Vaccination Voodoo: Magic & Illusion.

When something is being indiscriminately and repeatedly injected
into children worldwide at an unprecedented scale you would expect that all
possible safety and efficacy tests have been conducted to ensure the lives and
health of the children.
But vaccine safety is never
ascertained. In clinical trials vaccines are never compared to a genuine
placebo group. Two groups are given two different vaccines so that adverse
effects in both groups are similar and the vaccine being tested can be declared
safe in comparison. This test too is carried out for usually 4 to 5 days which
is a joke. Even within this period severe effects and deaths are ignored. No
clinical examination of the children is done. The mothers are required to keep
a dairy and note down observations that are accepted for the trials. But the
plea of mothers who observe and report adverse effects after vaccines are
licensed and in the market are laughed at and ignored. Healthy children are
selected for trials after careful consideration of chances of all
contraindications such that adverse effects during trials are minimum but after
vaccines are licensed they are indiscriminately administered to all.
Not only safety, vaccine efficacy
too is never a part of any carefully designed trial in clinical settings.
Efficacy is assumed based on antibody production. But antibodies are just
evidence of the body having encountered the antigen, they can never be definite
markers of immunity. As a result vaccine failures abound. Today vaccine
preventable diseases are routinely found in vaccinated persons. They are
assigned different names if they occur in vaccinated subjects so that vaccine
failure can be covered up.
Medical students learn very
little about vaccines and the information they are given is often influenced by
the pharmaceutical industry. This is also the case for doctors. They normally
have minimal knowledge concerning interactions between ingredients in vaccines,
yet substances may and do interact and their effects may be altered.
One example of many: Emulsifying
agents (for example polysorbates) render the blood-brain barrier more
permeable, facilitating passage of toxic substances through the blood-brain
barrier into the brain tissue.
Another example: The toxicity of
for example mercury may be enhanced 100-fold when in contact with aluminium.
Substances do not necessarily
need to be present in the same vaccine to interact with each other. Concomitant
administration, several vaccines at the same time, may result in interactions
between substances in different vaccines.
It is futile to ask doctors or
nurses about vaccines. More often than not they don’t know much about
ingredients, toxicity, interactions, precautions, potential adverse events,
long term events etc. Yet they try to convince us that vaccines are safe
because that is what they have learned.
Nobody knows whether the vaccines
will cause cancer because tests for carcinogenicity are not carried out; Nor
are tests done for genotoxicity or mutagenicity or for its capacity to induce
sterility. Nobody knows the consequences of the presence of foreign DNA and
especially genetically modified DNA (for example in Gardasil). The last example
may be horrific.
Nobody in the world knows the
long term adverse effects of vaccines. Vaccine promoters are tricking millions
of vulnerable people into a cynical game of Russian roulette where they have
nothing to win but their health to lose.
Children up to 18 months receive
a staggering number of vaccines, often several at the same time, yet there are
no serious safety studies regarding concomitant administration. This is no less
than scandalous and unethical. It surely borders on criminality. Ironically
infants cannot even produce antibodies that are the cornerstone of vaccines.
We who pose serious critical questions
regarding vaccines know that they are dangerous. Our evidence is the thousands,
even millions who are suffering from vaccine injuries worldwide including many
It is the responsibility of the
vaccine promoters, manufacturers and health authorities including Governments,
CDC and FDA to present evidence that vaccines are effective and safe. When will
this be done?
Vaccines create antibodies. Do
antibodies protect from diseases? Science remains inconclusive. Rather
antibodies have been linked to diseases!

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