Truth about vaccine safety or efficacy testing.

News report declares "some
vaccines given to Canadian kids in China failed potency tests, so those
Canadian children may need more Canadian vaccines back here at home."
Here's what the Canadian public (all all people) are never told about vaccine
safety or efficacy testing.
1). Vaccine test subjects are
never followed after their very short research trials, to see if they
eventually get the disease in question during their lifetime. That means the
success of vaccines for reducing disease or
providing greater immunity (compared to not vaccinating), has never been
verified, with any vaccine, in any creditable research study.
2) Vaccine test subjects are
never followed for listed side effects of the vaccines, after the short
research trial is over. All vaccines routinely list side effect sof brain
damage, gut damage and immune dysfunction after vaccination. Some occur months
or even years after vaccination. All the documented long term toxicology, carcinogenic
or fertility side effects of vaccines are ignored during vaccine testing trials
and those research time tables are purposely made short, to unethically hide
the detriments of vaccines from the public.
3) Vaccine test subjects are
tested for one thing and one thing only, which is anti body response. Oddly
enough anti body response has never been concretely proven to infer greater
immunity or resistance to disease because people with certain diseases have
historically tested as having the exact antibodies needed to protect them (and
got sick anyway) and people not sick in massive disease outbreak areas, have
tested as having no antibodies what so ever to the disease in question, yet
were immune to disease outbreak. Anti body theory (that viruses causes disease
and that anti bodies protect against disease) is beyond questionable and
completely dogmatic.
In short, vaccines fail the most
basic scientific integrity protocols. Protocols taught as absolutely necessary
in a grade 8 chemistry and science course. At this added link below hundreds of
medical doctors and PhD scientists warn the public about the extreme scientific
fraud involved with all pro-vaccine science.
Jason Christof
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