Silver lining in dark times
worst of black clouds have a silver lining. What is that silver lining for this
age? I can discern two. There is abundance of knowledge for those who wish to
discover. And then, as the Mother of Pondicherry declared, this age is where
the level of consciousness gets a boost for the next step - the Suprahuman.
words of the Mother, "If only the world would consent to be
spiritualized!" always rings in my ears. Materialism and the abandoning of
the spiritual quest has been the bane of this world. This will also be the
source of pain as the world crumbles and the people immersed in the world feel
that everything that they cherish has gone.
world has witnessed many a catastrophe. None has stopped the human race from
picking up and starting again. The people were stoic. They were physically and
mentally strong. They were accustomed to two worlds - inner and outer. What
happens now with the people who have no idea of the inner existence? This time
things will be tough.
must never put all your eggs in one basket. By depending only on the material
world and neglecting our contact with the spiritual world we have opened the
floodgates of pain. The misguided world we live in has also weakened us and
sapped our strength.
people have been herded into this state by offering the carrot of pleasure and
the stick of one-upmanship. People have competed with each other to hurtle
towards doom.
all is not lost yet. Slowly disentangle from the world around you and devote
some time for contemplation. The world has entered your innards like the water
that enters the boat and threatens to drown it. You have to exorcise the demon
of the world from within you. Stop thinking about the world. Stop thinking the
world will collapse unless you participate. It can do without you.
are not this world. It is a mirage dancing before you trying to capture all of
your attention. Know it to be the illusion that it is and realize that you are
the indestructible base. You are the energy in which the mirage is reflected.
When the mirage vanishes you exist in all your splendor.
Contemplate on all of this. Stop thinking of yourself as an individual. Mentally withdraw and create that space within you that will soften the shock that is coming.
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