Truth about Tetanus Vaccine
Tetanus and this also applies to rabies I believe.
It takes at least 14 days to offer protection from a tetanus vaccine. What you require for immediate protection is tetnoimmunoglobulin and this is available at any hospital. It is not a drug but a "live blood product"
What it is is the blood taken from someone who had had tetanus or had been immunised against tetanus and the tetanus antibodies isolated and basically offers immediate short term protection against tetanus.
What it is is the blood taken from someone who had had tetanus or had been immunised against tetanus and the tetanus antibodies isolated and basically offers immediate short term protection against tetanus.
Unless you work on a farm with animals and have your hands on their pooh and if the wound has bled then you do NOT need to have a tetanus shot.
Fun facts on tetanus that clearly most doctors don't know (or lie about) since they give the DTaP vaccine for even sinus infections and any minor cut:
1. Tetanus is an anaerobic bacteria meaning it can't survive in oxygenated environments meaning if the wound bled, NO tetanus.
2. Just because you get cut on metal (rusty or not), it doesn't automatically mean tetanus bacteria is present. Tetanus is normally found in manure/dirt and not on a clean plumbing fixture.
3. Even if there was a deep puncture wound that did not bleed, caused by an object that had tetanus bacteria on it, you literally can NOT "vaccinate" against a bacterial infection AFTER the exposure. The vaccine is not an instant tetanus killer; it would take weeks for your body to produce enough antibodies (provided the vaccine is even successful at all).
4. If there were serious concerns about tetanus exposure (as previously explained) then the ONLY thing that could help (outside of allowing the wound to bleed, if possible, and cleaning the wound with soap, water, or hydrogen peroxide) would be the TiG shot (tetanus immunoglobulin), which is an anti-toxin and not a vaccine.
5. There is no "tetanus vaccine" available in the United States, only the DTaP which is a 3-in-1 cocktail vaccine consisting of Diptheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (whooping cough) or Td (tetanus and diphtheria).
To summarize:
1. A tetanus shot would not help a current case of tetanus as a vaccine takes several weeks to create antibodies. If a current case of tetanus is truly a concern, the TiG shot is what should be given.
2. According to the VAERS database, reactions to vaccines for tetanus and diptheria are not rare. As of August 2012, there were over 22,000 adverse reactions reported and 67 deaths.
3. Lastly, the CDC states that efficacy of the tetanus toxoid has never been studied in a vaccine trial.
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