History of the Small Pox vaccine.

Small Pox.
Edward Jenner tested his small pox vaccine on his own son. It sickened and subsequently killed him and the horrified public began a campaign against the vaccine which reached its peak when an anti-vaccine movement was officially launched in 1897. Jenner refused to vaccinate his youngest son. His wife died early and it is known that he himself suffered heavily before his death. 

The vaccine caused small pox, syphilis, leprosy, cancers, huge tumours, tuberculosis, eczema, tetanus, AIDS, Hep B, insanity and very severe neurological disorders in vaccinated leading to widespread anger and dismay. It introduced all these diseases into the general population and laid the foundation for modern medicine as the sickened population became the excuse for medical expansion. As epigenetic changes are carried forward 14 generations mankind will never recover from its effects. 

The vaccine made eradication of small pox impossible as it caused and spread the disease. A vaccinated person was 5 times more likely to catch the disease. At last WHO was forced to introduce hygiene and sanitation alongside. People who claim small pox was eradicated by the vaccine are the greatest professional liars the world has ever seen. The disease disappeared in those regions where people rejected the vaccine and adopted sanitation, hygiene, isolation and nutrition. 

The number of deaths caused by the vaccine is neatly covered up. However the East India Company admitted to the Queen of England that the pox caused more than 30,00,000 deaths in India alone in the 30 years when vaccination was rampant. 

What is even more intriguing is that nobody knew what virus was in the vaccine! It is speculated it was something in between a cowpox and a horsepox virus. Even today they don't know and this fact has been admitted in Court. Cases of small pox in medical records were automatically reduced when doctors were 'informed' that vaccinated populations 'cannot come down with small pox'. Therefore small pox after the vaccine was recorded as chicken pox, eczema, or simply - rash. Also many cases of chicken pox and measles were wrongfully recorded as small pox as doctors could not distinguish. 

In India there were several methods of vaccine preparation, each more crude than the other as no one heeded any protocol and the British cared two hoots about administering poisons into the natives. Cow, horse, monkey and even goat serum was freely used. The use of cow serum caused uproar in India but it was crushed. God alone knows what animal viruses and diseases were introduced into the population. This form of vaccine contamination poses the greatest threat. Mahatma Gandhi was vociferous against the vaccine along with Rajagopalachari and several top notch public health officials. If there is a thorough investigation about the circumstances in India many truths will surface. Medical historians have been excessively cautious in narrating the history of vaccination in India and have contributed to the lies.

How was it prepared? Lymph was collected from corpses of small pox victims. This was then injected into cows. When they developed sores and blisters, the diseased puss was collected which was then injected into horses. The horses developed extreme sores on their hind legs which was termed grease. This was then scraped, drained and collected to be reinjected into calves. The calves developed boils and eruptions which were drained and collected. This lymph was stored and sent to several countries. In British India this lymph was administered to people. If they developed sores and blisters this was then drained and collected to become the "vaccine lymph". Eminent doctors patted themselves on the back for having created the best possible "pure lymph". The lymph was stored in vials and sent all over the country. People were vaccinated with this till the lymph totally degenerated when it was considered "impure". But I am yet to read of instances of the lymph being discarded due to "impurity". It must have been rare as lymph was always in short supply. I must congratulate the medical profession in India to have fallen for this method of scientific prevention.

Feedback (translated from Bengali):
"The (small pox) vaccine was a disaster. The disease has existed since ages in various forms. Some forms were dangerous. In the rush to administer the vaccine research on the disease suffered a setback. Traditionally the disease was well tackled because herbs and medications strengthened immunity. The syphilitic form of pox was spread by sailors and invaders. By using lymph from infected populations, the vaccine inadvertently rapidly spread the most dangerous forms. This was replaced by Jenner's cow pox vaccine but it was not without harm. Many severe diseases affecting skin, lymphatic system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, and brain disorders were observed in vaccinated. Anything that affects the skin also affects organs. Medical science gained from studying them. In India there were several challenges. Many sections had to be tackled; the Hindu's resented cow serum, the Muslims had problems with bodily purity, the ayurveds noticed the adverse effects and warned the populations, Indian political leaders campaigned against it, and the general people were not accustomed to forced medication. The other challenges were difficult terrain, reaching remote areas, getting trained people to administer the vaccine, vaccine supplies and logistics. The vaccinators fell sick by handling the vaccine and caused severe complications by wrongly administering them. Fevers, digestive disorders and rashes spread like the plague wherever the vaccine was given. As the vaccine caused the pox to spread, it required revaccination and that was a severe challenge. Vaccination efforts were not uniform. The vaccine was excessively used in regions where British garrisons were stationed and British colonies existed because the rulers thought they were protecting themselves by vaccinating the people around them. Ironically it was these regions that reported the most severe outbreaks that grew worse from year to year and deaths were numerous. Simply staying in regions where the vaccine was being administered put people at risk and spread the disease. If you study literature there were excuses galore and always the quality of the vaccine was blamed instead of the process of manufacture and administration. The people engaged in the vaccination process resigned or sought transfers as they had to face personal danger as well as the ire of the public and administration. I have a lot of material with me which I will share with you."

More Feedback.
"Your note (on the small pox vaccine) was interesting. The virus in the vaccine was called vaccinia virus - collected from infected cows and passed through horses. Naturally what remained was never known. I have worked in the vaccination industry for a considerable length of time. I can say that even today the process involved ensures a tremendous amount of uncertainty. What we can say with certainty is that the vaccine virus is vastly different from the disease causing virus. It is generally referred to as vaccine strain virus. Whether it is really attenuated or more virulent is never determined."