My Talk on Vaccines in JNU center for Social Medicine & Community Health
7th October 2020 I delivered a lecture to Professors and students of the JNU
Center for Social Medicine and Community Health. It was a part of an ongoing
lecture series. I have been asked to prepare for another.
My lecture was about the following;
- My own vaccine injury
- My four decades long fight against
- Concept of health and disease as per
holistic systems
- Need for medicine to change if it
wishes to stay relevant
I also answered questions regarding
Covid 19 and how doctors could spread awareness about vaccine dangers.
I began by stating I was honoured to
be addressing an institute founded by the renowned Prof Debabar Bannerjee who
is a relentless voice against corruption in medicine. He was among the first
group that declared vaccines were a betrayal of trust.
The important points I shared were;
- I developed multiple sclerosis,
bipolar disorder, behavioural and communication problems, memory problems, suffered
liver and spleen damage, irritable bowel, and serious gut problems from a
vaccine given to me when I was 17. I still continue to suffer from depression
and neuromuscular problems that flare up from time to time
- Nobody was willing to admit the
vaccine connection. Dr Herman Fudenberg, the renowned immunologist, was the
first to confirm that it was a vaccine reaction. Later doctors from the IMA and
IAP visited me in their personal capacities and confirmed that the vaccine was
- Doctors are not aware of vaccine
adverse effects and controversies as they are not a part of the medical
- Financial incentives propel
vaccines. According to Dr Vipin Vashistha, Executive Committee Member, IAP,
vaccines in the private sector, which prescribes 15 vaccines in addition to the
government schedule, generate revenue of INR 8100 crores (INR 9400 crores in
2019) and this drives vaccines. This statement of his was resented and he was
physically assaulted in an IAP conference and dismissed from the IAP. This is
despite the fact that he is a very senior person and authors almost all of the
IAP textbooks on vaccines
- The industry gains from the around
400 adverse effects attributed to vaccines. 217 adverse effects reported after
vaccinations are clearly mentioned in vaccine package inserts. 180 adverse
effects have been recorded so far in clinical trials. 1339 published scientific
studies in the NIH database discuss vaccine link to 404 adverse effects
including death. The IOM has investigated 156 adverse effects, considered 153
to be genuine and reserved its judgment in the other 3
- Vaccines contain heavy metals like
mercury, aluminum, cadmium and lead. The Corvelva Institute examined vaccines
and also found a wide variety of metals ranging from copper to Uranium.
Glyphosate is a vaccine contaminant. Other contaminants range from monkey
viruses, bovine viruses, and avian viruses to glass pieces, stainless steel,
and latex rubber. Vaccines contain many suspicious ingredients that ought not
to be there in the first place; like polysorbate and the spermicide Triton X
- The Government of India has always
maintained that vaccine deaths (10,612 in a 10 year period) and injuries
(600,000 every year) are coincidental. The children were due to die and develop
diseases anyway (even injection injuries) and the vaccines were coincidentally
administered in the same time
- Vaccine opposition is not tolerated.
Eminent doctors and immunologists like Dr Herman Fudenberg, Dr Shiv Chopra, Dr
Pushpa Mittra Bhargava, Dr Vipin Vashistha and Dr Andrew Wakefield have been
victimized and subject to slander because they dared to speak out against the practice
- I narrated how I too am slandered
and threatened even as I write articles that are factual and fully referenced.
Vaccines have become a God that must not be criticized
- There is no reason vaccines should
continue. The negative impacts of vaccines are visible everywhere. Safety of
vaccines can never be determined as clinical trials do not use genuine
placebos. Efficacy is manipulated by false statistics, changes in disease
nomenclature, and changes in diagnostic criteria
- There is no will to determine
vaccine safety. As per a Harvard study funded by the CDC less than 1% of
adverse effects are ever reported. CDC pulled the funding when the study team
declared they wished to develop a mechanism to strengthen the reporting system
- When patients present with disease,
no doctor expresses any interest in delving into vaccination history. The
patients remain blissfully unaware about the myriad vaccine adverse effects.
Vaccinations continue because of this willful neglect and ignorance
- Children have become extremely sick
and are affected by all diseases witnessed in elderly after vaccines have been
introduced. As per a 2011 study 54% of children suffer from chronic diseases.
