Immunologist against vaccines!

My journey into vaccines began 40 years ago. Injured by a vaccine I had
to look for answers. Providence and help from a friend brought me in touch with
the renowned immunologist Dr Herman Fudenberg.
He was a great and ardent
admirer of vaccines. Then he was appointed as a Director of Merck
Pharmaceuticals, the largest vaccine manufacturer. Dr Fudenberg did not like to
be an armchair Director. He personally visited the manufacturing units and delved into
the nitty gritties of vaccine development and manufacture. He was horrified.
quit and started campaigning against them. The industry was in a fix. Here was
a person considered to be the father of immunology campaigning against
vaccines! The canard was circulated that he had suffered a psychological
breakdown. A vilification campaign was targeted at him. When the time came for
the renewal of his medical licence he was asked a few questions. Dr Fudenberg
was disgusted and refused to submit to the humiliation. He did not renew his
licence and said famously, "Let me see who dares to question my practice.
I can continue without a licence."
He opened an NGO to treat vaccine injured children and that was
what he did till the end of his life. This great immunologist ultimately
denounced the concept of an immune system. "The body does not work in bits
and parts. There is one system that rules all functions and is responsible for
physical and mental health and wellbeing. Vaccines by going against it disturb
it in its entirety." Today the specialists treating autistic children
are coming to the same conclusions after studying the extreme harm within
Remember, when you allow your child to be vaccinated you actually
endanger the entire body mind complex and put his life into jeopardy. I can say
with confidence that a vaccinated child cannot be rendered healthy again. The
connection with life is disturbed and it is not possible to predict what
problems will crop up at what point of time. Be a responsible parent. Study
vaccines. Research. Don't regret.
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