MMR Vaccines Contain Cells from Aborted Human Babies
MMR Vaccines Contain Cells from Aborted Human Babies
The recent hysteria propagated by the dinosaur media regarding the latest measles outbreak is beyond illogical and simply based on a patchwork of lies and misinformation. News of the recent “Disneyland measles outbreak” has brought forth a sudden myriad of self-proclaimed “experts” on measles and vaccines, particularly the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella).
Aside from expressing a know-it-all attitude, vaccine proponents have viciously attacked and threatened anyone in favor of, or even on the fence about, not vaccinating. One of the most classic (and also completely unreasonable) threats insist that parents who choose not to vaccinate should be arrested and charged with child abuse, a concept that infringes not only on natural health freedom but freedoms rooted in the framework of a true democracy.
All of this anger, hate and debate over a disease that hasn’t taken a life in the U.S. since the early 2000s? Anyone with remotely any intelligence can sense that this issue goes much deeper than what’s being reported on TV.
As with any emotionally charged issue, the measles debate has quickly turned political, being used as a tool to influence voters, as well as eliminate more freedoms through forced vaccinations.
For such a heated debate, little true information is being provided. For one, those only following mainstream media may not realize that people who have been vaccinated for measles may be more dangerous than those who haven’t.
As Natural News‘ Jonathan Benson recently reported, numerous published studies show that people who have received the MMR vaccine shed the diseases for weeks, or in some cases even months. This means that the vaccinated could potentially be infecting others, as the virus is very contagious, making vaccinated individuals very dangerous, especially around those with compromised immune systems.
Benson’s report continues to note that nearly two decades ago the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention realized this phenomenon when they tested urine samples collected from newly vaccinated 15-month-old children as well as young adults and found that nearly all of them had detectable levels of the measles virus inside their bodies.
If I had to bet, I doubt emerging self-proclaimed “experts” on the MMR vaccine and measles aren’t privy to this information, making their accusations even more unfounded.
MMR vaccine contains human DNA from fetal cells linked to autism?
Another important tidbit of information that’s being completely ignored on a national level is the possible link between the MMR vaccine’s ingredients and autism. A study released in 2011 called “Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes–A review,” considers a host of peer-reviewed, published theories that suggest a possible connection between vaccines and autism.
The study’s lead researcher, Helen Ratajczak, a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm wrote:
“Documented causes of autism include genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis following vaccination. Therefore, autism is the result of genetic defects and/or inflammation of the brain.”
Human tissue used in 23 vaccines
One of Ratajczak’s biggest concerns is the human DNA used in vaccines, including cells from the fetal lung tissue of aborted babies. Around the time vaccine makers removed thimerosal (mercury) from most childhood vaccines (except for the flu shot), they began making vaccines using human tissue to grow viruses, including measles and chicken pox.
Ratajczak observed a correlation between the introduction of human DNA to the MMR vaccine and autism, suggesting a possible link. She also notes an additional spike in autism in 1995 after vaccine makers began growing the chicken pox vaccine in human fetal tissue.
In regard to why human DNA could possibly cause brain damage, Ratajczak said that the DNA in vaccines is taken up by human cells and recombined into their genome. She further stated:
“That DNA is incorporated into the host DNA. Now it’s changed, altered self and body kills it. Where is this most expressed? The neurons of the brain. Now you have body killing the brain cells and it’s an ongoing inflammation. It doesn’t stop, it continues through the life of that individual.”
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