Vaccines Damage the Immune System
Vaccines and the immune system
Vaccines interfere with our immune system. This to one extent is a desired effect, however may also have sideeffects which can not be foreseen and possibly entail unknown long term sideeffects. Today's vaccinations are merely examined in the short term studies, long term studies on the effects of vaccination, do not exist.
Vaccines and infections
Time over time it is being argued that vaccinations can lead to a general susceptibility to infections. In a study by Jaber it was found that after a vaccination the occurance of infections in children significantly rose (JABER, L. CLINICAL PEDIATRICS 1988; 27:491-494.).
After the measles vaccination, there is a significant reduction in the lymphocytes count and (NICHOLSON, JKA OF J AIDS 1992, 5:528-537) the function (Hirsch, RL CLINICAL AND Immunol Immunopathol 1981, 21:341-350) These types of white blood cells, are responsible among other things for example: the defense of viral infections. The MMR vaccine temporarily suppresses the function of neutrophil leukocytes (for the defense of bacterial infections such as competent white bloddcells) (Toraldo, R.. ACTA PAED 1992, 81:887-890).
Vaccines and autoimmune diseases
Repeatedly are case reports and studies which indicate that vaccinations may exacerbate or trigger an autoimmune illness. (FOURNEAU JM. MOL IMMUNOL 2004;40(14-15):1095-102 , HERNAN MA. Neuology 2004;63:772-3 ,RAVEL G. TOXICOLOGY 2004;196(3)211-6 , WRAITH DC. LANCET 2003;462(9396):1659-66 , BORCHERS AT. J INVESTIG ALLERGOL CLIN IMMUNOL 2002;12(3):155-68 , SAADOUN, D. REV MED INTERNE 2001 FEB;22(2):172-6 , OLDER, SA. SEMIN Arthritis RHEUM 1999 DEC;29(3):131-9 , NEUSTAEDTER, R. THE VACCINE GUIDE. BERKELEY 1996 , KALDEN JR. DMW 1992, 117, 1259 ,).
For example, the Institute of Medicine, writes that it is biologically plausible that the injection of an inactivated virus, a bacterium or a live weakend virus in a sensitive recipient can trigger an autoimmune response by means of deregulation of the immune response,addressed against the myelin proteins and unspecified activation of T cells, or by an autoimmune reaction due to sequential similarity of the vaccine proteins with myelin proteins.(INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE ADVERSE EVENTS ASSOCIATED WITH CHILDHOOD VACCINES. WASHINGTON, DC: NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS, 1994 ).
In recent decades, a significant increase in diabetes (a 30% increase in children under 4 years have been registered in the last 20 years), Crohn's disease (a 10-fold increase from 1950 to 1990), multiple sclerosis and rheumatic diseases. Even in childhood ages. Autoimmune diseases are increasing conspicuously in industrialized and medically advanced countries. One in twenty persons in Europe or North America acquires such a disease in the course of his life. An increase in diabetes was registered with the American and Finnish children after introduction of the vaccination against hepatitis B, Hib, Pertussis, and MMR.
In Germany a increase of over 50% in diabetes patients and this of 4 year old children have been registered since 1996. (ESPED (Erhebungseinheit fuer seltene paediatrische Erkrankungen in Deutschland): Jahresbericht 2002., Galler, A., Rothe, U., Stange, T., Kunath, H. et al.: Haufigkeit und klinische Charakteristika des Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 im Kindesalter in Sachsen. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 2004, 152:163-168).
Not only vaccines, but also natural infections can lead to autoimmune reactions of the body, however a natural infection differs in three important aspects from a vaccine infection. The route of the infection is different, the vaccine is injected directly into the body and does not take a "detour" through the mucous membranes.
A recent study of the Coxsackie virus shows what serious repercussions, of this seemingly small difference, can make: This normally relative harmless cold virus may, if artificially administered instead of the natural way by means of the respiratory mucus, produce symptoms similar to those of poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis): it comes to the same kind of paralysis, which is usually triggered only by the polio virus. To the immune system it also appears to play a big role, whether it is confronted with the disease by means of the natural or an artificially produced path. (Andrew Dufresne und Matthias Gromeier 2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
In addition to this, vaccines contain additives designed to enhance the a body's response to the pathogen. Meaning the pathogen vaccine has now aboslutley nothing in common with the natural agents, and can possibly even change the antigenicity (effect of the agent) altogether.
Vaccines and allergies
Avoiding early contact with certain proteins as a measure of allergy prevention, is still today recognized as standard in pediatrics. Nevertheless, contrary that its being recommended that all children have a 7-fold vaccination beginning at the age of 9 weeks each, with unphysiological direct antigen-blood contact through the administration using a syringe. (
There are a number of studies that suggest the connection between vaccination and allergic predisposition.(SHAW, F.E. AM J OF EPID 1988; 127:337-352. )
Thus, the allergy rate among children who grew up by means of an anthroposophic philosophy (specifically through cultivating conscientiously a form of thinking independent of sensory experience) is much lower. Anthroposophical children differ from non-Anthroposophical educated children among others the MMR vaccination rates are much lower. (ALM, J.S. LANCET 1999 MAY 1;353(9163):1485-8 ).
