The False Dawn
This is just a note reflecting my sixth sense that does not believe our sufferings are going to end very soon. I may be wrong. I hope I am wrong.
We are programmed by Hollywood.
We have seen disaster movies. We have seen science fiction movies. Things get
dark, a fight ensues, there is mayhem, there is massacre, there is a great deal
of suffering, and then the rays of the Sun break through and the survivors walk
into a new dawn. Now why would Hollywood, a den of sin, keep on projecting that
image? Because that is the false dawn. The Sun breaking through is Lucifer. The
new age is the new world order of the satanic cult.
Something very similar seems to
be going on now. A humongous amount of corruption has been exposed. Child
sacrifice, child torture, pedophilia, cannibalism, drinking of blood and
hormonal secretions to stay young, satanic rituals, intense perversions, and
the fact that the spiritual leaders have switched sides to actively usher in
Lucifer and his brave new world. The Cross has been inverted.
Probably nether world inhabitants
have been called into this world. The satanic rituals are probably to give them
a physical body. Remember 'The Mummy'? The Hollywood blockbuster. The Priest
comes back to life with his army; receiving strength from every victim
devoured. All the abortions, the vile practice of inflicting unbearable torture
with mass toxic injections, the proliferation of porn, perversions, those weird
rituals, and the immense suffering and pain generated could be the process to
provide physical bodies to those low world spirits. Maybe in the near future we
could see a new breed of human like manifestations.
But the common man is likely to
be shocked by the evil, the profanity, the depths of deprivation. The new world
will never be accepted if this remains the base. Thus there is need for a
Those used to usher in this world
- those celebrities and high profile members of society - are mostly pawns
drawn into the plan by the promise to fulfill their ambitions and blackmail by
threatening to reveal the recordings of their participation in rituals. They
are expendables.
These expendables are now
sacrificed because they have lost their usefulness. They become the last
sacrifice to strengthen the new world order. Those bringing them down are
projected as heroes. The process is projected as the fight of good over evil.
After the process is over we are led to a new dawn with the Sun breaking out of
the clouds. We are led towards the new world order. The false dawn.
Improbable? Now let us turn
towards the Antichrist. A highly respected person who ostensibly fights to
bring order into the world. But a few actions give him away. He declares he is
Christ. He leads the world to the Armageddon. He builds a Temple which then
formally establishes his image as the new Messiah. He may be doing it
consciously. He may be doing it unconsciously. Who could that be?
It is time to be wary about
whatever that goes on in this world. Yes God is in charge of the entire
creation. But he is the King of Heaven. He is not the king of the earth. Here
Lucifer reigns and is immensely powerful. However the more Lucifer gains in
power, the stronger becomes his ego, and as he bloats he becomes vulnerable.
Then he falls. That is how God works. He lays down the rules and stays away. He
watches people breaking the rules, silently looks after those who follow them.
He watches and allows the false empire to prosper. He allows the falsity to
reach a peak. Then he watches the tower crumble. He lauds those who were
Once again, this is just a note. There are several ways of
looking at things. This is just one of them. My pain does not allow me to pray
or meditate. My pain does not allow me to enter inside. But throughout my
ordeal I remain His faithful servant. I have been instructed to remain a
witness. A witness I shall remain. I sit silently and watch the world go by. I
pen my thoughts and share.
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