Why is Modern Medicine so Destructive?
Why is Modern Medicine so Destructive?
Modern Medicine by its very nature has been a destructive force. When I G Farben - the same force that propelled Hitler to the holocaust - colluded with the oil mafia headed by J D Rockefeller to launch modern medicine the outcomes were very obvious to all who watched with horror. This was not a marriage for the health of populations but for growth, profits and world domination. This conglomerate that banished all systems of real healing with the Flexner Report actively adroitly and stealthily creates disease to grow. Chemicals propounded by it became the preferred method because of several factors. I G Farben whose components Bayer BSF and Hoechst began their growth trajectory with dyes were masters in the chemical trade. Rockefeller was itching to expand his oil and petrochemical trade. They expanded into medicines, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and other chemical based options. In medicine chemicals had a definite edge over herbs because they could be patented for profit - not for any medicinal value! This very powerful and corrupt combination smashed into the existing medical infrastructure closing down all institutions aimed at healing, sacking all opposition, and establishing its own chosen operatives at the helm who then made their careers out of furthering the interests of drug companies. It favored all who were willing to tow the line propelling them to fame while those who preferred sanity and healing were denounced vilified and hounded. Medicine is an industry and today all its agencies and representatives exist to fuel its growth and profits. The health of populations does not figure anywhere in its agenda. The mode of operations was thoroughly exposed by the activists who fought against the nefarious tobacco industry. But the same tactics still continue. There is no force on earth that can ever convert modern medicine to a healing system. The only chance that people have to escape its murderous jaws is to break away completely and adopt the real healing modalities that have been suppressed by this dragon.
Modern Medicine by its very nature has been a destructive force. When I G Farben - the same force that propelled Hitler to the holocaust - colluded with the oil mafia headed by J D Rockefeller to launch modern medicine the outcomes were very obvious to all who watched with horror. This was not a marriage for the health of populations but for growth, profits and world domination. This conglomerate that banished all systems of real healing with the Flexner Report actively adroitly and stealthily creates disease to grow. Chemicals propounded by it became the preferred method because of several factors. I G Farben whose components Bayer BSF and Hoechst began their growth trajectory with dyes were masters in the chemical trade. Rockefeller was itching to expand his oil and petrochemical trade. They expanded into medicines, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and other chemical based options. In medicine chemicals had a definite edge over herbs because they could be patented for profit - not for any medicinal value! This very powerful and corrupt combination smashed into the existing medical infrastructure closing down all institutions aimed at healing, sacking all opposition, and establishing its own chosen operatives at the helm who then made their careers out of furthering the interests of drug companies. It favored all who were willing to tow the line propelling them to fame while those who preferred sanity and healing were denounced vilified and hounded. Medicine is an industry and today all its agencies and representatives exist to fuel its growth and profits. The health of populations does not figure anywhere in its agenda. The mode of operations was thoroughly exposed by the activists who fought against the nefarious tobacco industry. But the same tactics still continue. There is no force on earth that can ever convert modern medicine to a healing system. The only chance that people have to escape its murderous jaws is to break away completely and adopt the real healing modalities that have been suppressed by this dragon.
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