Vaccination and Heart Disease

Heart Disease and Vaccine Connection

I have suspected all along that the millions of people dying from heart disease had to have a connection to vaccines. Finally I found this report that validates the findings.
 The body of a child after having received vaccinations will struggle to adapt itself to the bacterial    bombardment brought forth. A warning from the late Dr. Herbert Snow, of the Cancer Hospital in London, England blamed the increasing use of serums for the alarming increase of deaths from heart trouble among children.
Another study made by the Mayo Clinic some years ago revealed that certain varieties of germs pile up on the heart valves. In experimenting with guinea pigs, the clinic found colonies of injected germs collected on the valves of the heart.
To make matter worse Neurotoxic artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, Splenda and Sweet&Low have also been validated to cause electrical heart signaling failure inducing heart attacks.
A lab test was conducted feeding mice High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) now made as GM (Genetically Modified) caused the heart of mice to grow until their hearts exploded.
So what do you do after having been vaccinated and unknowingly consumed these harmful foods? You Detox, kill the viruses and feed your body organic food and a supplement to help your body repair and rebuild a damaged cardiovascular system.
Grab this link and email it to people you know:
Flu Vaccines Found To Increase Heart Attack Risk
A concerning study published in 2011 in the International Journal of Medicine revealed a fact rarely addressed by conventional health authorities, or the mostly uncritical mainstream media, namely: flu vaccines result in inflammatory cardiovascular changes indicative of increased risk for serious heart-related events such as heart attack.
Heart Disease and the Vaccine connection
Statistics compiled by the United States Public Health Service reveal that while heart disease in the United States has increased slightly over seven times in thirty years, endocarditis, which includes valvular troubles, has increased nearly twenty times. The same source of information shows that valvular troubles and heart disease as a whole are very much higher in states where the population is dense, such as New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, where vaccination is used on a general scale.
All over the land, daily and weekly newspapers, in their mortality reports, tell the story of this swift killer leading the statistical parade.
The Reader’s Digest for November, 1946, brings out that American Army medical officers “were disturbed by the high death rate by coronary disease among their troops, especially in the lower age brackets, in training camps in the United States.”
Quoting further from the Reader’s Digest article: “The basic fact remains, between five and seven million men in the United States now over twenty-five years old, are slated to succumb to coronary disease.”
Researchers, looking for the astounding increase in coronary diseases and fatalities, are exploring a variety of suspected causes. The Army medical doctors point to an increased consumption of eggs, meat, milk, and other proteins as a suspected cause, while investigators in civilian life attribute it in part to the impact of mechanized civilization and the “Jeep-jive” tempo of the twentieth century. But this, obviously, would not account for the upswing in heart ailments among the very young. A limited number of researchers have visualized the cause as originating in the routinized schedules that have been developed in the clinic for the care of infants and children of pre-school age.
The struggle of the body of the child to adapt itself to this type of bacterial bombardment brought forth a warning from the late Dr. Herbert Snow, of the Cancer Hospital in London, England, who blamed the increasing use of serums for the alarming increase of deaths from heart trouble among children:
“I am convinced that some 80 percent of these deaths are caused by inoculations or vaccinations they have undergone. These are well known to cause grave and permanent diseases of the heart.”
Dr. J.V. DePorte, director of Statistics for the New York State Department of Health, revealed a surprising amount of heart disease among children in schools where a survey was conducted. Rheumatic infection was indicated in more than one half of the cases.
A study made by the Mayo Clinic some years ago revealed that certain varieties of germs pile up on the heart valves. In experimenting with guinea pigs, the clinic found colonies of injected germs collected on the valves of the heart.
In Tyce’s Handbook of Medicine, we find a piece of the jig-saw puzzle that fits in with the Mayo findings:
“In our laboratory, we have shown that cultures of streptococcus viridans from normal mouths, when injected intravenously into rabbits, may give rise to a variety of lesions, more particularly myocardial and endocardial.”