Vaccine Injuries & Deaths: Who are guilty?

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By Sandy Lunoe

Vaccine Injuries & Deaths: Who are guilty?

ü  Those who administer vaccines.
ü  Doctors and others who are responsible for giving orders to administer them.
ü  Those who do not present adequate information in order to enable informed consent.
ü  Those who administer vaccines to immune compromised, under-nourished and sick people, (which makes them more ill), instead of providing clean water and better living conditions.
ü  Corrupt and criminal manufacturers and researchers.
ü  Manufacturers who manipulate clinical trials by using false placebos, etc.
ü  Manufacturers’ representatives who lie to and bribe doctors and others to promote the vaccines.
ü  Doctors, politicians, media, publications and others who receive payment to promote vaccines.
ü  Medical faculties and staff including researchers who are financially supported by vaccine manufacturers.
ü  Medical faculties which are influenced by the industry and which do not teach medical students about vaccine injuries.
ü  Doctors, nurses, health authorities and media who use fear-mongering to influence people to take the vaccines.
ü  Health authorities which approve the vaccines without investigating biased and manipulated clinical trials.
ü  Health authorities, politicians and others who profit by the vaccines being marketed, recommended and included in vaccination programs.
ü  Those who lobby for industry and government and who conceal the truth.
ü  Media and all others who use ridicule and hatred towards those who criticise or refuse the vaccines and towards the many victims of vaccines and their families.
ü  Media including editors and journalists who do not publicise issues concerning vaccine injuries. 
ü Biased social media publications which favor comments for vaccine promotion. 
ü Schools and other educational institutions which permit vaccinations.
ü Those who report vaccine critics to the authorities. 
ü Health authorities and doctors who do not recognise vaccine injuries.
ü Doctors who diagnose the vaccine injured with psychiatric conditions.
ü Health authorities which do not give the vaccine injured adequate treatment for their health problems.
ü Authorities which deny compensation for vaccine injured and assistance to others involved including parents, siblings and carers.
ü Biased experts with conflicts of interest who are responsible for refusing compensation for vaccine injuries and authorities which employ the biased experts. 

ü And others.