This is a letter sent from an Italian pediatrician, Gabriella Maria Lesmo, to a newspaper. Just so you know, this doctor lost her medical licence due to her opinion about vaccines.
Prayer Mr. Paolo Mieli, I read your editorial that appeared in the “Corriere” of October 20, entitled “Five stars, the dangerous disease of the conspiracy anti-vaccines” in which you attribute to them the responsibility of the wave anti-vaccines that is overwhelming Italy and would trigger an epidemic near future of diseases such as tetanus, polio, hepatitis B, diphtheria and whooping cough.
I do not comment on your political opinions, but I cannot remain silent on statements about vaccines, as a Doctor, Specialist in Paediatrics and Anaesthesia as well as the mother of a boy whose life is ruined by an adverse reaction to anti-infectious vaccinations carried out under the law. With all due respect, the article shows how deep the misinformation is. In fact, there can be no epidemics of tetanus because tetanus is not an infectious disease and, properly, not even epidemics of hepatitis B, which is transmitted via parenteral and venereal. With regard to the usefulness of vaccinations, I would just like to remind you, for the sake of brevity, that the invasive disease of Haemophilus B, which is rare in the United States with 1.73 cases per 100,000 children under the age of 5, is even more so in our country. Furthermore, it is more represented in the over-65s than in the paediatric age. Finally, the Haemophilus B vaccine does not protect against invasive infections of non-typable strains, which are more frequent. The pneumococcal vaccinecontains only a few pneumococcal serotypes and is poorly immunogenic, especially in young children.
As far as the efficacy of the vaccination practice is concerned, it is not possible to prove that the vaccinees have been immunized, either because no specific parameters exist or because, when the specific antibodies can be measured, the presence of a specific antibody title does not guarantee the vaccinated person’s ability to defend itself in the event of future infection by natural means, due to the admission of the vaccine manufacturers themselves. Information and data are not an invention of the “anti-vaccine conspiracy”, but are written in the most important text of pediatric infectious disease worldwide, the “Red Book” of the American Academy of Pediatrics, regularly updated. Personally, I do not deny a priori the usefulness of the drug-vaccine, as a tool for preventing specific pathologies in categories of people at risk, but I question the alleged harmlessness of the practice of a mass vaccinations. This term indicates the administration of 25 -26 anti-infective vaccinations to all newborns in the first year of life, in a period of 10-11 months, vaccines aimed also at diseases little or nothing represented in the pediatric age group. Despite the Ministerial Decree April 7, 1999 that identifies four compulsory vaccines, in fact newborns receive six because for years the National Health System provides only a compound formulation containing six vaccines, the four compulsory in addition to the vaccine against Haemophilus B and the vaccine against pertussis. The inoculation of the hexavalent vaccine is associated with the injection of 13-valent anti-pneumococcal vaccine, for three sessions. In addition to these, other vaccinations are promoted and provided by the NHS: vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella, vaccination against meningococcal, anti-varicella, antihepatitis A.
According to specific guidelines of the Ministry of Health, an infant must be vaccinated even if born premature, low in weight, epileptic, cerebropatic, HIV positive, convalescent, “moderately” febrile and even if he has already had a serious adverse reaction to a vaccination. This practice has raised and still raises many doubts in the international scientific world, which sees significantand disturbing links between the early hyperstimulation of the child’s immune system induced by vaccines and the onset of serious infantile neurological diseases, developmental alterations,allergies, autoimmune syndromes, sudden death in a cradle, pathologies that until a few years ago were unknown or extremely rare, but it is even more worrying for the many families who have seen a child fall ill and become autistic at the same time as an inoculation of vaccines. Although Academic Medicine reacts very slowly to this dramatic situation, there is now a considerable amount of epidemiological data and clinical and autopsy studies available worldwide that indicate that autistic disease occurs in the infant organism in the delicate phase of development, as the effect of an encephalopathy triggered by vaccinations that damage nervous tissue with an immuno-allergo-toxic mechanism. This disease is not to be confused with acute encephalitis and has a typically subtle trend, clinical manifestations being evident after weeks and months of vaccination affecting the brain areas responsible for integrative functions, functions that are physiologically lacking in the young child.
Since you appoint Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who together with other London colleagues pointed out the presence of measles viruses in the intestinal lymph nodes of autistic children with inflammatory bowel disease, to challenge its credibility, you should know that this first part of Wakefield’s work was confirmed, since then, by a Japanese university immunologist, Dr. Kawashima. He was able to identify the measles virus found in the ileal lymph nodes and was the vaccine virus. Recently, Wakefield’s work in London has been rehabilitated and its then primary Londoner has prevailed against those who wanted to hunt him. To be honest, I would also like to point out that some Danish studies, cited for years as proof of the non-existent correlationbetween vaccinations and the onset of autism, have proved to be FALSE. The main author of the Danish studies was Dr. Paul Thorsen, currently a fugitive, who is on the list of the most wanted by the FBI, against whom he was issued an arrest warrant for a long series of federal crimes against him in the United States, regarding research on Autism. The “scandal in the scandal” has also emerged from the statements by the American Member of Parliament Bill Posey, a member of the House of Representatives for the State of Florida who translates, the original finds it on the web.
