Why the Bridge Course must go.

Dear A....,
I see in
AYUSH a huge potential to overcome the shortfalls of modern day practice. This
is provided these courses are rescued from the clutches of modern thinking that
forces them to view disease as per disease names set by the allopathic
fraternity. Each AYUSH modality has a distinct way of thinking and helping
people at several levels provided they are allowed to pursue that mode of
sincere AYUSH practitioners are fighting the system and trying to get back to
basics so that they can begin anew. The ayurvedic practitioners are abandoning
modern ayurvedic texts to return to the original books and thereby they are
both gaining in knowledge and helping people overcome illness. The homeopaths
are going back to Hahnemann's Organon and we now have authors who have
published wonderful books based on them that are shaping young minds. Sowa
Rigpa is a wonderful science that has kept its focus on esoteric aspects of
disease that the pioneer ayurveds had developed. Naturopathy and yoga is a
blessing for the masses as food and the elements become methods for healing.
Unani is an offshoot of ayurveda that the Muslims can relate to and accept
sincerely hope we all should understand this and allow these holistic methods
their space and freedom with all the respect they deserve. It is not wise to
intrude into their territory and judge them without understanding their
philosophy and methods.
sincere AYUSH practitioners are fighting the Bridge Course tooth and nail and
so are officials in institutions like CCRH, CCRAS, CCRYN and the like. The
Bridge Course will lead to erosion of health both of practitioners and
populations as the holistic philosophy will once again be ignored. The present
graduate and post graduate level courses already have scope for many basic
methods that modern medicine has to offer and which the holistic practitioners
can selectively adopt based upon their decisions considering the long term
impact on health.
We all
need AYUSH. We are all human beings subject to decay and disease. We all need
relief. We all need options. Why infringe on that basket of choice? We know the
limitations of prevalent medical science very well and we all are fighting
deficiencies in the system.
We know
what forces we are up against. The words health and cure are dirty words because
they present a frightening scenario of loss of revenue and growth. Opening up bridge courses encourages these very forces as they can then extend their
market to rural areas. The prime reason for quacks and AYUSH practitioners
using modern drugs and diagnostics is because representatives visit them and
offer them their perks and services. They are also being manipulated to refer
their patients to private hospitals and practitioners promising a steady flow
of revenue.
Rather we
must broaden the scope of AYUSH such that people can exclusively depend on them
according to their level of knowledge and their thinking on health. There can
be no compulsions in civilized society and neither should we be judgmental from
a position of power.
I hope you
can relate to what I am trying to say.
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