The evolution of medicine.
- Our ancestors had a vast knowledge about the role of consciousness in health
- Civilization goes back to days when the geography of the world was vastly different and humanity has survived several cataclysmic changes
- Knowledge about herbs and healing foods is found in all ancient civilizations
- Medicine in its present form began with naturopathy
- When men were healthy they stayed at the peak of health with raised spiritual awareness, mediation on the ONE, control over thoughts and passions, and energy uplifting exercises
- Among the aware health was a vehicle that had to be at its best to achieve the goal of life - God realization
- Gradually ayurveda or organized medicine arrived on the scene and developed based on the above and primarily to serve kings who deviated from rules and soldiers who were injured in battle
- Ayurveds observed disease patterns in all sections of society and also recognized and treated "yogaza vyadhi" or illness that resulted from intense spiritual aspirations
- Knowledge of ayurveds was more than enough to treat disease conditions in civilized society. Their knowledge of surgery is slowly gaining recognition
- Morality, ethics, and spirituality is the backbone of holistic sciences. According to ayurveda the world operates on Dharma or righteousness and collapses when it is not observed
- Muslims in India learnt from ayurveds to develop and fine tune the Unani system of medicine that is identical to principles of ayurveda
- In the western world herbalism existed in various forms under the Greek systems that also interacted with India and learnt from Indian universities
- Western medicine was in essence about palliation and destruction of symptoms without knowledge of the inner workings of the mind and body and its relationship with nature. The early methods were extremely crude, shocking, and defied logic
- Hahnemann developed homeopathy in 1796 as being a doctor he was concerned about adverse effects and long term impacts. He wanted to cure people and restore their health
- He perfected the art of homeopathy with his vast knowledge and keen powers of observation. He confirmed morality and ethics to be the basis of health
- The western world was full of quacks who peddled strange concoctions and became rich by dubious means. One such quack was William Rockefeller, the father of J D Rockefeller, the father of modern medicine
- William trained his son to abandon all notions of goodness and become a ruthless crook
- Rockefeller Jr sensed his El Dorado to be oil as he knew the world would soon run on it. As he captured the entire oil industry using the strength of well oiled goons and chicanery he became central to certain secret societies who were looking forward to taking over the world
- The world would soon be run by economists who felt profit was the goal and that nature, morality and ethics stood on the way
- Rockefeller and other barons of the day fitted the plan to a T
- The era of chemical drugs began primarily because herbs could not be patented for profit. Health was never the goal. Expansion, global dominance and profits was
- The ethical physicians of the day preferred to migrate from this system and studied holistic sciences and homeopathy to benefit their patients as they observed results and cures
- The year 1796 also saw the birth of Jenner’s vaccination which was opposed tooth and nail by experienced physicians as they were shocked by the crude method and knew nothing good would ever come out of it
- Observing the shocking impacts of vaccination, realizing that medicine was not able to benefit vaccinated populations, and shocked by the magnitude of harm observed physicians switched over in hordes to homeopathy and allied sciences
- The AMA was formed by quacks who masqueraded as qualified doctors to stem this exodus. They also prepared a plan to expand and grow
- Rockefeller put a stamp on that plan when his designated expert Abraham Flexner, a retired school teacher, adopted that plan as the Flexner Report and gave an excuse to Rockefeller to launch a new system of medicine
- Rockefeller took over the entire medical structure of the day, fired all those who refused to toe the line, closed all holistic departments from teaching schools and hospitals, and set up the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research
- Oil and chemicals became the new medicine
- He set up the UN and WHO in essence to fulfil the wishes of the secret societies who founded the USA and to become the medicine baron
- Vaccination became the focal point as they caused chronic disease states that had no cures and could only be managed
- Diseases exploded in society and medicine grew into an empire that would usher in the new world order
- Rockefeller and other elite preferred homeopathy and herbals
- The merger of I G Farben ensured that toxins would get into the food chain and atmosphere feeding the growth of diseases and the subjugation of humanity
- This group does all in its power to hide the fact that it is toxicity that is behind diseases
- Morality, ethics, spirituality, nature are today dirty words as they would upset the apple cart. Vaccinated populations sacrifice the normal working of the body mind complex to become pawns of the game and their own enemies
- The pharma, agri, food, and chemical industry are offshoots of the Rockefeller - I G Farben combine and they invest in governments and political parties to subvert all laws and rule the world
- Health would be impossible in the current scenario unless something drastic leads to the fall of the evil empire
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