In a comparison of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, the latter showing a recent U.S. survey a significantly higher rate of asthma and allergic diseases. (ENRIQUEZ, R. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Apr;115(4):737-44. )
This is also the conclusion of an Austrian study using over 1000 children. In this case, the health of unvaccinated children in a written survey had been investigated.There had been no Asthma occurring among unvaccinated children, and allergies had a maximum rate of 2.8%.
Even in a small Japanese study, a correlation between atopic diseases had been found.
After the DTPertussis vaccine 25% of the subjects developed asthma and only 2.3% of unvaccinated developed asthma (10 out of 39 vs.1 of 43), 18% of vaccinees and 2.3% of the unvaccinated developed atopic dermatitis (7 of 39 vs. 1 of 43)(Yoneyama H, Suzuki M, Fujii K, Odajima Y. The effect of DPT and BCG vaccinations on atopic disorders. Arerugi. 2000 Jul;49(7):585-92).
The aluminum contained in many vaccines stimulates also the production of allergy antibodies (IgE) (BREWER, J.M. J IMMUNOL 1999;163:6448-54 , NEUZIL, K.M. VACCINE 1997;15(5):525-32 , NOSSAL, G.J. LANCET 1997;350(9087):1316-9 , GUPTA R.K. PHARM BIOTECHNOL 1995;6:229-48 ) .Even a infection thru the measles vaccine virus leads to an increase in the production of allergy immunoglobulin (IgE) (Imani F. Clin Immunol. 2001 Sep; 100 (3) :355-61.).
The Vaccine Timeframe
The timeframe of child vaccinations simutaniously coincides with the development of the nervous and immune system of children.
The importance of bringing forth the strength and direction of a relationship between the vaccine time window and the maturation of the immune system becomes evident of fact during the "time windowed vaccination of premature children (as recommended in Germany) up to 20% of vaccinated children resulted in some life interruptive circumstance or circulatory problems.(SLACK, MH. ARCH DIS CHILD FETAL NEONATAL ED 1999 JUL;81(1)F67-8 , SEN S. Acta Paediatr. 2001 Aug;90(8):916-20. ).
More recent work suggests that the presence of maternal antibodies in newborns (Passive immunity) in the case of vaccination against the disease in question, may have led to allergie incubation in the immune response. Confirmation of these results can be used as a strong argument for a later vaccine time window. (HOLT, PG. VACCINE VOLUME 21, ISSUE 24, 28 July 2003, Pages 3432-3435 ).
More recent work suggests that the presence of maternal antibodies in newborns (Passive immunity) in the case of vaccination against the disease in question, may have led to allergie incubation in the immune response. Confirmation of these results can be used as a strong argument for a later vaccine time window. (HOLT, PG. VACCINE VOLUME 21, ISSUE 24, 28 July 2003, Pages 3432-3435 ).
Brain development
The brain in humans, as compared to other organs, has a very long development time. During the first year of life this development half of the growth takes place.
(mainly the enlargement and differentiation of nerve cells), but also an increased myelination, ie myelin sheath formation and the formation of nerve connections (synapses) take place. The development of the receptors and transmitter systems has also peaked in the first two years of life.(Rodier P.M.: Developing brain as target of toxicity. Environ Health Perspect 1995, 103 Suppl 6: 73-6). During this time, the brain is particularly sensitive to disturbances caused by toxic substances.
Increased permeability to toxins: myelination, blood-brain barrier (BBB)
The incomplete myelination of the nerves and the blood-brain barrier make infants in particularly vulnerable to toxins. During early childhood neurological development has surrounded the nerves only gradually with the myelin sheath, the process begins at birth in the brainstem and developes itself in the second decade of life into the cerebral cortex. The myelinated nerves have a faster conductive state and are also less susceptible to neurotoxins. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) forms a protective barrier in front of the central nervous system toxins and pathogens and the infant is still very vunerable (for toxic substances, mercury, aluminum).
Differentiation of nerve cells
During the development of the brain differentiate into nerve cells from so-called pluripotent stem cells. This differentiation is achieved by special closing of certain genes. This is done by switching off genes, within the methyl groups (CH³). All genes marked as such, do not get expressed or are they enabled. Transmitted is a epigenetic regulation, also called signaling molecules, or nerve growth factors, such as IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) or methionine synthase.Toxins, such as aluminum or thiomersal may submit, disrupt or inhibit a nerve growth and thus lead to slippage of nerve cells, such as a deficient or defective sprouting of axons formation, which may disrupted the nerve cells.
A part of the healthy population has a genetic low concentration of the mentioned signaling molecules, aka/called methylation deficiency. Such persons are particularly vulnerable to suffer through harmful influences in early childhood stages with neurological disorders.
The American researcher Waly showed in his experiment with human neuroblastoma cells, that ethanol and various metals such as copper, lead, above all mercury and aluminum exercise a strong obstructing effect on nerve growth.
