Don't be worried about Tetanus.

Facts about Tetanus.
- Spores exist mostly in cattle and
horse manure.
- The tetanus bacteria cannot survive in oxygen. It is anaerobic.
- If wounds bleed, are cleaned
properly and are left open, no tetanus. Wound hygiene itself has drastically reduced cases of tetanus.
- The above knowledge led to drastic
fall in cases as adequate measures could be taken.
- After a wound vaccine is useless as
the spores act much earlier than the vaccine can.
- Vaccine efficacy has never been tested
in any clinical trial.
- Tetanus is not contagious.
- Tetanus is not contagious.
- Tetanus toxoid is the best carrier
for infertility agents.
- The vaccine contains both mercury
and aluminium and is associated with a long list of serious adverse effects.
- There is no natural immunity from
tetanus. This puts artificial immunity under a cloud.
- Majority of tetanus cases occur
among vaccinated.
- Doubts have been expressed whether
animal origin toxoids can work for humans.
- Homeopathic remedies Ledum and
Hypericum are excellent as both remedy and prophylaxis. No side effects.
Don't give in to the fear. Tetanus is highly uncommon. People living in farms would have been decimated if tetanus occurred at the drop of a hat. Your fear feeds the pharmaceutical industry. Remember, health is important and is the best preventive.
A detailed article on tetanus having some very
valid points to say can be found here;
What do science and the manufacturers say?
- Nervous system side effects have
included neurological complications including cochlear lesion, brachial plexus
neuropathies, paralysis of the radial nerve, paralysis of the recurrent nerve,
accommodation paresis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and EEG disturbances with
- Tetanus toxoid has been assigned to
pregnancy category C by the FDA. Animal studies have not been reported. There
are no controlled data in human pregnancy. Tetanus toxoid is only recommended
for use during pregnancy when benefit outweighs risk.Tetanus toxoid
Breastfeeding Warnings. There are no data on the excretion of tetanus toxoid
into human milk.
- Animal reproduction studies have
not been conducted with Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed manufactured by Aventis Pasteur
Inc. It is also not known whether Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed manufactured by
Aventis Pasteur Inc. can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman
or can affect reproduction capacity. Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed manufactured by
Aventis Pasteur Inc. should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly
- No studies have been performed with
Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed manufactured by Aventis Pasteur Inc. to evaluate
carcinogenicity, mutagenic potential, or impact on fertility.
- Should not be given to children
less than 7 years of age and elderly above 65 years.
The following is copied from the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) website (link below):
So we can see that severe injuries and death from the DTaP vaccine are very real risks.
1. This is not a recent case. This was part of a CDC case study report that, in my opinion, was strategically published recently, discussing a 2017 case of tetanus. The questions you should be asking are “why wasn’t this BIG news in 2017?” and “what purpose does this serve to report it now?” I wonder if this could have anything to do with a couple of recent senate hearings on the “health crisis” and “misinformation” and the wildfire-like spread of proposed vaccine mandates across the country? Seems like a great way to manipulate people into voting away their rights...
2. Although I do agree that when contracted, tetanus can be very serious, it’s important to understand that the risk of actually contracting tetanus is EXTREMELY low. We’re talking about .0000009%. This case was the first case in 30 years so that should tell you something. I also find it funny that they’ve removed that little tidbit from the headlines. It’s also important to understand that tetanus, although very serious, is also treatable.
3. So if tetanus is extremely rare, what about adverse events from the DTaP/TDaP/DTP vaccine? Looking at VAERS data (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) we show 13 DEATHS from the vaccine in 2018 ALONE. That number climbs to 41 if we add in DTaP combined with other vaccines. According to a study performed by Harvard Medical school on the current VAERS system, “Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. […] Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” So it’s likely that the 13 reported vaccine deaths in 2018 are actually closer to 1,300. Wonder how high that number would be if we looked at 30 years worth of data? Keep in mind this does not include other adverse events. If you look at those that resulted in disability we see 103 in 2018 (which is likely closer to 10,300).