They currently suffer from more disease conditions than the elderly. You cannot
open a pediatric clinic without having neuropsychiatrists, development disorder
specialists, oncologists, and endocrinologists. There are hospitals devoted to
children and every hospital has a NICU. This is horrific considering that prior
to pediatricians appearing on the scene children tended to be healthy
- Vaccines are supposed to prevent
diseases by producing antibodies. Infants and children do not have the ability
to produce antibodies. The immune system develops around the ages of 5 to 8
years and matures at the age of 33
- Common childhood illnesses have a
protective effect. They prevent chronic diseases and cancers. Today cancers are
being cured using the measles, mumps, chicken pox, and polio viruses
- There is no evidence vaccines have
either eradicated or eliminated any disease
- We should debate whether an
intensely toxic pharmaceutical product linked to hundreds of serious adverse
effects can be part of any public health program
- In comparison holistic systems are
health focused. They seek to keep the healthy at the peak of their health, lead
the unhealthy towards health, and cure the sick
- According to holistic systems
disease is about Toxemia. They are caused due to toxic accumulation in the
body. Acute diseases are about the body trying to detoxify
- Treatment in holistic systems
involve detoxification, augmenting vitality, strengthening functions of
elimination organs, repairing tissue damage and educating the people about
lifestyle. These systems also emphasize the need for a safe and non toxic
environment. There is an element of selflessness, respect and reverence imbibed
in these systems
- I explained the concepts behind
naturopathy, ayurveda, tibetan medicine and homeopathy. It is a pity these
wonderful and effective systems are being ignored and branded as quackery
- The medical profession needs to
change if it wants to retain its credibility. The members of the profession
must reflect on what motivated them to study medicine and enter the profession.
Replying to a question on whether
Covid 19 was a real crisis I replied;
- This crisis has been planned since
2010. The doctors and scientists who claim they have isolated the virus have
admitted that there are many assumptions. Till date no pathogen has ever
fulfilled the Koch or Rivers postulates. Antibodies were once indicators of
protection but now they have become indicators of disease. The Covid tests are
not searching for SARS-Cov-2. The deaths are now being attributed to treatment.
Under the circumstances it is difficult to say what is going on
- Dr Peter Doshi has examined the
Covid vaccine clinical trial protocols and found that they are not designed to
protect from infection and reduce hospitalizations and deaths. So what do these
vaccines aim to do?
- The mRNA and DNA vaccines due to be
released are experimental and the manufacturers have never tried them before
fearing serious adverse effects
- The vaccines are using controversial
adjuvants like Squalene and Aluminum Hydroxide gel
- The vaccines are not being tested
against genuine placebo but against the highly reactive meningococcal vaccine
- The clinical trials have resulted in
serious adverse effects like multiple sclerosis and transverse myelitis that
disable for life. There have also been ICU admissions. At a stage the trial
subjects developed corona symptoms that were managed with paracetamol
- We do not have a Covid vaccine
despite 18 years of effort because the vaccine causes disease enhancement. The
dengue vaccine Dengvaxia that caused disease enhancement led to more than 600
deaths in the Philippines. The 154 autopsies conducted revealed extensive
internal haemorrhage.
- Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have
warned that the vaccine will adversely affect a very large number of people
Replying to a question on what doctors
can do to raise awareness on the vaccine issue, I said,
- There is an element of fear while
tackling the pharmaceutical industry. This fear has to be overcome
- Persecution can be avoided if the
awareness campaigns are backed up by statistics, studies and evidence
- Doctors should emerge from their
slumber and raise their voice or face extinction
In the end the moderator thanked me
and hoped I would remain a part of the deliberations being taken forward by the
When I say there is no evidence
vaccines have eradicated or eliminated any disease, the question immediately
pops up; what about small pox and polio? So I need to repeat the facts again
and again.
Small pox;
- What people are unaware is that
Jenner's idea that cow pox would eradicate small pox was opposed because such
an idea was already suggested by a farmer prior to him and people rejected the
idea because they had noticed milkmaids infected with cow pox came down with
small pox. It offered no protection
- Jenners concoction was horrific. The
puss of small pox pustules was collected from dead bodies of victims. This was
passed through cows, then through horses, then again through calves, and
sometimes again through men. This became the vaccine material. There was no
attempt to see what was in it and the concoction was used till the last drop
regardless of decomposition
- In countries like India and Africa
dogs, goats, rabbits, hens, and even monkeys were used to produce the vaccine
material that was called "pure vaccine lymph"
- This pure vaccine caused the most
dreadful diseases to spread among populations. It spread bovine syphilis and
the dreaded syphilitic pox, the destructive form, replaced the earlier
aggravated chicken pox type disease that left no marks. The epidemics increased
and so did the number of fatalities
- Where people protested and refused
to take the vaccine both incidence of pox and deaths therefrom reduced
drastically. The official statistics are available to prove this
- The vaccine spread syphilis,
tuberculosis, leprosy and other serious skin disorders, cancers, serious
neurological problems, serious mental disorders, all kinds of digestive
disorders, plague, and incidence of diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus
skyrocketed in children and the opportunity was used to push in the DPT shot
- At a point of time it became
abundantly clear the vaccine was a disaster. It should have been stopped. But
the WHO stepped in and decided to organize a small pox eradication campaign
using the same vaccine. Probably it was realized that vaccines cause serious
diseases and those diseases would brighten the prospects of the infant
pharmaceutical industry trying to find its legs
- The WHO devised a strategy.135,000
cases of polio worldwide were inflated to 3.5 million to justify the drive.
