Exploding the Whooping Cough Vaccine Myth
A collection of mainstream news reports and studies exploding the whooping cough vaccine myth
Submitted by America Loves R... on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 17:19
(There is more at the link, in the comments section)
Whooping cough links
SPREAD THESE WIDELY !!!!!!! ....and keep in mind, MOST of the information extends down into the comments.
(Mainstream admission that vaccine is failure and unvaccinated generally not affected):
The current whooping cough epidemic could mean that the vaccine is not working
"....the epidemic may have been caused; in part, by a faulty, ineffective vaccine. ......The children of parents who opt out of vaccines are not generally affected by the yearly, consistent rising number of Pertussis cases. .......CDC officials have said that most of the children who have come down with whooping cough were vaccinated.
Mainstream news out of Australia:
Vaccine a dud, says city doctor
2nd December 2011A WHOOPING cough epidemic is sweeping Australia and according to one Ipswich doctor the current vaccine is the reason why.Ipswich Medical Centre GP Paul Curson said many of the people he had treated during this epidemic were fully immunised, suggesting the vaccine was failing to protect people.So far this year 490 cases of Pertussis (whooping cough) have been reported in the West Moreton Health Services District, up from 436 last year but far in excess of the 50 cases in 2007.Dr Carson, a veteran of 30 years as a GP, said the current vaccine was simply not doing its job."The vaccine is no good, we're seeing whooping cough in people that shouldn't really have it," Dr Curson said."It is showing up in kids that have been vaccinated."----------------------------------------------------"District Dealing With Outbreak Of Whooping Cough In Schools"Keifer told 69 News there have been five cases. De Benedictis said most children have been vaccinated against pertussis. "Either it's worn off or there's something defective in the vaccine, but it is an effective vaccine basically," De Benedictis explained.---------------------------------------------------Grand Island has whooping cough outbreakAll three cases were laboratory-confirmed. All three children were current on vaccines, Vap said. "They all have five doses (of pertussis vaccine), so we are not exactly sure why they contracted the disease," Vap said.-------------------------------------------------Number of whooping cough cases on the rise in La Crosse Co.Excerpt:LA CROSSE, Wis.- There's a big jump in the number of whooping cough cases in the La Crosse area and health officials are expecting more as it spreads.There are 12 confirmed cases so far this year. To put that in perspective, in 2009 there were only 2 cases throughout the entire year.Health officials say the cases of whooping cough this time around are somewhat unusual."Unfortunately the cases that we've had have been immunized and so we're not really sure how it's being spread so well and so fast, but we are investigating that right now," says La Crosse Co. Public Health Nurse Traci Lien.-------------------------------------------------Whooping cough in school age children with persistent cough: prospective cohort study in primary care"(85.9%) of these children had been fully immunised."------------------------------------------------Whooping cough outbreak puzzles Lincoln officials"Whooping cough has reached outbreak status in Lincoln County..There have been 25 cases...23 of them coming from the school...Since all students are required to be vaccinated against the disease before they can attend school and even a single case is considered uncommon, health and school officials are baffled by the outbreak at the school."------------------------------------------------Dr. Tenpenny's latest article:OUTBREAKS PROOF THAT WHOOPING COUGH VACCINES DON'T WORK------------------------------------------------mainstream site:HOW IS PERTUSSIS SPREAD?* It is unknown whether immunizing adolescents and adults against pertussis will reduce the risk of transmission to infants. 33. Bisgard KM, Pascual FB, Ehresmann KR, et al. Infant pertussis: Who was the source? Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2004;23:985-989.----------------------------------------------More kids' hospital doctors get whooping coughexcerpt:The hospital says the doctors have contracted the infection despite keeping their vaccinations up to date.Dr Brian Wheatley, from the hospital, concedes vaccination is not always effective.-------------------------------------------------Vaccinated People Getting Whooping Cough In San Diego:SAN DIEGO — A KPBS investigation has raised questions about how effective the whooping cough vaccine is in preventing people from getting sick. Nearly two out of three people diagnosed with whooping cough in San Diego County this year, were fully immunized.California is in the midst of the worst whooping cough epidemic in 50 years. Thirty six hundred people in the state have been diagnosed with the disease. Eight babies have died since January.KPBS examined data from San Diego County’s Health and Human Services Agency. Of the 332 confirmed cases of whooping cough in the county so far this year, 197 of the people who got sick were up to date with their immunizations. That's nearly 2 out of 3 cases.--------------------------------------------------Is Whooping Cough Vaccine Working?(please see graph at link that goes with info below)UTD = up-to-date with age appropriate pertussis vaccinations by immunization record review or parent reportNUTD = not up-to-date with age appropriate pertussis vaccinationsPBE = personal belief exemption reported by parent and/or physicianUNK = unknownTDAP DUE = any child 11-18 years old who had only 5 pertussis containing immunizations with no Tdap noted(source: San Diego County Health & Human Services Agency)--------------------------------------------------Mainstream study out of the Netherlands:Reemergence of Pertussis in the
Highly Vaccinated Population of
the Netherlands: Observations on
