Iatrogenic Drug and Vaccine-induced Mitochondrial Disorders
Mitochondrial “Collateral Damage” Thanks to Big Pharma
Iatrogenic Drug and Vaccine-induced Mitochondrial Disorders
For the full article and studies please visit:
Many of these disorders
(see list below) are actually caused by prescription drugs, vaccines
and/or other toxic chemicals that are poisoning the mitochondria in our
brains, nerves, muscles and other organs. Thus we are being afflicted by
preventable, iatrogenic- or industry-caused diseases. Both realities
are taboo subjects in the current era of mind-control by America’s
powerful, profit-motivated, multinational corporations in BigPharma,
BigChemical, BigMedicine, BigMedia, BigFood and BigAgribusiness
industries. That pervasive group prefers our ignorance, and each of them
spends unlimited amounts of money to ensure it.
The avarice of these
industries for larger market-share, higher share price, bigger profits,
lower wages and more aggressive wealth extraction knows no bounds, and
their brain-disabling products makes their goals ever easier to attain.
first excerpt below is about the injectable, toxic aluminum adjuvants
that have been added to virtually all infant and adult vaccines for the
past 70+ years There is no safe dose of aluminum or mercury, and neither
have any nutritional value. (Aluminum is poorly absorbed when swallowed
[0.5% absorption] but is 100% absorbed into the blood stream when
injected.) The CDC/AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics)-mandated
immunization schedule ensures that a total of nearly 5,000 micrograms of
the mitochondrial toxin aluminum will be injected into the average
American baby by the time he or she reaches 18 months (before which, by
the way, is when many of the alleged “inherited” mitochondrial diseases
become manifest)!
The second excerpt talks
about how poisonous mercury is to the mitochondria that are in human
brain, nerve, muscle and body cells. Over the last 20 years there have
been at least a hundred peer-reviewed medical journal articles that have
been warning physicians about the neurotoxicity of mercury, the
second-most toxic metal known to man (plutonium is first).
Mercury, in the form of Eli
Lilly & Company’s Thimerosal, has been in most infant and adult
vaccines for several generations and was only removed from a number –
but not all – of them when the AAP pleaded with the vaccine
manufacturers to remove it from all vaccines because many concerned
pediatricians were rightfully convinced that the rapidly escalating
autism epidemic was at least partially caused by the rapidly escalating
dosing of vaccines: and they were correct. But the neurotoxic aluminum,
often given in multiple inoculations simultaneously, remained in the
over-vaccination schedule, and the epidemic of chronic, autoimmune
disorders among fully vaccinated children continued.
Nevertheless, the
pharmaceutical companies, the CDC and the AAP continue to recommend
annual (aluminum and mercury-containing) flu shots for immature,
immune-vulnerable, brain-undeveloped babies as young as 6 months of age,
and for their pregnant mothers! What could possibly go wrong? One must
ask: who are the benefactors and who are the victims?
The third article below consist of
extracts from a literature review of the subject of mitochondrial damage
and the role of medications, chemicals, pesticides, metals, drugs,
vaccine ingredients and other mitochondrial poisons that put every cell
in our bodies at increased risk of permanent damage. It is titled
“Medication-induced Mitochondrial Damage and Disease”. Alarmingly, no
mitochondrial patient advocacy website that I could find has links to
this or any of the scores of articles that discuss acquired or
iatrogenic mitochondrial disorders. Go figure.
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