“… If you read the e-mails and meeting details, as well as the financial arrangements that this fraudster has had with the CDC, it will make a point of coming to you the other time. He was not just any old researcher. He was the key man of the CDC in Denmark. He was closely linked to the best researchers in the field of vaccine safety at the CDC … and Thorsen cooked the studies to produce the results they wanted to disseminate. They did not care whether the studies were valid or how much was paid to manipulate them from the beginning. We are talking about someone who basically stole public money that should have been used to improve the health and safety of the most vulnerable in our society: our children. “…”.
For brevity I do not report the testimony of Dr. Thompson, traceable on the web, who has publicly confessed to have distorted studies that denied the correlation autism and MMR vaccine. For a long time there has been a strong opposition between the Italian State, which imposes the policy of “mass vaccinations”, claiming that they are the only way to fight diseases and that they are always and in any case harmless, and an increasingly large part of the population, which refuses the obligation of vaccination for its children and claims to be able to consciously choose how to protect their health. In this war, mass vaccination, ministry, regions and Asl, forget that vaccines are, for all intents and purposes, pro-inflammatory drugs with the purpose of maturing an immunological memory outside the natural disease, but that they do not always succeed. Anti-infective vaccines, as drugs, possess indications, contraindications, side effects and adverse effects, but the latter are deliberately omitted with different strategies, both on the package leaflets of vaccines, both on the informative material of the Asl. In fact, perhaps because of a lack of awareness of the issue, or perhaps because of guilty ignorance, most of the adverse reactions to vaccines are not reported to pharmacovigilance, as can be seen from the examination of the many serious cases for which families are suing the state. In this way, vaccines are falsely innocent. Health policy, like any other policy, imposes choices that are not always acceptable, often questionable and based on anything but crystalline motivations. In our country, to mention the most famous cases, a Minister of Health, De Lorenzo, was sentenced for bribes received in exchange for making the anti-hepatitis B vaccine mandatory. Poggiolini, Director General of the National Pharmacological Service, was convicted for distorting the prices of medicines and included drugs in the national handbook, in exchange for bribes; even today Poggiolini is on trial for manslaughter, for the possible responsibility he had in the lack of control of blood transfusion. Deaths from infected transfusions will not be present at the trial. A number of pharmaceutical companies have also been convicted of bribery in relation to the inclusion of drugs in the NHS lists and pushed up prices. These and other frauds in the health field are recurrent and irreversibly undermine the credibility of the system that governs us and imposes on us a single and indisputable “scientific truth”, its own, and that would force doctors into behavioural protocols and rigid treatment paths, in contrast to the dictates of the Medical Profession which has as its primary purpose to take care of the patient and not the sale of drugs, which are increasingly expensive and toxic.
Last year, the Court of Milan handed down a ruling recognising the causal link between the administration of the hexavalent vaccine and the development of post-vaccin encephalopathy in the form of Autism in the plaintiffs’ son. It was not the first judgment to recognise the lesvities of a hexavalent anti-infective vaccine, but it is the most important one in terms of substance. Well, the Ministry of Health has violently hurled against the sentence and more paediatric companies have asked the head of the Office Doctor Technical Consultant “guilty” of having studied, looked at the proceedings and reasoned on the facts with a mind free of prejudices. This is not the behaviour of a democratic state, which has a duty to periodically check the appropriateness of its health choices and their impact on the health of its population, but of a dictatorial system which, far from considering the interests of its citizens, least of all the more fragile ones such as children and the elderly, is working to devise the most effective threats so that they become a catchment area of many drugs, trying to bend obedience to the medical class by rewarding the army of yes-men and depriving the ability to exercise doctors “heretical”, “conspiracy”, “anti-vaccinist”, and even web surfers, i.e. doctors who know how to reason with their own heads, who have the interest of patients at heart, who are not on the pay books of the pharmaceutical industries, who are not afraid that their patients will browse the Internet before coming to the study, those who have investigated the immunological, metabolic status, The ones who have studied the countless medical records of children and young people who ended up in hospital after receiving vaccinations, those who have tried and found ways to eliminate many systemic and neurological symptoms of post-vaccinal encephalopathies.
If the freedom of choice for the health of one’s children and the freedom of care are to be a war, these doctors will fight with determination, stethoscope at the neck, parker in the pocket, shoulder CP, alongside healthy and sick, made in an alliance for health without hesitation.
Dr. Gabriella Maria Lesmo
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