Medicine - Change or Perish!
Medicine - Change or Perish!
Medicine as is practiced today has reached a dead end. All its pet theories and assumptions have been challenged. The notion that we are machines and that our environment is our enemy has died. Our present findings indicate we are a vibrant energetic life force in tune with the universe. Our free will and expanded consciousness defines who we are. It is also our Achilles heel. It is the way we use our free will and consciousness that determines both our health and continued existence. No other science has done more harm to collective humanity than modern medicine which has dumbed down this obvious truth and reduced man to a physical body functioning in parts. In the process it has not only killed individuals but also corrupted the psyche and obstructed the path of the consciousness to its natural progress towards a higher truth. The resultant imbalance is obvious all around us as we see a fall in values, in priorities, and mankind trapped in crass materialism leading to serious errors in judgement that we term crimes. The medical industry itself is in throes of its own sins as corruption has become intolerable within its ranks and it's practitioners are writhing in pain. A serious introspection and rebellion against industry imposed diktat is the only way out. The inflated ego must go. Humility and acknowledgement of mistakes is the first step which fortunately is already taking place and seems to be the only silver lining so far. Will the humungous edifice built on the quicksand of twisted priorities survive? Most of it will not. We will soon witness a meltdown. It will be painful but is inevitable. Humanity needs to survive. We cannot allow ignorance and the refusal to see reason continue to inflict pain of immense proportions. The sooner the cookie crumbles the better.
Medicine as is practiced today has reached a dead end. All its pet theories and assumptions have been challenged. The notion that we are machines and that our environment is our enemy has died. Our present findings indicate we are a vibrant energetic life force in tune with the universe. Our free will and expanded consciousness defines who we are. It is also our Achilles heel. It is the way we use our free will and consciousness that determines both our health and continued existence. No other science has done more harm to collective humanity than modern medicine which has dumbed down this obvious truth and reduced man to a physical body functioning in parts. In the process it has not only killed individuals but also corrupted the psyche and obstructed the path of the consciousness to its natural progress towards a higher truth. The resultant imbalance is obvious all around us as we see a fall in values, in priorities, and mankind trapped in crass materialism leading to serious errors in judgement that we term crimes. The medical industry itself is in throes of its own sins as corruption has become intolerable within its ranks and it's practitioners are writhing in pain. A serious introspection and rebellion against industry imposed diktat is the only way out. The inflated ego must go. Humility and acknowledgement of mistakes is the first step which fortunately is already taking place and seems to be the only silver lining so far. Will the humungous edifice built on the quicksand of twisted priorities survive? Most of it will not. We will soon witness a meltdown. It will be painful but is inevitable. Humanity needs to survive. We cannot allow ignorance and the refusal to see reason continue to inflict pain of immense proportions. The sooner the cookie crumbles the better.
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