What does the WHO say about vaccines?

WHO on Mercury that is
also in vaccines:
According to the
National Consultant, Public Health and Environment (PHE) of the World Health
Organisation, Dr Edwin Edeh, mercury, which is widely used to extract gold in
artisanal and small-scale gold mining, is a lethal chemical with considerable
consequences on human health and the environment.
Some experts have disclosed that the health impacts of mercury
may not be immediately noticeable, since the effects manifest over time. But it
is public knowledge that communities where artisanal and small-scale gold
mining is practised do experience neurologic and kidney effects from mercury
exposure, among other health conditions.
The most common effects of mercury exposure are mental
retardation, delayed development, seizures as well as vision and hearing
loss. The cardiovascular and central nervous systems are the most vulnerable.
Exposure to mercury vapour has grave toxic effects on the nervous, digestive
and immune systems, including sensitive organs such as the lungs, kidneys, skin
and eyes. It poses serious health threats to unborn babies and children under
the age of five. For such kids, extreme exposure can lead to coma or death.
Exposure to mercury for women may result in malformations and
miscarriages during pregnancy. Many women have also reported menstrual cycle
disorders. The impacts of mercury vapour on the environment are equally potent.
As much as 95 per cent of mercury used in artisanal and small-scale gold mining
is released into the environment, and mercury air emissions are transported
far. Dredging and sluicing during mining may lead to land degradation and river
siltation, which ultimately poisons the groundwater used in communities.
What does the WHO say about
vaccinating infants?
According to a World Health
Organization (WHO) document, titled Vaccine Immunology:
On page 32, “Antibody responses
elicited before 12 months of age rapidly wane and antibody titers soon return
close to baseline levels.”
And: “The induction of strong
antibody responses to a single vaccine dose that would be given soon after
birth unfortunately currently remains an elusive goal, and adult-like responses
may eventually be only elicited in older infants”.
on vaccine safety:
vaccine safety depends upon clinical trials of the manufacturers. How capable
are they for revealing adverse effects? "According to the "2013
WHO Expert Consultation on the Use of Placebos in Vaccine Trials",
the following replacements are used in lieu of a true saline placebo: "In
place of a placebo, a vaccine against a disease that is not the focus of the
trial is given to participants who do not receive the trial vaccine." or,
an "add-on" vaccine can be used: "In this design, the trial
vaccine or placebo product is mixed with an existing vaccine not studied in the
trial, and the subjects are given either (a) the trial vaccine mixed with the
existing unrelated vaccine or (b) the combination of a placebo and the existing
unrelated vaccine." Thus the trials can never provide a genuine risk
The WHO admits: "A methodological disadvantage, however, is
that trials using these types of placebos provide a less perfect
control. It may be difficult or impossible to assess fully the safety and
reactogenicity of the trial vaccine." The reasons offered are vaccines are
classified as biological – therefore they do not require stringent safety
tests, and it would be unethical to deny the control group the use of a vaccine.[34]
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