USA does not figure in top 30 healthiest countries!
20 Healthiest Countries in the World (We Are Not on the List)
Aug 20, 2012 9:55 am Posted by Robyn O'Brien No Comments
To identify the healthiest countries in the world, Bloomberg Rankings created health scores and health-risk scores for countries with populations of at least 1 million.
They subtracted the risk score from the health score to determine the country’s rank. Five-year averages, when available, were used to mitigate some of the short-term year-over-year swings.
Scrolling through the list is like walking through a geography class or spinning a globe on its axis. Country after beautiful country (think France, Italy, Noway, New Zealand), appear with pictures of locals engaged in some sporty activity. While clicking through the list, I held onto the hope that maybe somehow, somewhere, we would appear on that roster of twenty countries.
But that was hope whispering. Reality had already penetrated, after years of number crunching, knowing all too well that the United States spends more on health care and disease management than any other country on the planet. Our rates of diseases like diabetes, asthma, allergies and autism are growing at unprecedented paces, earning our children the titles of “Generation Rx” and “Generation XL.”
Obesity is already costing America over $190 billion a year—21% of the amount spent on medical services—and is set to rise much higher, and The Economist calls “diabesity” an American epidemic.
But epidemics don’t have genetic causes, they have environmental ones, and as I read through the list, patriotism got the best of me, and I couldn’t help but stop and think, “We have got to get our game on.”
Here’s the list of the top ten healthiest countries in the world, from number ten to the healthiest country in the world. For the full list, visit Bloomberg News:
10. Germany
9. Sweden
8. Netherlands
7. Spain
6. Israel
5. Japan
4. Switzerland
3. Australia
2. Italy
1. Singapore
9. Sweden
8. Netherlands
7. Spain
6. Israel
5. Japan
4. Switzerland
3. Australia
2. Italy
1. Singapore
To learn how you can protect the health of your family, stick with us here at Prevention.
Singapore Tops List of Healthiest Countries in the World [SLIDESHOW]
By Geetha Pillai: Subscribe to Geetha's RSS feed
August 17, 2012 1:06 PM GMT
Singapore Tops the List of Healthiest Countries in the World [SLIDESHOW]
Singapore has been ranked as the healthiest country in the world by aBloomberg survey.
Factors such as average life expectancy, causes of death (communicative and non- communicative diseases), mortality rates, etc were taken into account for determining the health of a nation.
The survey included 145 countries with a population of at least one million and Singapore tops the list with a total health score of 92.52 percent and a health risk penalty of 3.07 percent.
Singapore has a health grade of 89.45 percent which is calculated by subtracting the risk score from the health score of the country.
Risk factors include rates of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption among other parameters.
Five-year averages, when available, were used to mitigate some of the short-term year-over-year swings.
Italy comes second with a health grade of 89.07 per cent and Australia is in the third position with 88.33 per cent.
Switzerland and Japan are in the fourth and fifth positions with health grades of 88.29 percent and 86.83 percent.
Other top countries in the list are Israel (6th), Spain (7th), the Netherlands (8th), Sweden (9th) and Germany (10th).
The UK ranks 21 among the 145 nations with a health grade of 76.84 percent. It has a total health score of 82.82 with a health risk penalty of 5.98 percent.
The United States finds its place at the 33th position with a health grade of 66.84 percent.
The majority of African nations rank above 100 in the list with Swaziland ranked as the least healthy among the surveyed nations.
Click here to get a complete list of the healthiest countries in the world according to the Bloomberg survey.
Take a tour of the top ten healthiest countries in the world through the slideshow.
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