U N Seeks to Make Vaccinations Mandatory

U N Seeks to Make Vaccinations Mandatory

The United Nations, in a cleverly crafted move, is stealthily moving towards a regime of mandatory vaccination. It is doing this by invoking Article 24 on the Convention of the Right to the Child which says every child has the right to , "the highest attainable standards of health". Ironically it is this right that should ensure a total ban on vaccines.

There are many studies available now that clearly demonstrate that vaccinated children suffer from myriad severe and chronic diseases caused due to a misguided immune system, the toxic effects of the dangerous ingredients and contaminants in vaccines, and by suppressing normal childhood illnesses, that apart from conferring permanent immunity also prevent many chronic diseases later in life.

Vaccinated are not intended to provide health. They are intended merely to create blood related antibodies which have time and again proved itself inadequate to prevent the illnesses vaccines are supposed to protect against. In case of many illnesses it is the vaccinated who suffer and the blame is always directed towards a few unvaccinated children who often form less than 1% of the total child population. This is a clear admission that vaccination does not pass the disease challenge.

Recent studies have demonstrated how vaccines invariably cause autoimmune illnesses, how vaccines risks are blatantly ignored, how vaccines do not confer protection and how, due to vaccines, mothers no longer possess natural antibodies which they pass on to children via the breast milk.

The situation is very serious as we are seeing extremely sick children today who suffer from asthma, allergies, attention deficit disorders, behavioral disorders, learning disorders, neurological disorders, mental illnesses, serious addictions, cancers, diabetes, obesity, heart disorders, ear, nose and throat infections, weak eyesight, paralysis, developmental disorders, autism, weak eysight, hearing disorders, cerebral palsy, sudden death, kidney failures, liver damage, and other disabilities which are assuming epidemic proportions. Our children have lost both their health as well as normal childhood.

Under these circumstances the intentions of the United Nations to make vaccinations mandatory needs a critical look.


Bringing a human rights perspective to the debate surrounding the vaccination of children

by Paula Gerber - The debate around whether children should be vaccinated against illness such as the measles and whooping cough tends to be highly emotive and divisive, with the medical profession on one side talking about epidemics and quoting lots of scientific data, and concerned parents on the other side, recounting heart wrenching stories of adverse reactions, including even death, following immunisation.
What is missing from the discussion is a calm and considered reflection of the human rights of the children at the heart of the controversy.

This week NSW Opposition Leader John Robertson intends to introduce a bill to amend the Public Health Act to allow childcare centres and schools to ban children who have not been vaccinated. Is such a move consistent with the rights of children?

Australia ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child well over a decade ago. This means that we have agreed that,

In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.”