Books to read on the spiritual path
ask me for the books to read to travel on the spiritual path. What you should
read depends on your temperament. Often you will automatically be drawn to the
books that suit you.
I will try to suggest some that are full of wisdom;
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Who am I? by Sri Ramana Maharshi
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
The Maharshi's Gospel - Parts I and II
Advaita Bodha Dipika - Lamp of non dual knowledge by Ramanan Saraswati
Master of Self Realization by Sri Sadguru Siddharameswar
I Am That by Sri Nisargadutta Maharaj
The Ashtavakra Gita
The Bhagavad Gita
Avadhoota Gita
Isvara Gita
The Shiva Sutras
112 meditations for self realization - Vijanana Bhairava Tantra
The Spanda Karikas
Brahma Vidya by Swami Poornananda Tirtha
For the pleasure of
reading please read the lives of Sri Ramakrishna (also that of his disciples),
Sri Ramana Maharshi, and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. You will experience divine
nectar while going through them. As Sri Krishna is considered the Poorna Avatar
one should read his life and exploits too.
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