CEASE therapy was developed by Dutch physician Tinus Smits who was looking for a way to help children with autism. CEASE stands for Complete Elimination Autism Spectrum Expression and Dr. Smits helped well over 300 children with Autism prior to his death in 2010. While his method was originally designed for children with autism, Dr. Smits and those that he trained have experienced success treating a number of conditions including MS, Chronic Fatigue, allergies, ear infections, hyperactivity, and detoxificat
CEASE utilizes several holistic elements to form a systematic approach that helps people detox from physical and energetic blockages while bringing balance to the mind and body. The elements used in CEASE are:
Homeopathy – the use of remedies in different potencies. The remedies are produced by dilution and succession and are labeled according to their potency. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy noted that if a certain potency had an impact, but had not yet finished healing the problem, often times a higher potency was needed to continue the healing process.
Isotherapy – the use of pathogenic substances that have been prepared in homeopathic potencies. For instance if a particular medication such as Prednisone is suspected to play a part in an illness, the homeopathic version of Prednisone will be used to help the body rid itself of the physical and energetic imprints that it has left on the body.
Inspiring Homeopathy – A modern form of classical homeopathy developed by Dr. Smits to treat universal human problems. Some themes uncovered by Dr. Smits include: want of self-confidence, lack of love or self-love, not being grounded in the body, lack of protection, old traumas, etc. The most frequently prescribed inspiring homeopathic remedies for children with autism are Cuprum metallicum and Saccharum officinale. Cuprum helps with obsessiveness, inflexibility and tension (including tics and head banging). Saccharum officinale helps to restore emotional contact with parents, siblings and classmates.
Orthomolecular Medicine – nutritional supplements in therapeutic doses to nourish the brain and restore proper intestinal function. In my practice, I have found enormous benefit from adding on Original Quinton Seawater Minerals, probiotics and enzymes to the traditional vitamin C, magnesium, zinc and fish oil recommend by Dr. Smits.
Nutrition - Give your child the best nutrition available, like fresh organic foods. Avoid packaged foods. By doing this you will prevent further toxicity from heavy metals, pesticides, flavor enhancers like MSG, artificial sweeteners, color additives, GMOs, preservatives and other waste products. Many studies have shown that there is a link between MSG and obesity, diabetes, migraines and headaches, autism, ADHD, and even Alzheimer's.
CEASE Therapy is clinically proven, well researched and individualized treatment protocol that integrates the best homeopathic approaches as an overlay to the detoxification process. The benefits of CEASE Therapy include:
- Individualized treatment plan specific to each person
- Custom-made remedy packets specific to each person
- Resolution of digestive and gut-related issues
- Improvement of brain function
- Profound, deep-healing effect, physically, emotionally and mentally
- CEASE Protocol addresses causes, not just symptoms, including damage caused by vaccinations, iatrogenic drugs, and medications.
- CEASE Protocol heals traumas of physical, emotional and chemical exposure.
J.B. Handley of Generation Rescue has this to say, "The CEASE approach stands out among many others for its clarity, simplicity and focus on cause".
Obstacles to curing children
The main obstacle to curing children seems to be the lack of information from parents about causes. When important events in the life story of a child are overlooked or unknown, an essential key to healing can be missed.
Vulnerable brain of unborn and small children
During pregnancy and the first two years of life, the brain is extremely vulnerable and should be protected as much as possible. That's why medications during and after pregnancy including vaccinations need to be addressed. Even imprints in the energetic field of the father and mother before pregnancy can be passed to the child by energetic transfer.
Sima Ash of Healing 4 Soul is a clinical/ classical homeopath and certified clinical nutritionist who utilizes a unique approach pioneered by Tinus Smits, M.D. called CEASE therapy. The aim of CEASE treatment is systematic detoxification of the causes of illness, leading to step by step improvement and restoration of health in the individual. For additional information, please visit www.healing4soul.com. You can follow Sima on Facebook at ‘Cease Therapy California’ and through her weekly blog on NaturalHealth365.com. Sima can also be reached at 714-939-9355.
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