The Role of Irrationality in Knowledge & Wisdom.

Why is irrationality a component of our minds? Does it serve a purpose?
The problem with scientists who consider irrationality to be an unwanted element is that they
deal with gross things and think that is all there is. But the world, though it
appears gross, is actually just a vibration in energetic fields. There is nothing solid in
this universe which is in essence only energy, as our studies have pointed out.
We sense this world according to the inputs of our senses.
There are members in the animal world
who have a sense of intuition and foreboding we have lost. Recently in Cyclone
Fani the animals of a reserve forest saved themselves by just moving away from
the cyclone zone before it even reached. Similarly there are animals and birds that
can see frequencies we cannot. Therefore most of us have seen dogs or cats
barking at or reacting even though we see nothing.
I had once listened to a physics
professor who was trying to explain quantum physics to us. We were young and
most of it went above our heads. But he said something that impressed us. He
said, suppose you have electron microscopes as eyes, how will the world look to
you? But can you say that the world you then observe is false? That was my
first brush with the fact that reality could be seen and felt in various ways.
Subsequently faced with very trying
circumstances I have myself had experiences that could not be explained. Also
faced with intense and severe unbearable pain in the entire spinal region I had
another experience. I distinctly felt the spine was a snake with its disc like hood spread
over my head and its body was moving and swaying including the lowest portion of the tail. It was a frightening and
unnerving experience. That is what people trying to awaken and raise their
kundalini feel. The kundalini acts like a snake with a raised hood.
So we must study a subject thoroughly
before trying to comment condescendingly about it. Our ideas are shaped by
foreigners whose intent was to make us feel that our own cultural experiences
and wisdom was inferior to what they were trying to impose on us in order to
spread their influence on the world. Today members of that same community are
busy studying Indian philosophy and tribal shamanic wisdom cutting across
cultures as they have come to a dead end with their own theories and
assumptions. There are also scientists and mathematicians who have acknowledged
that not their own minds but their subconscious minds have led to their
discoveries. That list includes Friedrich August Kekule, Ramanujan, and even
Albert Einstein. The people who pioneered real science (not the corporate
version that is popular today) were also philosophers and were humble in their
approach, qualities that tap the subconscious mind.
Science is fine but it has severe
limitations because it is limited to the senses. To move further we need to tap
into something else. That something else is consciousness that is all pervading
and is intelligent according to spiritually realized personalities. We cannot
tap into consciousness with rational thinking. It can be tapped only by raising
the irrational mode of thought. Spiritual practices or shamanic rituals tap
into regions of the mind that rational and egoistic people cannot because the
ego is a great limitation as it confines and binds us to a limited personality and
environment that we feel bound to.
It is like we earlier thought that
there was "junk DNA" but today we know that it has a very important
purpose we are not able to put a finger on. It actually determines how genes
function and can even modify them. Genetics is today known to be extremely
fluid and not static as thought earlier. Earlier we thought the appendix was
unnecessary. Today we know it is a storehouse of ancient bacteria that the body
can tap into when needed. So we have realized that there is nothing that is
without a purpose; similarly with rationality and irrationality.
Irrationality too has a purpose which
many are now waking up to. Eminent psychologists and psychoanalysts are today
studying shamanism and using their methods to reach other dimensions of
thought. There are doctors in India who are into Tantra and astrology. A lady
doctor has even written a wonderful book about her experience. So those seekers
who are earnest in their quest baulk at nothing. Single-mindedly they seek the
truth. Our ignorance and ego are our greatest limitations which are stumbling
blocks to progress. As a result we have created a society where crisis has
become normal.
There is no end to learning. Provided
we are eager to learn and go beyond our seeming limitations. The all knowing
consciousness that alone exists is not apart from us. It is always giving. We
must learn how to receive. That learning process was the preparatory stage of
spirituality that our ancestors in India had established. It created lofty and
selfless character that not only bestowed wisdom but also taught the
responsibility to deal with knowledge and wisdom. It was a far cry from the
corporate funded scientific charlatans and the self declared god men that are
plenty in today’s world.
Let us take another subject related to medicine. Homeopathy. The discoverer of Homeopathy, Dr Christian Samuel Hahnemann was not only an MD and a chemist. He was a multi faceted genius. However when he discovered homeopathy he initially became an object of ridicule. But most MD's of the day were unlike their modern counterparts. They were critical of homeopathy, but their criticism could only be complete after a thorough study of what Hahnemann had discovered. So they studied homeopathy in earnest, mastered the principles, and applied the remedies to their patients as per the principles. To their amazement, the results were outstanding and the patients were cured. They found that homeopathy was not only scientific but an amazing revolution in the subject of medicine. They then converted in hordes to homeopathy in diverse countries like Germany, UK, USA, France, and even India. Do the MD's that today's corporate medicine produces and employs have that integrity and capability? No. They are the best of charlatans trying to protect their turf rather than thinking about the patients they have taken an oath to serve.
Therefore the choice is ours. Do we want to fulfill
what we have appeared for, or do we wish to remain caged in our egos and superfluous
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