30 Vaccine Studies Congressmen Should Go Through
Post-Natal Pollution Exposure: The risk from exposure was greater during the first year of life than gestation, suggesting that the maxim "autism always begins in the womb" is a myth.
No Autism Before 7 Months: This study refuted the belief that children show symptoms at birth, and reported two time-frames (pre- and post-14-months) for changes in brain wiring.
No Autism Before 7 Months: This study refuted the belief that children show symptoms at birth, and reported two time-frames (pre- and post-14-months) for changes in brain wiring.
Endocrine Disruptors Increase Autism Risk: This literature review concluded that exposure shortly before or after birth, "appears to be associated with the occurrence of ASD as well as ADHD."
Mercury Is an Endocrine Disruptor: This study "is the first to document an association between blood mercury, systemic inflammation, and endocrine disruption."
Mercury and Autism - Biological Plausibility: This review examined mercury and cellular mechanisms, genetic sensitivity, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and immune dysregulation found in autism.
Toxic Metals and Autism: ASD children had 150%-to-365 % higher levels of heavy metals than controls which "corroborates data from previous studies in different parts of the world." (Not all studies have found an association between metal concentrations and ASD).
Toxic Metals and Autism: ASD children had 150%-to-365 % higher levels of heavy metals than controls which "corroborates data from previous studies in different parts of the world." (Not all studies have found an association between metal concentrations and ASD).
Toxic Metals and Autism Severity (I): This study "found a strong association of levels of toxic metals with variation in the degree of severity of autism." Cadmium and mercury, "were the most consistently significant."
Toxic Metals and Autism Severity (II): These data "support the historic evidence that heavy metals [including mercury and aluminum] play a role in the development of ASD," and the "toxic effect of metals increase along with the severity of symptoms."
Thimerosal Causes Autism Signs in Rats: Male pups of a certain genetic strain were most susceptible (including from post-natal exposure) to oxidative stress, motor delays and thyroid problems, all found in autism.
Thimerosal Is a "Mitochondrial Toxin": This study found a "five-fold increase in the levels of oxidant damaged mitochondrial DNA bases" from thimerosal, which "inhibits mitochondrial respiration leading to a drop in the steady state membrane potential."
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autism: Several recent papers discuss this, including:"Mitochondrial dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis;""Mitochondrial dysfunction can connect the diverse medical symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorders," "Autism and mitochondrial disease," "Mitochondrial dysfunction in autism,"and "Brain region-specific deficit in mitochondrial electron transport chain complexes in children with autism."
Mercury/Lead Linked to ADHD: Cord blood mercury concentrations were associated with higher scores for attention problems and disruptive behavior "consistent with ADHD."
Prenatal Mercury Linked to ADHD: Mercury exposure increased inattention by 40% and impulsive/hyperactive behaviors by 70%, and were "detected primarily for boys."
ADHD Linked to Autism: This paper "provides the first genetically informative, longitudinal analysis of the interaction between traits of ASD and ADHD, and explores their genetic and environmental overlap." Its findings "add to a growing body of literature suggesting that traits of ASD and ADHD may arise via similar (causes)."
Mercury and Neuroimmune Damage in Male Voles Linked to Autism: "Environmental exposure to mercury may contribute to ASD," this study said. "Mercury exposure and neuroinflammation both are implicated in certain neuropathologies (i.e., autism)." Findings were "consistent with our previously reported male-specific mercury-induced deficits in social behavior and further support a role for heavy metals exposure in autism."
"Altered heavy metals" in Autism: "Accumulation or altered mercury clearance, as well as concomitant oxidative stress... offers an intriguing component or possible mechanism for oxidative stress-mediated neurodegeneration in ASD patients."
Mercury and Neuroimmune Damage in Male Voles Linked to Autism: "Environmental exposure to mercury may contribute to ASD," this study said. "Mercury exposure and neuroinflammation both are implicated in certain neuropathologies (i.e., autism)." Findings were "consistent with our previously reported male-specific mercury-induced deficits in social behavior and further support a role for heavy metals exposure in autism."
"Altered heavy metals" in Autism: "Accumulation or altered mercury clearance, as well as concomitant oxidative stress... offers an intriguing component or possible mechanism for oxidative stress-mediated neurodegeneration in ASD patients."
Aluminum in Hepatitis-B Vaccine Causes Mitochondrial Damage and Cell Death: "A low dose of adjuvanted hepatitis B vaccine leads to loss of mitochondrial integrity, apoptosis induction, and cell death."
Thimerosal Impairs Psychomotor Development: "The overall deficit attributable to neonatal thimerosal containing vaccines... was significantly higher" (4.42 times) than in controls.
Cytokine Imbalances Associated with Autism: Regulation of these immune chemicals "change dramatically in the face of infection, disease, and toxic exposures."
Mercury and Lead Inhibit Cytokine Signaling: They also lead to oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage and T-cell death, all found in autism.
Increased Glutamate Found in Cortex of Autism Patients: Elevated levels were not found in parents or siblings, discounting a purely genetic cause.
Thimerosal Increases Glutamate in Rat Cortexes: This study concluded that "neonatal exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines might induce excitotoxic brain injuries, leading to neurodevelopmental disorders."
Thimerosal Exacerbates Other Mercury Exposures: This study found that among "nurslings whose mothers are exposed to different levels of fish mercury, a higher score of neurological development at six months was negatively associated with exposure" to thimerosal in vaccines. "Neurotoxic effects from the combined chemical forms of mercury seemed sensitive for infants exposed to additional thimerosal."
Vaccine Schedule Safety Unproven: A recent IOM paper concluded that, "All aspects of the vaccine schedule are currently under‐studied with regards to potential adverse events" including "febrile seizures or autism," and said possible studies might include "the total number of vaccines given; the average age at which the vaccines are given; or the cumulative amount of immune‐stimulating content, immunogenic adjuvants [i.e., aluminum] or preservatives [i.e., thimerosal]."
Thimerosal Exacerbates Other Mercury Exposures: This study found that among "nurslings whose mothers are exposed to different levels of fish mercury, a higher score of neurological development at six months was negatively associated with exposure" to thimerosal in vaccines. "Neurotoxic effects from the combined chemical forms of mercury seemed sensitive for infants exposed to additional thimerosal."
Vaccine Schedule Safety Unproven: A recent IOM paper concluded that, "All aspects of the vaccine schedule are currently under‐studied with regards to potential adverse events" including "febrile seizures or autism," and said possible studies might include "the total number of vaccines given; the average age at which the vaccines are given; or the cumulative amount of immune‐stimulating content, immunogenic adjuvants [i.e., aluminum] or preservatives [i.e., thimerosal]."
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