Immunization protection
So a vaccine has an epidemiological benefit at least 90% of the population must be vaccinated. However the vaccine immunity is but significantly worse than the immunity after withstanding of the disease. This can lead to more and more babies which become ill for passive immunity is by far too low due to vaccine antibodies. On the other hand it is not clear as to the actual duration of immunity after a vaccination (especially in regards to live vaccines). A senior may have decreased antibodies and thus the disappearance of vaccine immunity alltogether risks a renewed disease.
Since vaccinations do not provide 100% immunity protection for the body, thus by means of increasing immunisation rates also comes an increase of susceptible persons, and that inspite of these vaccinations .
Example, measles: (Keep in mind that vaccines are a mild version of the actual disease meaning that the body being vaccinated is perfectly healthy at the time of vaccination) Ergo: 10% of vaccinated persons after the 1st Vaccination are no longer immune, with a population of 100,000 people, for example, the math arises:
- with a vaccination coverage of 50% of the population susceptible 50,000 non-vaccinated and susceptible 5000 vaccinated,
- with a vaccination coverage of 90%, however, susceptible 10,000 Non-Vaccinated and 9000 susceptible vaccinated,
- with a vaccination coverage of 95% 5000 susceptible non-vaccinated and 9500 susceptible vaccinated
- From a vaccination rate of over 90% more are affected by an epidemic than those unvaccinated.
The value of children's diseases
On the side of the vaccine critics it is repeatedly argued that normal children undergoing traditional diseases like measles, mumps and rubella for the affected children had a high value and is often associated with a development or maturation of thrust.
In recent years it has been a primarily relationship of disorders in childhood allergic have been demonstrated , autoimmune, as well as to malignant diseases:
Adults who experienced measles as children have a reduced risk of developing multiple sclerosis . (ALBONICO HU. MED HYPOTHESES 1998;51(4):315-20 )
Women who had mumps as a child, have a significantly lower risk of developing ovarian cancer. (WEST R. CANCER 1966;19:1001-7 , NEWHOUSE ML. BR J PREV SOC MED 1997;31:148-53 )
Adults who experienced measles as children have a reduced risk of developing multiple sclerosis . (ALBONICO HU. MED HYPOTHESES 1998;51(4):315-20 )
Women who had mumps as a child, have a significantly lower risk of developing ovarian cancer. (WEST R. CANCER 1966;19:1001-7 , NEWHOUSE ML. BR J PREV SOC MED 1997;31:148-53 )
Feverlike infections in the first year of life, are associated with a significantly reduced risk of allergies. (WILLIAMS, L.K. J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL 2004;1113;291-6) .
An upper airway viral infection in the first 2 years of life, significantly reduces the risk of an allergic respiratory diseases such as bronchial asthma later in life.(MUTIUS, E. SCHWEIZ MED WOCHENSCHRIFT,1998 Nov 21;128(47):1833-9. ). Also, a Mexican study shows the reliving of scarlet lowers the risk of developing asthma. (Vargas, MH. Respir Med. 2005 Jun 6 )
Similarly, these infections could play a protective effect/role against malignant diseases : the risk of the most common form of childhood leukemia (ALL) was smaller, had the child gone through the natural state of infections, during their early childhood years.
Your Immune System, How It Works And How Vaccines Damage It
"Chronic illnesses are now so common, having a sick child seems to be the “new normal.”Children are supposed to be vibrant, healthy, free of disease." - Janet Levatin MD, Pediatrician.
The Theory
Medical theory is that if your child is exposed to a weakened version of the disease, he will produce antibodies to that disease and become ‘immune’, so that he will never contract the illness.
At first glance, this sounds like a solid principle, BUT it only focuses on one small aspect of the immune system, the antibodies, and fails to look at all the other functions responsible for protecting your child’s health.
So, how does the immune system work?
The immune system is also made up of the skin, mucous membranes in the nose and throat, ears and eyes, nasal hairs, saliva, the spleen, intestines, tonsils, the thymus gland and even the brain. All of these parts work together in a holistic way to bring about a whole body immunity, which is only in part to do with antibodies.
• The skin acts as a barrier to prevent bacteria entering the body. It also filters out toxins through fever, which is the purpose of a fever when your child is ill.
• The nasal hairs prevent foreign particles from travelling up the nose, and the mucous membranes excrete a substance which is anti-bacterial.
• Tonsils help prevent respiratory diseases and illnesses such as Polio, and saliva contains substances which destroy and neutralise microbes.
• The spleen and intestines, among other organs, deposit fats and vitamins around the body and protect against viral and bacterial invasion.
• The thymus gland produces thymus cells, known as ‘T’ cells, which are antibodies to infection.
• There are various glands (nodes) in the body that drain it of toxins and useless material. For instance, the cervical nodes drain the head, neck and chest.
• The pituitary gland in the brain directs all of the systems above, so if the brain goes wrong, so does the immune system. It sends electrical impulses to all areas of the body, stimulating cell re-generation and muscle growth. These electrical impulses also stimulate the thymus gland – the centre of immune function.
