Selective Vaccination?
by vaccine indulgence and injury some doctors in India are today gently
advocating only the diphtheria and polio vaccines (injectible). However this
decision too is not based on ground reality. The diphtheria vaccine cannot
logically prevent diphtheria because even natural diphtheria does not always
provide immunity. The adaptive immunity is not triggered by the disease as the
bacteria has little invasive capacity. You can suffer again and again if you are prone. It is a syphilitic disease. Therefore if
natural exposure does not help, artificial exposure also cannot provide
protection. It has never been subject to any clinical trial to prove its
effectiveness. Presented as the DPT in India it is a highly reactive vaccine
tied to a series of adverse effects. Regarding polio, the origin of the virus
is shrouded in mystery. It was assumed that the virus causes polio. Injected
into monkeys it did not cause paralysis. They had to inject diseased matter
into the brain of monkeys to prove the paralysis connection. Injecting matter
into brain will in any way lead to neurological damage and possible paralysis.
Even today how an enterovirus (virus living in the gut) travels up the spine to
cause paralysis is not known. The polio epidemic the world witnessed was caused
by DDT/ other pesticides and the use of lead and arsenic containing paints in
homes. It was by curtailing these that the epidemic was contained. Anterior
horn paralysis we witnessed earlier can only be caused by DDT. The lameness we
witness as polio today is due to various factors like heavy metals, pesticides,
other neurotoxins, vaccines, injections, and tonsil operations. It is
acknowledged that hardly 10% of polio cases may be due to the virus. By
manipulating the virus in vaccines it has become more virulent. This is the
nature of viruses. Ordinarily they serve a good purpose. Today the polio virus
is being used to treat cancers. But if they are stressed and manipulated they
become harmful. The entire issue surrounding virus mutations is shrouded in
mystery because no serious research on the aspects I have touched has ever been
done. Those who research viruses know that much of the virus theory is
imagination because it is rarely that viruses are identified through electron
microscopy. Much is just cell fragmentation that is passed off as viruses. The
viral vaccines we have do not contain isolated viruses but tissues and cell
fragments assuming they have the virus in them. The researchers also know that
viruses are essential and help in many ways. It is highly unusual for viruses
to mutate and cause problems. They are produced by cells to perform bodily
functions and for inter cellular communication and are not living entities.
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