.

This is the new mindset replacing the traditional do good, conserve, preserve, self sacrifice mentality that is our real heritage.