Has the time come? The end of 2022 may not be good.
the time come?
feel a period of extreme turmoil is upon us. I have told you about the prophecy
regarding the mass deaths of cows and how it will be followed by mass human
deaths. That time may have arrived. Though the official figure is 67,000
deaths from lumpy skin disease, many more have died and the deaths will only increase.
10th September 2022 a tumultuous period is indicated that will continue up to
April 2023. What I have gleaned it has implications for the State of Odisha,
India, as well as the world.
tough times come when two planets are in retrograde. In this period there are
several planets in retrograde motion. Such happenings indicate ferocious wars
that will be terrible to behold, strike terror as well as take lives. The war
will involve places where there are border disputes. Will the predicted
Indo-China-Pak war take place? What about the China Taiwan confrontation and
escalation on the Russia Ukraine front? A lunar eclipse in November does not
bore well and indicates a serious natural calamity that may befell Odisha.
Parallelly there will be a huge economic fall out, create food and commodity shortages,
and may decimate the stock market.
December 2019 the planetary configurations have been ominous but have not
translated into the type of action they should have in ordinary times. There is
the prediction that in the end times astrological calculations will fail. That
certainly is happening. But astrologers I follow are apprehensive about the
period September 2022 to April 2023. And so are the people who are following the
Malika of Achyutananda.
had asked everyone to look at the Jagannath Temple for signs. Well the Temple
has done its bit.
It is embroiled in a controversy over demolition and construction around it
On two occasions kites have ominously circulated its top
The sky above it was painted red
The flag atop it caught fire
The kitchen at both Jagannath Temple and the Gundicha Temple were vandalized.
This is unprecedented and a sure indication of huge food shortages and famine
The jewelry storehouse within its premises is in the thick of a controversy
A huge stone fell from the top into the inner space where the Trinity reside
narrowly missing the deities
The Temple was flooded creating the illusion of an ocean within it. This is indicative
of the ocean moving in
A lady committed suicide by jumping from the top of the front gate
The Aruna Stambha, the iron pillar in front of it has developed serious cracks.
The prophecy is it will disappear and indicate the presence of Kalki. The Aruna
Stambha represents the Sun and this event is considered ominous. The pillar
ought not to develop cracks and the crack has puzzled all
The end time prediction that the people of Odisha will be found lacking in
their fervor towards the Lord has also come true. The Temple has lost its
ambience and become a tourist spot
The prediction that the Lord will be maligned has also come true
list of signs is nearly complete. Only a skirmish within its premises spilling
blood is awaiting to happen. The events surrounding it indicate some kind of
nefarious design but destruction will arrive before it can culminate.
coming time will be particularly painful for devotees. They have to prove their
worth through it.
can be painful. The knowledge that there may be a great destruction ahead is
very heavy to bear.
2022 has always been
slated to be eventful. So far it has been relatively quiet. What is going to
happen in the remaining four months? 2023 will bring its own share of problems.
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