What effect does vaccination have on this immune function?
Vaccination – the act of artificially acquiring a disease so as to become immune to it – is flawed in a number of ways. Firstly, a vaccine contains many hazardous chemicals and not just the viruses to immunise against. These each have their own toxic affect on the body. Secondly, the route of entry is different to a naturally occurring disease. Most natural diseases would enter through the mouth or the nasal cavity, not the skin.
Vaccination breaks the skin with a needle and injects foreign matter into the blood supply.
This bypasses the skin’s role in immune function, as well as the tonsils, the mucous membranes, and so on.
Normally, the body produces extra antibodies after being primed by the tonsils that there is impending infection. Therefore, if the infection takes hold, there will be an army of white blood cells, ready to neutralise the infection.
In the case of vaccination, this infection goes straight to the blood, with no prior build up for the body, and there are no extra immune cells to deal with it.
Also, with vaccination there is more than one disease present (e.g. measles, mumps, rubella all in one), whereas naturally a child would never contract 3 diseases at the same time. This puts additional strain on the immune system.
What problems can this cause?
Injection of vaccine via this unnatural route can use up 70% of the immune system’s resources, instead of the usual 3 to 4% with a wild occurring disease (according to Cynthia Cournoyer, ‘What About Immunizations?’, Dennis Nelson Publishers, 1991).
Because the body has no extra antibodies waiting to counter the vaccine, it can go into overdrive in an attempt to deal with the situation, taking much needed vitamins away from bones and other organs, to use for the production of more antibodies. This means that the other vital systems go short on vitamins, in extreme cases leading to bone fractures caused by the immune response leaching vitamins to cope with the vaccine. This lack of vitamins can also cause bruising and retinal bleeding and haemorrhaging, which is why some vaccine damaged babies have been falsely labelled as ‘shaken baby syndrome’ cases. These type of vaccine injuries are similar to those caused by trauma.
The massive surge of antibodies created by the vaccine can also cause the body to become hypersensitive and this is responsible for the increase in allergies and auto-immune diseases. Allergies are an over-exposure to toxic elements which the body is unable to cleanse itself of.
If the adrenals, which include the pancreas, the pituitary gland and the spleen, become over-stimulated, for instance, by vaccination, this can cause the body to become toxic and unable to regulate itself. This has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, asthma and bronchitis, to name a few. Over-stimulating the adrenals also causes a decrease in circulation of blood round the body, and atrophying of vascular vessels.
It is in this state of dysfunction and chemical overload, from vaccines, pollution, junk food, pharmaceutical drugs and so on, that our bodies become less able to stay healthy.
‘When the body is in its ideal state of harmony, there is no need for "immunity." In such a state of harmony and balance, the thymus functions properly as the central regulator for the proper digestion of elements and all that is taken into the body is digested and excreted.’ – (Stonebridge Associated Colleges, 2005).
In the time immediately following vaccination, when extra vitamins are being used up to fight the vaccine, this may actually make the person more susceptible to the disease. For instance, in the Merck, Sharp and Dohme LTD product information for HIB vaccine, it states: ‘Cases of Haemophilus B disease may occur in the weeks after vaccination’, and in Lederle Hibtiter information sheet, ‘Cases of HIB disease, although rare, may occur after vaccination.’ This is known as ‘PROVOCATION disease’, i.e. disease caused by vaccine.
Live vaccines are more likely to pass on the disease to their recipient or his close contacts, as the viruses are excreted in urine, faeces and saliva for upto 3 weeks after each shot.
The polio vaccine was changed from the live oral vaccine to part of the injectable, killed 5 in 1, because the only cases of polio in western countries were caused by the vaccine.
Vaccine caused diseases are often more severe than the naturally occurring disease. For instance, ATYPICAL measles, only got by vaccinated children, is much more serious because the vaccine suppresses the child’s rash, which is his means of excreting the toxins, and this leads to the toxins being pushed deeper into the body and affecting the major organs and sometimes the brain, as atypical measles encephalitis.
Vaccine viruses can also attach themselves to cells, organs and brain tissue and cause cancers, disabilities and brain injury, as in the case of a boy who became autistic and had a seizure disorder after his MMR jab at 15 months. Great Ormand Street Children’s Hospital tested him at 13 years of age and found remains of vaccine viruses in the injured parts of his brain. (The Sunday Express, 6 October 2002).
Antibodies to brain tissue have also been found in blood tests of autistic children.
Disease Mutations
Even with inactivated vaccines, it is possible for the killed virus or bacteria to mutate into a different form of the disease. For instance, a 16 year old Canadian girl died of Meningitis B after her boyfriend had been given the Meningitis C vaccine. Lab tests confirmed that the vaccine can mutate into B form and infect both the recipient and his or her close contacts. (Pulse, doctor’s magazine, 20th November 1999).