So here we have a 2 year old tetanus case being spread around mainstream media in the midst of discussions and hearings regarding vaccine mandates and censorship of “misinformation” from the opposition. This case wasn’t flooding the media when it occurred AND it’s clear that the risk of death from the vaccine is FAR GREATER than the risk of even contracting tetanus. Coincidence? Doubtful.
Per the CDC, the death rate from tetanus in
the U.S. in 1900 was about 2.5 per 100,000 population. By the time a vaccine for tetanus become widespread in
1950, the death rate had already dropped 90% to about 0.25 per 100,000, due to
many factors. Again this was pre-vaccine. Only about 15% of all tetanus cases
occur in children under age 20. Almost all fatalities occur in people over age
45. Thus the incidence of tetanus in children is very low, and death is barely
a factor in that age group. The tetanus vaccine is not a standalone, but is
normally given in combination with antigens for diphtheria and pertussis (DTaP
vaccine). Because all vaccines have risks of adverse health effects, it is
reasonable that parents weigh these risks against the risks of contracting the
disease in the event their child is not vaccinated. Also since vaccine failure
is common, being vaccinated is no guarantee of protection. For example,
pertussis outbreaks in populations with high or full vaccination rates are
common. (search: "vaccine failure” pertussis)
The following is copied from the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) website (link below):
“As of August 8, 2018, there had been 5,369
claims filed in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for
injuries and deaths following pertussis-containing vaccination, including 862
deaths and 4507 serious injuries. The DTaP vaccine is the vaccine with the most
injury claims filed, including for death, and it is the second most compensated
vaccine injury claim, with influenza vaccine now in first place.”
So we can see that severe injuries and death from the DTaP vaccine are very real risks.
“How can the Tetanus vaccine induce immunity, when contracting the
disease naturally does not give immunity?”–NVIC
“A tetanus vaccination cannot possibly protect from the disease
since the human organism cannot build up any immunity after contracting the
disease (as is the same after HIB, diphtheria or TB). So, if nature hasn’t
planned the immunity, how does the vaccine work? Furthermore, the tetanus
vaccination (as is the case with the diphtheria vaccine) is a so-called toxoid
vaccine. The killed poison of the tetanus bacilli is injected into the body and
meant to protect us. But the human body cannot build up immunity against
poisons31. How can the vaccine protect us then? The official statistics of the
various countries show us that the vaccine does not protect us. The Robert Koch
Institute in Germany admits that 2/3 people who contract tetanus have been
fully vaccinated (32). The rate in Switzerland was 50% fully vaccinated and
still contracted the disease.”—Anita Petek-Dimmer
Did you know there is NO diagnostic test for tetanus? So how do we
know a person actually has tetanus. Symptoms of tetanus are similar to symptoms
of some other toxic poisonings. We have no test to prove the person has
tetanus. And good wound care is far and away your best treatment for dirty
injuries. And the risk for tetanus is not the same in every area of the country.
And tetanus vaccine is one vaccine that I get many many emails on from people
telling me of damage to themselves or their children that doesn’t go away –
tetanus like symptoms. The vaccine is so extremely toxic its been diluted and
diluted………and still causing problems in some. And does it even work?
Questionable.–Sheri Nakken RN
So why is this being injected into people?
Many of you might have seen an
article circulating (and being heavily covered by mainstream media) regarding a
6-year-old boy in Oregon who contracted tetanus and nearly died. Please
consider the following:
1. This is not a recent case. This was part of a CDC case study report that, in my opinion, was strategically published recently, discussing a 2017 case of tetanus. The questions you should be asking are “why wasn’t this BIG news in 2017?” and “what purpose does this serve to report it now?” I wonder if this could have anything to do with a couple of recent senate hearings on the “health crisis” and “misinformation” and the wildfire-like spread of proposed vaccine mandates across the country? Seems like a great way to manipulate people into voting away their rights...
2. Although I do agree that when contracted, tetanus can be very serious, it’s important to understand that the risk of actually contracting tetanus is EXTREMELY low. We’re talking about .0000009%. This case was the first case in 30 years so that should tell you something. I also find it funny that they’ve removed that little tidbit from the headlines. It’s also important to understand that tetanus, although very serious, is also treatable.
