Vaccines, Antibiotics & Pornography.
Strange topic, is it not? However the
link is well known. The fear of sexually transmitted diseases and their
consequences had traditionally forced communities to lead moral lives.
Homeopaths who treated venereal diseases found that they converted into the
dreaded chronic body states when suppressed - known as sycosis and syphillis
miasms - and devastated generations as they are hereditary.
Earlier these diseases were 'treated'
with mercury preparations
and the results were horrific as the patients took on the additional burden of
mercury poisoning which again mimicked the syphillitic miasm. Then came
penicillin and the Rockefeller gang urged the populations to indulge without
fear. "Do anything you want and we are there with our antibiotics to treat
you and profit from it." Within a short period it became known that
antibiotics too drove the disease deeper and resulted in serious inheritable
physical and mental disease states but this knowledge was kept away from the
general public.
Vaccines contain
heavy metals which are known to affect the mind in many ways. Heavy metals
must never be used in their untreated form and here we are injecting them!
Entire civilizations have been known to disintegrate due to the adverse effects
of heavy metals. The Roman Empire fell as it used lead plumbing. The word Mad
Hatter came about as the lead lining in hats made workers mad. In Japan and
Iraq accidental mercury poisoning led to populations and even animals
displaying strange autism like symptoms. Those have been external or ingested
Thanks to
vaccines, metals like aluminium, mercury, cadmium, nickel and lead are being recklessly injected into
pregnant mothers, infants and children in doses far higher than even the
industry deems 'safe' to save their own skin. Vaccines also contain other
metals and animal and human serum. Consequently vaccinated population suffer
'vaccinosis' a chronic body state that is akin to sycosis. It makes the mind
vicious and cruel.
Doctors like Dr
Compton Burnett and medical historians like Dr Harris Coulter have written
books about these resultant mental states. Porn and sexual deviations are not a
choice for the vulnerable poisoned populations but an addiction they cannot do
without. Our Government has a "Health Intelligence" department which
appears to be in coma. They cannot notice the simple cause and effect relationship.
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