Large numbers of chronic diseases have evolved in the place of infectious disease, since the introduction of mass vaccination, including ME, Lupus, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Autism (previously known as Kanner Syndrome, discovered by Dr. Kanner in the 1940’s), MS, Ebola virus, AIDS, Lichen Planus, Vulvodynia and other hypersensitivity conditions, not to mention the rife and uncontrollable rates of cancer, heart disease, asthma, eczema and other allergies. Even meningitis was extremely rare before the 20th century. This increase in chronic disease may be because vaccination skews the immune system towards an antibody (T helper cell 2 - TH2) response instead of the perfectly balanced TH1/TH2 response that it was designed to be.
Skewed TH1/TH2 Response
Vaccinations induce antibodies by a T cell Helper 2 response. Antibodies are thought to protect the individual from parasites, toxins and other 'outside' environmental exposures. This is known as the humoral response.
TH2 is an anti-inflammatory, suppressive component of the immune system and is the dominant part of the immune system that is at work during a mother's pregnancy. Although it makes antibodies, it doesn't react with an inflammatory response that could potentially damage the developing fetus. The neonates passive immunity is therefore TH2 based.
There is also a T helper 1 (TH1) response, known as the cellular response which helps to bring about immunity within our cells to viruses, yeast, cancer by inducing an inflammatory response from the cells. TH1 response stimulates skin reactions to diseases (inflammation, rashes etc) and hypersensitivity reactions. We have both TH1 and TH2 to balance out our immune response so that we can produce antibodies to infection without incuring too much inflammation and tissue damage.
The British Medical Journal wrote:
'Th1-type cytokines tend to produce the proinflammatory responses responsible for killing intracellular parasites and for perpetuating autoimmune responses. Interferon gamma is the main Th1 cytokine. Excessive proinflammatory responses can lead to uncontrolled tissue damage, so there needs to be a mechanism to counteract this. The Th2-type cytokines include interleukins 4, 5, and 13, which are associated with the promotion of IgE and eosinophilic responses in atopy, and also interleukin-10, which has more of an anti-inflammatory response. In excess, Th2 responses will counteract the Th1 mediated microbicidal action. The optimal scenario would therefore seem to be that humans should produce a well balanced Th1 and Th2 response, suited to the immune challenge.'
Put basically, we need a balanced amount of T cell 1 and 2 in order to have a healthily functioning immune system.
What vaccination does is over-stimulate the TH2 immune system, which simultaneously suppresses TH1. This causes vaccinated individuals to become hypersensitive to toxins, allergens and bacteria while not responding to viruses, yeast and cancer. This is a large reason why we now have 1 in 3 people who get cancer and an epidemic of children with asthma, eczema, hayfever and food allergies.
BMJ also wrote:
'Many researchers regard allergy as a Th2 weighted imbalance, and recently immunologists have been investigating ways to redirect allergic Th2 responses in favour of Th1 responses to try to reduce the incidence of atopy.'
Their investigations involve developing more vaccines rather than just letting the immune system function as mother nature designed it to.
This over-activation of TH2 gives us a hypersensitive immune system that over-reacts to bacteria, toxins and environmental pollutants, increasing the likelihood of eczema, asthma, hayfever, RH arthritis, MS, type 1 diabetes, food allergies and other inflammatory diseases. The down-regulation of TH1 means that the immune system will under-respond to challenges in the cells, for instance, cancer and yeast. In addition to crazy cancer levels, many people have chronic yeast problems such as vulvodynia, intersital cystitis, recurrent candida infections, UTI's, gum infections and more.
Depression and anxiety have also been on the increase in recent decades and it isn't just because of greater awareness. Recent discoveries have found that inflammation can trigger anxious and depressed behaviours.
In 2008, researchers used BCG vaccine to induce anxious behaviour in rats. Brain, behaviour and immunity wrote:
'Although cytokine-induced sickness behavior is now well-established, the mechanisms by which chronic inflammation and depression are linked still remain elusive. Therefore this study aimed to develop a suitable model to identify the neurobiological basis of depressive-like behavior induced by chronic inflammation, independently of sickness behavior. We chose to measure the behavioral consequences of chronic inoculation of mice with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), which has been shown to chronically activate both lung and brain indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), a tryptophan-catabolizing enzyme that mediates the occurrence of depressive-like behavior following acute innate immune system activation. BCG inoculation induced an acute episode of sickness (approximately 5 days) that was followed by development of delayed depressive-like behaviors lasting over several weeks. Transient body weight loss, reduction of motor activity and the febrile response to BCG were dissociated temporarily from a sustained increase in the duration of immobility in both forced swim and tail suspension tests, reduced voluntary wheel running and decreased preference for sucrose (a test of anhedonia). Moreover, we show that a distinct pattern of cytokine production and IDO activation parallels the transition from sickness to depression. Protracted depressive-like behavior, but not sickness behavior, was associated with sustained increase in plasma interferon-gamma and TNF-alpha concentrations and peripheral IDO activation. Together, these promising new data establish BCG inoculation of mice as a reliable rodent model of chronic inflammation-induced depressive-like behaviors that recapitulate many clinical observations and provide important clues about the neurobiological basis through which cytokines may have an impact on affective behaviors.'
