The flawed basis of small pox vaccine.
(Image from Internet)
Edward Jenner, the creator of the smallpox vaccine in 1796,
based the vaccine on a mistaken superstition of the era that milkmaids or
farmers who had been infected with cowpox developed immunity to smallpox.
(Cowpox is a non-lethal, ulcerative disease on the udders of a cow which
sometimes causes ulcers on the hands of milkmaids or farmers who milk them.)
This supposition–that cowpox gives humans natural immunity from smallpox–was
never proven by Jenner or any other practitioner of vaccination from his era,
and has never been tested or proven by any of the pharmaceuticals who produce
the vaccine today.
To test his vaccine, Jenner
infected six children including his own infant son, with various experimental
"brews" including cowpox, swinepox and horse grease–the grease from
horses' hooves. His experiments killed an eight year old boy in a matter of
days from an uncontrolled ulcerative infection from the "horse
grease" vaccine, and the children were never exposed to any smallpox
epidemics to test their resistance. Later Jenner would force a vaccinated child
to sleep with a small pox affected person and the child emerged unscathed.
Jenner waited only four years before declaring that the vaccine that he named
vaccinia provided immunity from smallpox for life.
The vaccine was initially made by
slicing the abdomen of a cow, inserting pus from human smallpox obtained from
corpses of small pox victims, waiting for it to fester, and then making a cut
in a human arm and inserting the festering pus from the diseased cow. Later the
pus from the cows would also be used to infect horses and grease collected from
their hind legs that would be administered to people and the puss they
generated obtained for the vaccine. In India goats, dogs, and rabbits were used
in the process. In Africa monkeys were freely used leading to passing of the
simian imunnodeficiency virus into humans to cause the AIDS epidemic.
Because there was no
refrigeration, a single strain of the vaccine was sustained by passing it
directly from the pustules on human arms to human arms for decades, mixing and
combining diseases from countless humans. Orphaned children were frequently
used to propagate and maintain the virus.
As historical records clearly
show, this grotesque practice added virus upon virus to the vaccine as it
spread blood-borne illnesses from human to human including leprosy and
syphilis, mostly among children who were the main victims of vaccination.
There are thousands of documented
cases of the vaccine infecting children with syphilis, as for example in Italy
in the early 1800s when 64 children were infected in one vaccination incident
alone. Because the vaccine frequently caused an uncontrolled syphilitic canker,
many doctors of the day considered the vaccine itself to be syphilitic or at the
very least, contaminated with syphilis, and even Jenner understood this
connection as he treated the vaccine ulcers with mercury, the treatment for
syphilis at the time.
Other documented cases associated
the vaccine with tuberculosis, eczema, very serious neurological disorders,
digestive disorders of various hues, necrosis, tetanus, diphtheria, hacking
cough, paralysis, schizophrenia, insanity, and death. The vaccine caused small
pox and spread it like wildfire. The number of persons it killed was astronomical.
Not only was the vaccine
immediately noted for causing injuries and deaths, but doctors of the day
emphatically pointed out that it did not prevent smallpox.
In 1799, a Dr. William Woodville
conducted a study on several hundred patients which resulted in many deaths and
injuries as a direct result of the vaccine. But when he tried to publish the
negative results of the trial, Dr. Jenner himself wrote "I entreated him
in the strongest terms, both by letter and conversation, not to do a thing that
would so much disturb the progress of vaccination" in an attempt to censor
the facts that ran contrary to Jenner's theory.
Even as Jenner ignored the
evidence of harm and helped to suppress the facts, he was already receiving
government funding by an Act of Parliament who had funded him in the hopes that
a cure for smallpox had been found. When the hundreds of reports of injury and
death were published during the early years of vaccination, the government
should have admitted to funding a faulty program and ended it. Instead, they
invested £20,000 in 1807 and £3,000 per year thereafter, accepting as
"science" the claim that a procedure only seven years old would
protect from smallpox for life thereby making vaccination a permanent source of
income for the medical profession. It did increase their income because the
"protection" ultimately shifted to six months.
If it seems unbelievable that the
government of England should fund a medical procedure that not only didn't work
but actually caused serious harm, we need look no further than our own
pharmaceutical industry and government of today for the same pattern. Drugs
continue to be marketed even after they have been shown to cause death and
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