Surveillance Data"The increase in pertussis incidence was higher among vaccinated than among unvaccinated persons of all ages."------------------------------------------------Many whooping cough victims have been immunized; Experts spar over prospects of new disease strainCheck out the pie charts at the bottom of the story from several different counties.------------------------------------------------Whooping cough strain now immune to vaccineThe bacteria that causes whooping cough has mutated, eroding the protection provided by the vaccine now given to children, scientists warned yesterday.Our findings suggest that the use of the acellular vaccine may be one factor contributing to these genetic changes."-------------------------------------------------Even those fully vaccinated can still get whooping cough, health official saysTERRE HAUTE — Those fully vaccinated for whooping cough can still get the disease, says an epidemiologist with the Indiana State Department of Health.“We do see cases of kids appropriately vaccinated who still get the disease,” said Angie Cierzniewski, a state vaccine preventable disease epidemiologist.A Clay County woman knows first-hand that a pertussis vaccination doesn’t eliminate the possibility of someone getting pertussis, also known as whooping cough.The woman, who did not want her name used, said four children in her family became infected with the disease, and the child that first developed it — her 4-year-old — did have the required doses for her age.She said two of her children had the required number of doses, a 2-year-old was not vaccinated because of low immunity and other reasons and the oldest, an 8-year-old, was lacking one of the required doses of the vaccination.The Clay County woman said health authorities had incorrect information that her children contracted the disease because they were not immunized. She wants people to realize they can contract the disease even if they are immunized. “I feel the public may have a false sense of security,” she said.----------------------------------------Charlotte Observer article ADMITS all 16 whooping cough cases WERE vaccinatedRare cough on rise in areaGaston County public health officials fight outbreak of whooping cough; 16 cases reported since AugustExcerpt from article:So far, all the reported pertussis cases in Gaston have been people who have had the vaccination for the disease, Hawkins said.--------------------------------------------Acellular pertussis vaccination enhances B. parapertussis colonization....vaccination led to a 40-fold enhancement of B. parapertussis colonization in the lungs of mice.....these data suggest that the vaccine may be contributing to the observed rise in whooping cough incidence over the last decade by promoting B. parapertussis infection.An acellular whooping cough vaccine actually enhances the colonization of Bordetella parapertussis in mice; pointing towards a rise in B. parapertussis incidence resulting from acellular vaccination, which may have contributed to the observed increase in whooping cough over the last decade.Despite widespread vaccination, whooping cough incidence is on the rise worldwide, making it the only vaccine-preventable disease associated with increasing deaths in the United States. Although this disease is most often attributed to Bordetella pertussis infection, it is also caused by the closely related pathogen, B. parapertussis. However, B. pertussis has remained the center of attention, whereas B. parapertussis has been greatly overlooked in the development of whooping cough vaccines.----------------------------------------------------Whooping Cough Is In The Triad (North Carolina)Thursday, the Alamance County Health Department said they now have 82 confirmed cases. The Health Department also said all of those cases had previously received the pertussis vaccine.The vaccination for whooping cough, also known as pertussis, has changed. Back in 1991, doctors reformulated the vaccine because some children were having severe reactions to the original vaccine.Children were breaking out with fevers and even having seizures or convulsions. As a result, doctors cleaned up the vaccine to try to and get rid of those side effects."What we're finding is that this vaccine is safer. But, the downside is that it's not producing antibodies that are as protective as the old, cellular pertussis vaccine. The answer to everyone is...look, you still get the vaccine," Guilford County Health Department Medical Director Ward Robinson said.Right now, medical experts are looking at ways to address this issue. One option could involve simply recommending people get a booster shot to make sure the vaccine keeps working.Ward added, "There's a constant, on-going, thought process and surveillance that goes into what's the safest vaccine, what's needed in a geographic area."Bottom line -- local health departments stress vaccines are important. The Guilford County Health Department tells News 2 each person who gets vaccinated essentially helps build a wall around the community. The stronger the wall, the less likely infection will be able to break through.---------------------------------------------------County health, school officials learn from pertussis outbreak(Excerpt): The Alamance-Burlington School System has an exceptionally high vaccination rate among its students, local health department representatives told school board members this week. That was a major part of the discussion when Barry Bass, the department’s director, and Dr. Kathleen Shapley-Quinn, its medical director, talked with school board members and answered questions about a pertussis outbreak during a work session held Monday. (the) outbreak...has grown to include more than 103 cases.....SHAPLEY-QUINN SAID there’s no instance of a child who had not been vaccinated getting pertussis....Bass said the system has a “really good vaccination rate,” which “raises questions about the vaccine itself” and its effectiveness in preventing the disease.(SHOT DOWN !!!) Board member Tony Rose had asked for information about the number of students who don’t get vaccinations because of religious or other reasons. “I think it’s 15 kids in your entire system (who) have an exemption for medical or religious reasons,” Shapley-Quinn said. None of the pertussis cases involved those students, she said.(And wow, I am SHOCKED that they included the following wisdom in the article):With approval from the CDC, the health department began shifting its approach in an effort to balance disease prevention and overuse of antibiotics, which can weaken resistance of the body’s immune system. Now, families of students considered close contacts of those with confirmed or probable cases of pertussis get a letter that says “If you have a cough, see your doctor” instead of automatically being offered the antibiotics.----------------------------------------------------Mom "shocked" at vaccine failure in AustraliaA Bunbury mother has put out a call for other parents to not ignore children coughing after her two vaccinated children were diagnosed with whooping cough.Stacey Baskerville’s son Finn, 6, and daughter Ruby, 8, were both vaccinated against the illness when they were 18 months old.But 10 days ago she got a call from a doctor telling her they had both contracted the contagious disease.‘‘I was just in shock—I couldn’t believe them when they said it was whooping cough,’’ Ms Baskerville said.‘‘To think that even if you do vaccinate against it you can still get it is scary.’’
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