So if you have a family history of auto-immune disease, allergies or cancer and you have depression or anxiety that isn't due to a stressful situation, you are probably chronically inflammed.
Vaccination doesn't strengthen the immune system, it skews it towards a TH2 response and this imbalance causes disease.
Skewed TH1/TH2 Response
Vaccinations induce antibodies by a T cell Helper 2 response. Antibodies are thought to protect the individual from parasites, toxins and other 'outside' environmental exposures. This is known as the humoral response.
TH2 is an anti-inflammatory, suppressive component of the immune system and is the dominant part of the immune system that is at work during a mother's pregnancy. Although it makes antibodies, it doesn't react with an inflammatory response that could potentially damage the developing fetus. The neonates passive immunity is therefore TH2 based.
There is also a T helper 1 (TH1) response, known as the cellular response which helps to bring about immunity within our cells to viruses, yeast, cancer by inducing an inflammatory response from the cells. TH1 response stimulates skin reactions to diseases (inflammation, rashes etc) and hypersensitivity reactions. We have both TH1 and TH2 to balance out our immune response so that we can produce antibodies to infection without incuring too much inflammation and tissue damage.
The British Medical Journal wrote:
'Th1-type cytokines tend to produce the proinflammatory responses responsible for killing intracellular parasites and for perpetuating autoimmune responses. Interferon gamma is the main Th1 cytokine. Excessive proinflammatory responses can lead to uncontrolled tissue damage, so there needs to be a mechanism to counteract this. The Th2-type cytokines include interleukins 4, 5, and 13, which are associated with the promotion of IgE and eosinophilic responses in atopy, and also interleukin-10, which has more of an anti-inflammatory response. In excess, Th2 responses will counteract the Th1 mediated microbicidal action. The optimal scenario would therefore seem to be that humans should produce a well balanced Th1 and Th2 response, suited to the immune challenge.'
Put basically, we need a balanced amount of T cell 1 and 2 in order to have a healthily functioning immune system.
What vaccination does is over-stimulate the TH2 immune system, which simultaneously suppresses TH1. This causes vaccinated individuals to become hypersensitive to toxins, allergens and bacteria while not responding to viruses, yeast and cancer. This is a large reason why we now have 1 in 3 people who get cancer and an epidemic of children with asthma, eczema, hayfever and food allergies.
BMJ also wrote:
'Many researchers regard allergy as a Th2 weighted imbalance, and recently immunologists have been investigating ways to redirect allergic Th2 responses in favour of Th1 responses to try to reduce the incidence of atopy.'
Their investigations involve developing more vaccines rather than just letting the immune system function as mother nature designed it to.
This over-activation of TH2 gives us a hypersensitive immune system that over-reacts to bacteria, toxins and environmental pollutants, increasing the likelihood of eczema, asthma, hayfever, RH arthritis, MS, type 1 diabetes, food allergies and other inflammatory diseases. The down-regulation of TH1 means that the immune system will under-respond to challenges in the cells, for instance, cancer and yeast. In addition to crazy cancer levels, many people have chronic yeast problems such as vulvodynia, intersital cystitis, recurrent candida infections, UTI's, gum infections and more.
Depression and anxiety have also been on the increase in recent decades and it isn't just because of greater awareness. Recent discoveries have found that inflammation can trigger anxious and depressed behaviours.
In 2008, researchers used BCG vaccine to induce anxious behaviour in rats. Brain, behaviour and immunity wrote:
'Although cytokine-induced sickness behavior is now well-established, the mechanisms by which chronic inflammation and depression are linked still remain elusive. Therefore this study aimed to develop a suitable model to identify the neurobiological basis of depressive-like behavior induced by chronic inflammation, independently of sickness behavior. We chose to measure the behavioral consequences of chronic inoculation of mice with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), which has been shown to chronically activate both lung and brain indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), a tryptophan-catabolizing enzyme that mediates the occurrence of depressive-like behavior following acute innate immune system activation. BCG inoculation induced an acute episode of sickness (approximately 5 days) that was followed by development of delayed depressive-like behaviors lasting over several weeks. Transient body weight loss, reduction of motor activity and the febrile response to BCG were dissociated temporarily from a sustained increase in the duration of immobility in both forced swim and tail suspension tests, reduced voluntary wheel running and decreased preference for sucrose (a test of anhedonia). Moreover, we show that a distinct pattern of cytokine production and IDO activation parallels the transition from sickness to depression. Protracted depressive-like behavior, but not sickness behavior, was associated with sustained increase in plasma interferon-gamma and TNF-alpha concentrations and peripheral IDO activation. Together, these promising new data establish BCG inoculation of mice as a reliable rodent model of chronic inflammation-induced depressive-like behaviors that recapitulate many clinical observations and provide important clues about the neurobiological basis through which cytokines may have an impact on affective behaviors.'
So if you have a family history of auto-immune disease, allergies or cancer and you have depression or anxiety that isn't due to a stressful situation, you are probably chronically inflammed.
Vaccination doesn't strengthen the immune system, it skews it towards a TH2 response and this imbalance causes disease.
