Hinduism : Reforms are built into the system.
Hinduism is the only religion where reforms are built into the
The great reformers have been Lord Shiva, Lord Rama, Sri
Krishna, Sankaracharya, Ramanuja, Guru Nanak, Buddha, Sri Chaitanya, Sri
Ramakrishna, Raja Rammohan, Vidyasagar, Swami Vivekananda, the Arya Samaj etc.
Hindu scriptures are divided into two parts; Shruti and Smruti. While one deals
with revealed truths, the other is about how society has to operate. The
societal rules change as society progresses.
The inner world and outer world are different and have different
rules. Science is a half hearted attempt to understand the outer world. Half hearted
because it is intent on imposing its will and favouring corporate forces.
Therefore we have disasters like modern medicine, modern agriculture, the war
machine and the loot and wanton destruction of nature. Today we stand on the
brink of destruction.
Science is also half hearted because it ignores its own advances
in the field of quantum physics. Quantum physics has affirmed what Indian sages
have revealed tens of thousands of years ago. The world is an illusion made up
of dream stuff.
The right way to live is a balance between the inner and outer
lives. Our ancestors achieved it. They had scientific knowledge and technology
they used very judiciously. Spiritual inquiry followed a strict system of logic
and debates.
We did a huge blunder by shutting ourselves off from the wisdom
of our ancestors and following the greedy lot of pirates that took over the
world and established their own system they aggrandized as "science".
Even today there is time and scope to reexamine what we have
left behind. There is the need to understand why society is in a turmoil and
why it is being fanned.
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