Then the cases of small pox were bifurcated into chicken pox, measles, eczema,
and rash. As the disease was spreading abnormally among those vaccinated,
doctors were told those cases could not be small pox because they were
vaccinated. Therefore doctors started recording them in other names
- But even these methods did not help.
The vaccine continued to create havoc. The WHO then observed that the countries
that refused the vaccine were adopting methods like sanitation, hygiene and
nutrition. It too advocated these measures
- Suddenly small pox disappeared. It
disappeared all over the world regardless of vaccination status. It disappeared
also in those regions that had refused the vaccine. However the clout of the
WHO ensured that the vaccine took the credit
- Much later the vaccine was examined
to know what was contained in it. To everyone's utter surprise the vaccine
contained neither the small pox virus, nor the cow pox virus, or the horse pox
virus! A fictitious virus name was invented, the vaccinia virus, and declared
to be present in the vaccine. The origin of the virus and how it
"eradicated" small pox remains a mystery
One of the greatest lies of the
medical empire was perpetrated on the people.
The small pox eradication strategy
came to be known as the small pox eradication model. It was applied in the
polio eradication campaign.
- There were around 31,000 documented
cases of polio worldwide when the polio eradication programme was taken up
- The figures were inflated to 350,000
and further to 400,000 to justify the drive
- Of the 31000 cases around 10 to 20%
or at best 6200 cases were due to viral polio
- Polio can be caused by neurotoxins
like DDT and arsenic, heavy metals, other neurotoxins, tonsil operations, and
any kind of injection
- In India there were 12,000 cases
concentrated in UP and Bihar. Indian doctors recommended improvement in
hygiene, sanitation and nutrition instead of a vaccine renowned for causing
paralysis and cancers
- Polio viruses are usually harmless.
They do not cause any symptoms in majority. In rest they can cause symptoms of
common cold. In a very minuscule portion they can cause lameness. Of those
affected by lameness the majority recover. It is known that certain children
are susceptible to polio but the mechanism of how an intestinal virus causes
polio is not yet known
- The kind of visible polio we
witnessed earlier was due to the use of high quantities of DDT in agriculture
and malaria eradication programmes. When DDT was phased out these cases
disappeared. It was known as anterior horn paralysis
- After the program was launched the
cases of viral polio were segregated. So in one stroke 400,000 cases came down
to 6200
- The diagnostic criteria were
changed. While earlier lameness for 20 days was recorded as polio, the period
was extended to 60 days thus again drastically reducing the figures
- While earlier visible observation
was enough to record polio, it was made mandatory to check for virus in stools.
This further reduced the recorded cases
- A new category of non polio acute
flaccid paralysis was created to push cases into the non polio category
- The vaccine started causing
paralysis as the vaccine strain virus were shed in saliva and stools, became
extremely virulent as they collected in drains and caused waves of paralysis.
In fact all cases of polio recorded currently all over the world are due to the
- The WHO refuses to release the
number of children paralysed due to the vaccine. A study in India calculated
the AFP increase after vaccine rounds intensified came to the conclusion that 491,704
children were likely paralysed by the vaccine in between 2000 to 2017
- The cases paralysed by the vaccine
also have very high fatality rates. As Dr Jacob Puliyel remarked, "Cases
of polio and NPAFP are clinically indistinguishable but NPAFP cases have double
the fatality rate than polio."
- The Govt of India conceded once that
of the 10,612 deaths recorded immediately after vaccination, most occurred
after OPV and Pentavalent shots
- The WHO database showed 1000 cases
of AFP annually in India when the oral polio vaccine was launched. In 2012 when
India was declared polio free, there were 60,992 cases annually. Currently
there are more than 50,000 cases of AFP annually
- So for a disease attributed to
toxins, faulty medical procedures, lack of sanitation, hygiene and nutrition we
introduced a paralyzing product which has caused the Indian exchequer 14,000
crores up to 2012 and which has increased the rate of paralysis 60 times
- Cases of acute lymphoblastic
leukemia spiked alarmingly in children after the OPV campaign was introduced.
Nobody cared to investigate the connection. Polio vaccine seed material
contains simian viruses notorious for causing cancers
This was another stupendous lie.
When mass interventions are taken up
there should be abundant caution to ensure that no one is harmed. But mass
vaccination campaigns are taken up with the full knowledge that 100% of the
population will be needlessly harmed. The resultant diseases and disabilities
that are the output become the input for the pharmaceutical industry. They can
then push drugs and devices and also other vaccines for the diseases created by
the previous vaccines.
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