How to stop the next pandemic
Dr Bill Gates, the world's greatest doctor as per Google search has come out
with a book titled how to stop the next pandemic. He stresses on financing,
technology, networks, and his favourite product now coming in a form that can
get ready in 100 days; trial and all.
is joking. He has no intention of stopping any pandemic. He has already laid
the foundation for a myriad diseases striking the planet for the next 100
years. His book is for marketing the various products that pharma is now busy
conjuring for they have a more than fair idea of what is coming. Bill wants the
world to invest in those networks and products which in turn will create the
market for plenty more. That is how pharma works. That is how the chain of
marketers, sellers, lobbyists, fellows, and scholarship holders earn and
what really can stop pandemics?
simple fact is ignored. Health would be great for the people but it will
decimate the industry and destroy the economy surrounding suffering and disease.
Health is clearly not wanted by those who have sold their souls to this
can health come about? Very easy.
We need to follow the natural laws of health; eating, sleeping, and waking on
time; being exposed to elements; doing physical work
We need to take care of food and nutrition
We need to take care of sewerage and sanitation
We need to stop depending on toxic chemicals
We need to understand the natural processes of the body and the value of acute
We need to take care of nature
We need to take care of the other life forms
We need to be honest and ethical
We should keep each other happy
We should engage ourselves in fruitful pursuits
Above five points would release the happy hormones that are the body's pharmacy
doing all of the above is what is not easy. Our present world has developed and
is developing on the assumption that these are not necessary. Modern medical
science would term it as quackery.
Standing on the brink
of extinction; threatened by disease, war and natural calamities, it is time to
put a brake on the mindless ventures of the modern world. Maybe if we can all
stand up in unison and refuse to participate things would change.
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