Recognizing & Acting on the K-O-BH-I-D Fraud
The Fraud.
- Viruses are not external threats
- Viruses are formed WITHIN the body for cleaning
up extreme toxicity
- They are protein codes encased in fat cells to
carry out a task
- They do not possess life, cannot do anything
outside the code instructions
- They have a short existence, and disintegrate
after the task is over
- They need a medium to survive
- Therefore it is NOT POSSIBLE to isolate and
purify any virus
- Viruses are so small they can possibly only be
seen under an electron microscope
- Electron microscopes require special preparation
of the samples to be seen under it. This process will disintegrate any virus
- Electron microscopes emit heat. Viruses cannot
survive that heat
- Thus the images of viruses we see are artistic
- Another method used is to take a RNA fragment and
create a computer model around it
- This method has been used to create the current
Ko virus and is therefore being challenged
- Viruses are not external. They are formed within
the body
- Therefore the concept of infectious viral disease
is a figment of imagination
- Viruses do not jump species
- Viruses in all species are similar, therefore it
can be manipulated to prove that they have jumped species
- This is why the RTPCR tested goat samples as
- Thus animal viral diseases cannot jump to humans.
But toxins emitted by the animal world affects humans
- Those toxins affect only the person targeted.
There can be no human to human transmission and epidemics
- That viruses do not cause disease is very evident
and the viral disease industry faced collapse and closure
- Anthony Fauci then stepped in with his yet to
prove HIV causes AIDS theory that attracted huge funds and saved the industry
- Now you know why Fauci is the darling of the
- He is the mastermind whose fertile thoughts are
behind many medical illusions
- He is a Freemason and uses the White House podium
to flash Masonic symbols
- He is the brain behind the current crisis
- There is no Ko virus
- The media was used to float the theory of a
lethal lab bred virus to create fear and also justify the trial with
potentially lethal drugs
- In reality the new symptoms are a result of
electricity/radio/internet/radar waves and other toxins
- The question now is what else is the media doing?
- Why is the media now revealing the dangers of the
Ko vaccine?
- What is it programming us for again?
As I say this illusion is very deep. What could be
happening behind the scenes?
- We are being handed out an impossible scenario
- There seems to be no escape
- Suddenly something happens and we feel there is
- A messiah appears on the scene to save us
- We wholeheartedly accept that messiah and feel
the crisis has been averted
- There is a false dawn
- In accepting the false messiah we step into the
New World - exactly the same that we face now
- We voluntarily accept what we were rejecting
Let us never forget that only a spiritual society
and spiritual world is acceptable. Let us not deviate from that goal.
Let us not fall into the trap. Let the Supreme
Consciousness alone be what we seek.
You all know the plan don't you?
First the wars, disasters, disease
and pestilence to depop by 95%. And then;
- Artificial intelligence ruled
- No private property
- Digital economy
- Microchipping
- Universal basic income based on
social credit
- Mandatory vaccinations
- Chip and sensor based healthcare
- Artificial lab generated food
- Life only in smart cities
- Work where you are assigned
- Constant surveillance
- Microchip/ nano particles based
thought policing
- Sex with robots if you are good and
eligible; based on social credit
- Movement only through electric
vehicles that can be tracked and controlled
- EMF shocks and elimination of those
who disobey
- Disabling chip to discipline
Because we need to be protected from
viruses and climate change.
When will that spiritual world come? After the war
and destruction. There will be no shortcuts. The world will rejuvenate itself
through an intense ice age that may last many years. There will be other
natural events releasing very bitter poisons that will cleanse the world of
artificial toxins.
We need not fear. We are all spiritual beings. But
our decisions will affect us and our future in the material plane. If there is
a war we should fight for what we think is right and proper that will lead us
to the spiritual world. We have to battle the dark forces. Currently many are
embracing them for the sake of convenience and material gains. That is a great
mistake because all the current world's material comforts will perish along
with its creations. Those who side with the dark forces will lose both at
spiritual and material levels. They will have nothing in their balance sheet
and will be denied the great spiritual potential of the coming age that will
last a thousand years.
As Mahasambhuti Chakradhar had told us, the brave
have to fight. Every living being will face a situation where there will be no
other go but to fight. The choice of good and bad will come to all and one has
to choose wisely. He had great hope on the youth. And currently it is the youth
who are leading from the front.
We have hardly two or at best three years. Prepare for what is coming.
Wake up from your slumber.
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