Are proteins in vaccines causing the problems?

Is Your Problem Gluten? Or Faddish Eating?

Dr. Palevsky's Comments:  
Is gluten used in the 
of vaccines? Is there a protein in vaccines that is similar to gluten, such that when the
 into the body, the immune system sees it as an enemy and mounts an immune response against it? Gluten sensitivities have increased. Vaccination rates have increased.  
Dairy protein sensitivities have increased. Casein, one of the two major dairy proteins, is in vaccines, e.g., the DaPT, and gets injected into the body. Egg protein sensitivities ha
ve increased. Egg protein is in vaccines, e.g., the MMR, and gets injected into the body. Soy protein sensitivities have increased. Soy protein is in vaccines, e.g., the Prevnar-13, and gets injected into the body. Yeast sensitivities have increased. Yeast proteins are in vaccines, e.g., Hepatitis B, and get injected into the body. Peanut allergies have increased. Are peanut proteins in vaccines, perhaps in the growth medium of the Hemophilus influenzae B vaccine, that are then injected into the body? Fatal allergies have increased. Vaccines alter the integrity of the cellular mediated, the humoral, and the regulatory immune systems, in such a way that people are rendered more vulnerable to developing allergies.  Any time a protein is injected into the body, past the cellular mediated immune system which lines the digestive tract, the airway, and the skin, the internal immune system sees that injected protein as an enemy, and mounts an immune response against it, especially in the presence of a vaccine adjuvant. If gluten, or a protein similar to it, is used in the vaccine manufacturing process, and if it remains as a protein in the final vaccine product, then the body will see this injected gluten protein as foreign and mount an immune response against it. When vaccinated people then choose to eat gluten, their immune systems will view the ingested gluten as an enemy of the body, leading to the onset of a number of inflammatory symptoms. Once they stop eating the gluten, their inflammatory symptoms will usually disappear.  A blood test showing positive IgG antibodies to gluten indicates that a person is sensitive to gluten. The injection of gluten into the body can also cause the body to mount an IgG antibody response to the injected gluten. Are the positive IgG antibodies to gluten in people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivities arising from the body's response to the injected gluten in vaccines? If so, which vaccine(s)? Are 1% of adult Americans living with celiac disease, and perhaps many more living with IgG antibodies to gluten making them gluten sensitive, because they have been injected with gluten? If so, as a result of this injection, have their immune systems reached a critical threshold whereby they have been genetically overwhelmed by this immune assault, which has then led to the clinical manifestations of their gluten sensitivities? Are the phenotypic expressions of the clinical symptoms of celiac disease and gluten sensitivities a consequence of the genotypic changes that are occurring as a result of people being injected with the gluten protein in vaccines? Scientists should be asking whether the gluten protein is, in fact, present in vaccines, or whether there is a similar protein to gluten in vaccines, in order to get a better understanding of how and why there has been such a marked increase in the number of cases of celiac disease and gluten sensitivities over the years. We may have to look further, and ask tougher questions, besides pondering whether people are eating more processed wheat products, or whether the changes to the wheat grain are to blame for this increase in immune sensitivities to gluten. That is, if we really want to be scientific.