Can vaccination provide immunity?

Vaccination is not immunity

The seat of immunity is the gut and the nervous system response to a foreign invader. Photo: Dr Peter Lind
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 - Alternative Health with Dr. Lind by Peter Lind
Peter Lind
WASHINGTON, April 30, 2013 - Immunity is enhancing the immune system. The seat of immunity is primarily found in the gastrointestinal system. Mast cells are the major sensory input of the innate immune system. These cells are on the lookout for foreign invaders. Also, they help regulate acute inflammation from the beginning to end. Once the mast cell detects a pathogen or foreign intruder, it releases special chemicals, cytokines, that attack the intruders and then circulate in the body to recruit other cells of the immune system. This overarching regulatory control over innate immune processes has made mast cells successful targets to purposefully enhance or, alternatively, suppress mast cell responses in multiple therapeutic contexts. J Immunol. 2013 May 1;190(9):4458-63. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1203420.
Around the mast cells are the nerve endings of the sympathetic and parasympathetic, the automatic nervous system. When a foreign intruder is detected, the mast cells alert the autonomic nervous system, the part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus controls the sympathetic and parasympathetic output or state of reaction to the entire body. 
Ultimately your immunity and response is dependent upon the response of your hypothalamus. This part of your brain also receives many other signals: Sugar levels. If either high or low sugar levels are detected your hypothalamus will make a response to the pancreas and liver to elevate sugar if too low or lower sugar if too high.  Heat or cold. If your hypothalamus detects body temperature decreasing it will stimulate your thyroid gland via your pituitary gland to increase thyroid output, thyroxine T4, or triiodothyronine (T3), to increase metabolism. If you are  too warm, your hypothalamus will activate your parasympathetic nervous system to dilate blood vessels to release heat, slow your heart rate and breathing rate down to decrease body output. Each of these areas in the hypothalamus may affect the others by location. Which leads us to immune control.
Your gut and your immune system. 
Your parasympathetic nervous system is in the ventromedial hypothalamus. Lesions in this nucleus can directly change the expression of immune-related gene families. Kiba T, Yagyu K. J Neuroimmunol. 2013 Apr 15;257(1-2):1-6. In other words, when your hypothalamus is dysfunctional (too high sugar, or too low or it goes through early degeneration) the output has a direct affect on the response it makes through protein synthesis. It does not react the same way.
Back to the mast cells. When you have more foreign pathogens in the form of food, microbes, or any other foreign invader including vaccines, there will be an inflammatory response. In the case of vaccines, there will often be swelling, inflammation, sometimes fevers, sometime gastrointestinal reactions, which are all a hypothalamic-autonomic response. As well there will be a cellular lymphocytic, mast cell response in the gut.
When this foreign intrusion increases there will be excess autonomic reactivity as well as mast cell reactivity; the immune system will trigger an even greater response. A broad diversity of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemical agents triggered by the immune system, will be produced. These cytokines, are often the main causes of virtually all chronic diseases and autoimmune conditions causing most of the chronic suffering and ultimately death in our society today. Pick your disease: asthma, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer all have pro-inflammatory cytokines linked to them. 
It is the “cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway” (CAP) that mediates the anti-inflammatory phenotype and the range of health benefits associated with physical activity. Physical activity, by enhancing parasympathetic tone and activating the CAP, may be a therapeutic strategy to restrain chronic inflammation and prevent many chronic diseases.Med Hypotheses. 2013 May;80(5):548-52. Lujan HLDicarlo SE. Department of Physiology, Wayne State University, School of Medicine.
Pediatricians and the proponents of vaccine as a means for increasing the immune system may well be causing more of the inflammatory response beginning with the mast cell and other lymphatic cells all the way to the ventromedial hypothalamic autonomic response.