Why are organs failing?

Why are organs failing? This is
indeed a serious question as we regularly observe internal organ failure and
then there is a rush for organ donations and replacement. The body is built in
a way that offers maximum protection to internal organs. That they are failing
indicates the failure of short sighted suppressive medication.
Organs can seldom fail;
- If the body is allowed to flourish
in a biologically conducive non chemicalized environment,
- If acute diseases are respected and
allowed to proceed their term without undue interference,
- If people understand that acute
diseases are necessary for the body to detoxify and rectify itself,
- If people understand the dynamics
of disease; that disease progresses from outside within, and that the health
restoration capacity of the body acts from within outward trying to throw the
disease matter outside,
- If people are conscious of bodily
cycles and the need to maintain them,
- If people respect natural laws and
understand the value of nature in human life,
- If people understand the value of
optimum nutrition and exercise,
- If people understand the need for
mental hygiene, positive mental attitudes, moral laws, and the need for self
control and conservation of energy
- If people understand that breaking
moral laws and inviting sexually transmitted diseases can affect not only
themselves but their progeny and subsequent generations
- If people understand that sharing
bodily fluids and blood - even if from supposedly safe sources can have
unpredictable consequences on organs
- If people understand that most of the "medicines" that they routinely consume as per prescription are known for causing organ failures.
- If people understand that most of the "medicines" that they routinely consume as per prescription are known for causing organ failures.
People also need to understand that proceeding
on borrowed organs has huge mental and physical consequences and the burden of
such a life can be worse than death.
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