3. So if tetanus is extremely rare, what about adverse events from the DTaP/TDaP/DTP vaccine? Looking at VAERS data (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) we show 13 DEATHS from the vaccine in 2018 ALONE. That number climbs to 41 if we add in DTaP combined with other vaccines. According to a study performed by Harvard Medical school on the current VAERS system, “Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. […] Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” So it’s likely that the 13 reported vaccine deaths in 2018 are actually closer to 1,300. Wonder how high that number would be if we looked at 30 years worth of data? Keep in mind this does not include other adverse events. If you look at those that resulted in disability we see 103 in 2018 (which is likely closer to 10,300).
So here we have a 2 year old tetanus case being spread around mainstream media in the midst of discussions and hearings regarding vaccine mandates and censorship of “misinformation” from the opposition. This case wasn’t flooding the media when it occurred AND it’s clear that the risk of death from the vaccine is FAR GREATER than the risk of even contracting tetanus. Coincidence? Doubtful.
conventional medicine (vaccines & antidotes) ignoring our bodies need for
vitamin C to combat disease?
Effect of ascorbic acid in the treatment of
K, Ahmad K, Ali MA.
The effect of daily intravenous administration of 1000 mg ascorbic acid (AA) in tetanus patients aged 1-30 years was studied. In the age group of 1-12 years, 31 patients were treated with AA as additional to antitetanus serum, sedatives and antibiotics. It was found that none of the patients died who received AA along with the conventional antitetanus therapy. On the other hand, 74.2 per cent of the tetanus patients who received the conventional antitetanus therapy without AA (control group) were succumbed to the infection. In the other age group of 13-30 years, there were 27 and 38 patients in the treatment and control groups respectively. The mortality in the AA and control groups were 37 percent and 67.8 percent respectively. These results suggest that AA might play an important role in reducing the mortality of tetanus. This was supported by the fact that AA was found to mitigate the toxic effects of strychnine producing tetanus like condition in young chicks in the present study.
The effect of daily intravenous administration of 1000 mg ascorbic acid (AA) in tetanus patients aged 1-30 years was studied. In the age group of 1-12 years, 31 patients were treated with AA as additional to antitetanus serum, sedatives and antibiotics. It was found that none of the patients died who received AA along with the conventional antitetanus therapy. On the other hand, 74.2 per cent of the tetanus patients who received the conventional antitetanus therapy without AA (control group) were succumbed to the infection. In the other age group of 13-30 years, there were 27 and 38 patients in the treatment and control groups respectively. The mortality in the AA and control groups were 37 percent and 67.8 percent respectively. These results suggest that AA might play an important role in reducing the mortality of tetanus. This was supported by the fact that AA was found to mitigate the toxic effects of strychnine producing tetanus like condition in young chicks in the present study.
** On why we are offered tetanus jabs in A&E: Source: Green Book p. 379 - "... tetanus vaccine is not considered adequate for treating a tetanus-prone wound. However, this provides an opportunity to ensure that the individual is protected against future exposure (see Table 30.1)."
- Clostridium
tetani is an obligate anaerobic Gram-positive
- The tetanus
bacillus forms spores that can be found in soil and house dust, and in
animal and human faeces. The spores remain viable for years in the
environment and are resistant to boiling and freezing.
- Direct
contamination of wounds with C. tetani spores results in
germination of the spores under hypo-aerobic conditions. The spores
develop into a vegetative form of the bacilli which produces and releases
a neurotropic exotoxin called tetanospasmin.
- Tetanus toxin
is one of the most potent toxins known in relation to its weight. It is
transported with blood and lymph, and taken up via endocytosis by nerve
cells at the neuromuscular junctions after which it is transported
centripetally inside the axons.
- Once inside the
neurons, tetanus toxin cannot be neutralised by antitoxin. The tetanus
toxin acts on four areas of the nervous system: a) the motor end plates in
the skeletal system; b) the spinal cord; c) the brain; and d) the
sympathetic system.
- The toxin
blocks the release of the inhibitory neurotransmitters glycine and
gamma-amino-butyric acid in the central nervous system. This leaves
excitatory nerve impulses unopposed resulting in muscle spasms.
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