In the new world order you are a commodity.


Google is now tracking all users and recording their coordinates. In the World Health Summit the Mayo Clinic representative has declared, "We are hoping to gather the medical records of everybody on earth".

These are components of what is coming. The SDG 2030 requires the codification of everything in this world. If you are living in a city your house is now a code. All this codification will allow direct ownership of the state. Let us not call it a state because we will be ruled by a business entity. The East India Company will own the world and rule it according to something we are still looking out for. Probably it will be a strange creature that will have AI at his/her/hermaphrodite command; a very scary thing to contemplate.

You will be a commodity at the mercy of your owner. The whole world (and the people who will be herded into smart cities) will have no decision power of its own.

The plan has become very clear after G 20;

  • Digital ID that will capture everything about you and will guide you towards becoming a good citizen
  • Social and climate credits are being honed in several countries
  • Digital health card and vaccine passports. No escape. No consent needed
  • Digital economy. Digital currency; access to which depends on good behavior and compliance. All wealth liquidated and "what you really need" doled out. Privileged few stay out of the plan
  • AI based surveillance. 24/7 tracking. Big brother is already watching you. Indoor surveillance is coming
  • One Health Approach and mandates under WHO. Only sickness and pain
  • Mandatory vaccination (and treatment) under Pandemic Treaty
  • As the new vaccines are mRNA and DNA vaccines they are changing DNA and preparing the population to be owned by the corporate world who own the necessary patents
  • Climate change regime. Climate emergencies, lockdowns. The lifestyle you need to adopt has been designed in India

The "don't own anything, no privacy, yet happy" proposition stays. "Build back better" is the path it will take.

It is just a mirror image of the real world. You were products of nature given all the freedom and resources to lead a decent life. But soon you will be the artificial world’s slave to live in a hell you will be forced to call heaven. Just like the Chinese are doing now for the sake of social credit.

China is being positioned to bring about the necessary changes. The Dragon will ruthlessly rule aided by a coterie behind the curtain. Putin may not last. Who will replace him? I think the WEF has that figured out.

2023 will be about implementing and putting all the structures in place. 2024 will need wars to carve the 10 nations. Europe will be rebuilt and restructured to be the Capital. We know what country and race will eventually be in power.

What are the chinks in this armor? I see a few;

  • The political and military structures currently in power may not be willing to give up
  • The one world religion will see religious hardliners up the ante
  • The masses will not like it
  • The process of wars and strife set in motion may go out of control
  • Natural disasters can be unpredictable

How do we prevent what is coming?

  • We need to stop cooperating
  • We need to stop obeying
  • We need to do the opposite of what we are told to do

In many countries the masses will indeed do this leading to huge disturbances. The youth will rebel as unemployment soars. These disturbances will be utilized to put in more stringent measures. Armed drones and robotic entities will be in full display. The robot police will be on the streets.

They hope that what will emerge from these disturbances will be the world they have envisaged. But we know that there may be unexpected asteroid strikes and huge earthquakes that will reshape the world. The world will also flip rendering all electronic wizardry useless.

Things will not be easy; people will need to die fighting. Everybody must prepare for what is coming.