Come let us learn about social engineering
are getting accustomed to words like weather modification, geo-engineering and
the like. But perhaps the most pernicious among them all is social engineering.
human civilization is used to cultures, social norms, religion and spiritual
values, the family as a unit, and community life. The diversity has existed
since ages. People separated geographically had diverse ways of life.
diversity acted as barriers to the spread of malaise and provided cushions
against invasions and negativity. When suffering came it visited portions of
life on earth and people not on that wavelength survived the consequences.
came the age of conquest. Powerful rulers were not satisfied with what they had
and wanted to plunder, loot, and win the world. They succeeded but had to
accede their global gains over time as those they invaded resented them and
their own soldiers rebelled and wanted to return home.
ambitions know no bounds. A rich group of people decided to start where others
left off. They had a long term goal and the tools to achieve it. They had
money, superior arms, sharp political brains, the intense desire to accumulate
more, the lack of conscience, sadistic intentions, a religious base that has a
dark past, and they had mastery over the occult.
had looted their precincts and eyed faraway lands that were rich and
prosperous. Russia, India and Africa enchanted them. They also noticed that
people were strong in religion and spirituality, and esoteric knowledge was
available to civilizations. They feared this as it had the power to counter the
depravity they practiced.
not only had to destroy cultures, but also the religious structure and social
cohesion to establish their long term rule. Thus began the social engineering
we are witnessing all around us.
two World Wars were a huge social engineering project. Nothing disturbs the
social fabric more than a world war. The next step was the deliberate spread of
Communism by the Capitalists. This brought down well entrenched civilizations and settlements. By
projecting itself as anti religion Communism provided the perfect tool to bring down
existing structures. It also established cruel rulers who delighted in
torturing the masses.
and riots destroyed families and uprooted people from their lands. Urban
ghettos provided labour for the industrial revolution. The people also lost the
security of their traditional livelihoods and became dependent on the system.
other step was to create schisms within communities such that community
cohesion was disrupted leading to more insecurity and more dependence. Changing
the demography of a region by allowing non locals into the territory, and
allowing mass conversions to spark unrest is also a part of social engineering.
were now entirely dependent on a global network that delighted in planning
their demise. Just like the shepherd who brings up his flock only to slaughter
them for meat.
are the best friend of the shepherds. The political system became that friend.
It kept the people on a leash in exchange for the power and prosperity that
became theirs in return for the betrayal of trust imposed by the public.
monetary system built upon the US Federal Reserve and its paper money began a
wild goose chase. People struggled to earn money that could be printed at will
and ironically ensure the slavery of those running after it.
came the poisoning phase. The soil was poisoned, the crops were poisoned, food
was poisoned, and the industrial revolution poisoned the world. Big pharma
capitalized on this and ruled people with its own poisons. The system ensured
that people poisoned people for profit.
intense poisoning resulted in deep seated changes in the human being. All
benevolence was lost. The mind and emotions became toxic. The downward mind
found it extremely difficult to follow moral and ethical rules and people
became rebels, rebelling against natural laws. The rebels were eulogized to
spread intense dissatisfaction among the people. They were told that being
human in itself is slavery and that they must accede to far reaching changes.
engineering now involved the core of the human body and mind. Gender bending,
the distortion of childhood, diseases and disabilities of various shades, and mental illness flooded the world. Pharma ensured the cause remained hidden and
instead turned them into campaigns to bring in even more destruction.
healthy humanity lies at the core of a healthy civilization. Demons who rule
over us fear that health. They seek to have more of demons and are busy
converting in hordes. The schisms in society prevent people from realizing the
obvious. They blame each other at the atrocities of the engineered human and those
responsible delight in watching them fight.
engineering is now intense. 65% of the world's population is now impregnated
with chemicals and devices that make them vulnerable to more engineering. The
technological advances they are willingly accepting are but means to control
internet of things, internet of bodies, 15 minute cities, digital IDs and
currencies, and the universal basic income is advancing the engineering to
unprecedented heights.
whole of humanity is inches close to utter chaos and destruction. If only we
would stop fighting each other and recognize that those funding us do not have
our best interest at heart!
fluoride in the water, the many drugs and injections we are subjected to, the
anti nutrient diet, the slave education, and the world of sensual entertainment
has combined to make us blind to what goes on around us.
are exactly where the system wants us to be.
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