We are killing ourselves in our quest to ‘prevent’ childhood illness, as mother nature is stronger than man, so tampering with immune function can have disastrous consequences for all.
Vaccines Cause Immune Suppression
Immunostimulation Versus Immunosuppression after Multiple Vaccinations: the Woes of Therapeutic Vaccine Development
Three articles in this issue of Clinical Cancer Research show how multiple vaccinations can lead to immunosuppression. Moreover, two studies in patients show that granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) as an adjuvant immunostimulant to different kind of vaccines can lead to adverse outcome in terms of relapse-free and overall survival. Modulation of regulatory T-cell activity may be required to overcome this outcome and may be crucial for the successful development of therapeutic vaccines.
Source: (Clin Cancer Res 2009;15(22):6745–7)
Cancer Patients Injected With Cancer Vaccine Caused 'Early Melanoma Deaths'
Ninety-seven patients with resected melanoma (stage II-IV) were enrolled, stratified by stage, and randomized to receive a cellular melanoma vaccine with or without GM-CSF. The primary endpoint was delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to melanoma cells. Antibody responses, peripheral leukocyte counts, and survival were also examined.
Results: The GM-CSF arm showed enhanced antibody responses with an increase in IgM titer against the TA90 antigen and increased TA90 immune complexes. This arm also had diminished antimelanoma cell delayed-type hypersensitivity response. Peripheral blood leukocyte profiles showed increases in eosinophils and basophils with decreased monocytes in the GM-CSF arm. These immune changes were accompanied by an increase in early melanoma deaths and a trend toward worse survival with GM-CSF.
Conclusion: These data suggest that GM-CSF is not helpful as an immune adjuvant in this dose and schedule and raise concern that it may be harmful. Based on the discordant findings of an immune endpoint and clinical outcome, the use of such surrogate endpoints in selecting treatments for further evaluation must be done with a great deal of caution.
Source: (Clin Cancer Res 2009;15(22):7029–35)
Partial CD4 Depletion Reduces Regulatory T Cells Induced by Multiple Vaccinations
Results: Multiple vaccinations, rather than boosting the immune response, significantly reduced therapeutic efficacy of adoptive immunotherapy and were associated with an increased frequency and absolute number of CD3+CD4+Foxp3+ T regulatory (Treg) cells. Anti-CD4 administration reduced the absolute number of Treg cells 9-fold. Effector T-cells generated from anti-CD4–treated mice were significantly (P < 0.0001) more therapeutic in adoptive transfer studies than T cells from multiply vaccinated animals with a full complement of CD4+ cells.
Conclusion: These results suggest that CD4+ Treg cells limit the efficacy of multiple vaccinations and that timed partial depletion of CD4+ T cells may reduce suppression and “tip-the-balance” in favor of therapeutic antitumor immunity. The recent failure of large phase III cancer vaccine clinical trials, wherein patients received multiple vaccines, underscores the potential clinical relevance of these findings.
Source: (Clin Cancer Res 2009;15(22):6881–90)
1 in 5 Americans Suffer From Allergies
If springtime breezes bring you sniffles, you can take comfort in the knowledge that you are not alone.
For reasons that researchers do not fully understand, allergies to pollen, dust, pet dander and food have become more prevalent among Americans in recent decades. Today, one out of every five Americans suffers from allergies, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.
“We don't know why the incidence of allergies is on the rise,” said Maya Jerath, M.D., Ph.D., an assistant professor in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and director of the UNC Allergy and Immunology Clinic.
Nor do researchers understand why an allergy develops in the first place. “That has baffled people and continues to baffle people in this field a lot,” she said.
An allergy is an immune reaction to a harmless substance, such as a pollen grain or peanut protein. Instead of ignoring the substance, the body produces antibodies to mount a fight against it. Allergy symptoms can range from itchy eyes and sneezing to life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.
The causes of allergies remain elusive in part because the immune system's role is complex, Jerath said. The system must defend the body from countless foreign invaders in food, water and the air around you.
Significantly for allergy sufferers, the immune system must also learn to distinguish particles that are dangerous from those that are not. For most people, this learning occurs during early childhood.
“If it doesn't get adequate exposure to certain things, those regulatory mechanisms don't get set up,” Jerath said.
For that reason, some researchers believe that a lack of exposure to microorganisms early in life may precondition a person to allergies. This explanation, called the “hygiene hypothesis,” suggests that growing up surrounded by many other children, dirt or livestock helps the immune system develop a tolerance to harmless irritants.
Source:, by Sara Peach, 24 February 2010.
