I am just a mom.
I am not a world-renowned Doctor and it doesn’t matter because our son was vaccine injured and I don’t need 8 years in medical school to prove it. Call it instinct, mother’s intuition or that gut-wrench feeling in the pit of my stomach; what matter’s most is that I knew the moment it happened.
I am a mom on a quest to share our story of tragedy, discovery and healing from Autism. One careless visit to the pediatricians office catapulted us into life-altering events for our family. Much is written about our healing progression on this blog except our story of injury and diagnosis, and friends that is the most critical part. There are millions of moms who are facing some facet of our journey each and every day feeling hopeless and with zero support from our “expert” medical community. I seek to change that by offering a glimpse into our struggles and triumphs recovering our son from that scary little word…Autism.
Mom’s carry an instinct that is more powerful than any Doctor or research study. Five years ago our son fell away into a deep, dark world after a round of 8 vaccines in one visit to “catch him up”. I don’t need a degree to understand causation; our boy literally changed overnight after his pediatrician forced those vaccines upon us. I was victim to the scheme of “if we don’t vaccinate then our child will become severely ill and die from a disease.” They promise that you will never face the hardship of an illness if you just inject a serum that is designed to trick the immune system. Never mind the fact that it is filled with highly questionable adjuvants. Ingredients that if any Doctor were to try and prescribe them singly, would be banned from medicine for life.
Can you imagine willingly injecting any of these ingredients alone? Aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury, DNA from foreign animals (non-human and aborted babies) and neurotoxins to name just a few. I guess five years ago I didn’t have the wherewithal to search the Google we all know and love, because if I did, you better believe I would have told that Doctor to hit the road.
But YOU do. You have all the access you need to research and find the answers that make sense for your children.
It was in the days after his 15 month well-check that our little boy slipped away. Fevers (unexplained), major gut issues where he never had a formed stool, rashes all over parts of his body, ZERO language, hand flapping (that was NOT present before the 8 vaccines), no eye contact, socially inept, he was utterly and completely lost….His little body was on track for an epic meltdown from all the prior vaccine-adjuvants stored up in his system. That round of 8 broke him.
I wasn’t given the number for VAERS, or even a look of concern from our Doctor. No, instead “it’s completely un-related Ma’am, give him some Tylenol”. There was no screening for family history, past vaccine reactions or even asking me if I wanted to vaccinate. The nurse just came in with the needles, assumptions and all, as if it was a government mandated protocol.
A few weeks later, I had given birth to our second son, and in my crazy post-birth hormonal state had to deal with the reality of a diagnosis: Autism. It was like being hit with a ton of bricks and I literally suffocated. I cried uncontrollably every day and felt an enormous weight of guilt-then anger-sadness-then denial-then guilt again, and finally…determination.
It was game on in my book. I would get my child back.
What happened? My child had a complete immunologic meltdown and that spurred his brain and his gut into a state of Autism. I do not need evidence, research or some pharmaceutical-funded study to tell me vaccines don’t cause Autism. I witnessed it happen with my own eyes and that is all the evidence I will ever require. Vaccines do cause damage. The damage might be slight, moderate or severe, but damage will be done.
Momma’s, I’m speaking to you-an adverse reaction does not have to manifest in Autism. It can be allergies, rashes, eczema, auto-immune disorders, ADD, ADHD, OCD and behavioral challenges. It is our signal that the body is being stressed beyond it capabilities. There is a tipping point. The time has come. Our children are sick.
Is this what we want? Our children to become little drugged-up vaccinated robots with fake, synthetic immunity? I really do try and accept the stance of all those pro-vaxxers but unfortunately my simple-mindedness goes back to logic. Logic dictates that nature will ALWAYS win over synthetic. Nature has this amazing ability to change and alter when threatened. I have never seen a synthetic drug or vaccine alter its state to stay “alive”. It is impossible. You can’t change the formula for a vaccine because it has a patent (enter “the love of money”). Instead more vaccines are made. Hey, that’s the answer right?
Notice I will not attach all kinds of research articles about how questionable vaccines are, because they are readily available to find. I am not here to convince you. I seek to share and start a thought process, not throw a bunch of statistics at you. If you want well-researched statistics please visit these amazing sites: LivingWhole, Age of Autism and The Thinking Mom’s Revolution.
We now make family decisions by using the good ‘ol brains that God gave us. Contrary to what the media and plethora of pro-vaxx sites will tell you, a person who decides NOT to vaccinate is pretty darn smart. We actually put in more time and research to land where we are than your average Joe. So, here is what I have come to know:
We are NOT to play the hand of God. Our bodies are perfectly designed with extreme care and intelligence. And that can never be replicated in a laboratory. Just look back thru history when man takes control over nature, it never works, yet our society presses on with complete arrogance thumbing our nose at God’s design.
The medical concept of health is virtually unrecognizable in today’s media from what it once was. Gone is the belief that our bodies are self-regulating organisms capable of amazing feats of healing, instead we get to hear the voice of organizations and companies who would have you believe the reason you get sick is primarily due to lack of their pharmaceuticals filling your body.
Is this Logic? 49 doses of 16 vaccines before the age of six.
No, it is just plain medical malpractice and dangerous, but let’s go ahead and add more to that schedule for our babies, because it sounds totally safe right?
Our family now comprehends naturally acquired immunity, which stands far away from vaccines. We rely on our bodies ability to self-correct with awesome intelligence and we use amazingly strong natural medicine that is always a step ahead of those nasty germs. We went from visiting a neurologist, ENT, pediatricians, emergency rooms, oncologists, you name it we were in an office figuring out this puzzle 4 times a month. Zero progress was made and no answers were given by our medical community. My son kept getting sicker. He made small, incremental gains in therapy, but his body was sick and that was the root of his Autism.
Fast-forward to present day and after 5 crazy-long years of recovery, we have not used a single pharmaceutical or OTC in over three years. Our children’s immune systems are getting stronger, and each day we seek natural choices, steer clear of synthetic immune altering substances, and pleasantly ask for those vaccine exemption forms with a smile.
How did we heal Autism?
First, we treated it as an immune deficiency and took aim at the gut first. As the gut healed so did the brain. It took time, lots of time. Critical points of improvement happened with changing the diet (GAPS), homeopathic detox of each and every metal/vaccine stored up in his body, which we literally saw coming out one at a time. Camel milk, EO’s, and therapists that worked with him in the real world, not by the book of ABA guidelines.
It was nothing short of amazing to watch his progression over the years and I often sit in amazement and shock as I see my little social, happy guy thriving in school. It wasn’t easy, and the whole road was against the grain. We met resistance from family, friends and the medical community. But Autism didn’t win us, we won it!
Press on, research and follow your instinct. The tide is turning, the media cannot hide it any longer and the truth will come out.
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