This is spiritual warfare


Hinduism declares that everything is energy. Everything is also cyclical; creation, operation, and death or recycling. From energy everything springs (through a medium called Hiranyagarbha or the golden womb), everything is maintained by energy, and the recycling is also via an energy. Therefore energy is the focus of all life on earth.

There is positive energy and there is negative energy. Both are needed for creation. In good times the positive energy dominates, the negative energy is dominated upon and keeps a grudge that accumulates. In the end times that grudge is allowed to find an expression. The negative energy is allowed to flourish and is used as the tool for destruction. Thus life is a play of the opposites.

Currently at the absolute end times (2024 - 2032), the negative energy becomes all powerful. It seeks not only to destroy but also to snub out all possibility of another recreation. It is a very narcissistic energy that knows that it too will be snubbed out in the process but it goes ahead anyway. It is blind in its rage. Hindu's call it Mother Kali on rampage.

At such times the positive energy (the husband of the negative energy) stirs and makes its presence felt. It is Lord Shiva, the consort of Mother Kali. At the opportune moment the focused positive energy lies supine in the path of Mother Kali. The Mother steps on her husband, realizes her folly, brings out her tongue acknowledging the mistake, and stops.

We have an abundance of Mother Kali within us. The Goddess energy is the one that runs the world. But there is also Shiva within us. When the Goddess runs amok, Shiva is to be invoked to bring her to the senses.

Therefore the mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" is supposed to be the most effective mantra for this age.