The spectrum of post-vaccination inflammatory CNS demyelinating syndromes
A wide variety of inflammatory diseases temporally associated with the administration of various vaccines, has been reported in the literature. A PubMed search from 1979 to 2013 revealed seventy one (71) documented cases. The most commonly reported vaccinations that were associated with CNS demyelinating diseases included influenza (21 cases), human papilloma virus (HPV) (9 cases), hepatitis A or B (8 cases), rabies (5 cases), measles (5 cases), rubella (5 cases), yellow fever (3 cases), anthrax (2 cases), meningococcus (2 cases) and tetanus (2 cases). The vast majority of post-vaccination CNS demyelinating syndromes, are related to influenza vaccination and this could be attributed to the high percentage of the population that received the vaccine during the HI1N1 epidemia from 2009 to 2012. Usually the symptoms of the CNS demyelinating syndrome appear few days following the immunization (mean: 14.2 days) but there are cases where the clinical presentation was delayed (more than 3 weeks or even up to 5 months post-vaccination) (approximately a third of all the reported cases).
In terms of the clinical presentation and the affected CNS areas, there is a great diversity among the reported cases of post-vaccination acute demyelinating syndromes. Optic neuritis was the prominent clinical presentation in 38 cases, multifocal disseminated demyelination in 30, myelitis in 24 and encephalitis in 17. Interestingly in a rather high proportion of the patients (and especially following influenza and human papiloma virus vaccination-HPV) the dominant localizations of demyelination were the optic nerves and the myelon, presenting as optic neuritis and myelitis (with or without additional manifestations of ADEM), reminiscent to neuromyelitic optica (or, more generally, the NMO-spectrum of diseases). Seven patients suffered an NMO-like disease following HPV and we had two similar cases in our Center. One patient with post-vaccination ADEM, subsequently developed NMO.
Overal, the risk of a demyelinating CNS disease following vaccination, although non-negligible, is relatively low. The risk of onset or relapse of CNS demyelination following infections against which the vaccines are aimed to protect, is substantially higher and the benefits of vaccinations surpass the potential risks of CNS inflammation. This does not in any way exempt us from “learning” the lessons taught by the reported cases and searching new and safer ways to improve vaccination techniques and increase their safety profile.
Source: Autoimmunity Reviews, Volume 13, issue 3, March 2014.
Source: Autoimmunity Reviews, Volume 13, issue 3, March 2014.
"In 1947 I was a nursery nurse student working in a nursery for little babies whose mothers needed to work as they were illegitimate and so no fathers were getting a wage.
The babies were very well and very sweet. There were colds and flu occasionally and scabies now and again.
There was NO asthma, eczema, epilepsy, hyperactivity, cardiac disease or cot death. Cot death started in 1957 after DPT was started.
You need to be in your 80's to remember what life was like. Babies died of pneumonia because the houses were so cold but NOT of the awful diseases they have now."
Mrs B - Retired Nursery Nurse.
The babies were very well and very sweet. There were colds and flu occasionally and scabies now and again.
There was NO asthma, eczema, epilepsy, hyperactivity, cardiac disease or cot death. Cot death started in 1957 after DPT was started.
You need to be in your 80's to remember what life was like. Babies died of pneumonia because the houses were so cold but NOT of the awful diseases they have now."
Mrs B - Retired Nursery Nurse.
Autoimmune Tissue Scurvy Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse
Requests from distressed parents and relatives seeking help after having been falsely accused by doctors of injuring their children are not uncommon. Viraland parasitic infections and vaccines cause an autoimmune disorder, Tissue Scurvy, misdiagnosed as child abuse. This report presents the evidence. Method. Relevant hospital and laboratory reports of three children were examined for evidence of Tissue Scurvy as the cause of the neurological lesions, fractures, bruises and hemorrhages found on them. Results. In all the cases in which appropriate histories and tests were done there was evidence that the doctors either misinterpreted the laboratory evidence or they were unaware of the significance of abnormal tests suggesting Tissue Scurvy as the cause. Conclusion. Some doctors are unaware of the pathophysiological processes of autoimmunity, haemostasis and osteogenesis and are misdiagnosing vaccine induced Tissue Scurvy, absence of Vitamin C within the cell, as Non-accidental Injury.
Full paper here:
Source: Michael D Innis, Autoimmune Tissue Scurvy Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse, Clinical Medicine Research. Vol. 2, No. 6, 2013, pp. 154-157. doi: 10.11648/j.cmr.20130206.17
Requests from distressed parents and relatives seeking help after having been falsely accused by doctors of injuring their children are not uncommon. Viraland parasitic infections and vaccines cause an autoimmune disorder, Tissue Scurvy, misdiagnosed as child abuse. This report presents the evidence. Method. Relevant hospital and laboratory reports of three children were examined for evidence of Tissue Scurvy as the cause of the neurological lesions, fractures, bruises and hemorrhages found on them. Results. In all the cases in which appropriate histories and tests were done there was evidence that the doctors either misinterpreted the laboratory evidence or they were unaware of the significance of abnormal tests suggesting Tissue Scurvy as the cause. Conclusion. Some doctors are unaware of the pathophysiological processes of autoimmunity, haemostasis and osteogenesis and are misdiagnosing vaccine induced Tissue Scurvy, absence of Vitamin C within the cell, as Non-accidental Injury.
Full paper here:
Source: Michael D Innis, Autoimmune Tissue Scurvy Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse, Clinical Medicine Research. Vol. 2, No. 6, 2013, pp. 154-157. doi: 10.11648/j.cmr.20130206.17
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