Vaccines: Killing Babies in the Womb.
Dead Babies and Stillbirths Reported to the FDA After Vaccination – Mothering Magazine
"MB Comment: This is a fantastic overview from Mothering Magazine of vaccine adverse reactions (including deaths) from the FDA Vaccine Event Reporting System by Dr. Rubin, who maintains, the online searchable VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database in cooperation with the National Vaccine Information Center.
Three key points leap out. 1) Check out the huge spike in deaths at the age of 2-3 months when babies receive multiple vaccines. 2) Check out the surge in reported flu vaccine adverse reactions in the last few years. 3) Check out the spike in miscarriages and stillbirths reported after Gardasil, H1N1 flu and chickenpox vaccination.
My interpretation? Vaccines are killing babies in the womb and at the 2-3 month age level when the CDC recommended vaccination schedule recommends a eight-dose vaccine assault on babies of Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, Pneumococcal and Inactivated Poliovirus. Then the FDA, CDC and doctors are calling those deaths a coincidence. Look at the charts yourself if you don’t believe me.
Mothering Magazine
Monthly VAERS Reports compiled and written by Steven Rubin, PhD
March 2011 VAERS Report
This month, let’s look at the most simple of VAERS data searches: Age. In particular, we will ask what is the typical age of a VAERS patient, and what is the typical age of a patient who died following a vaccination. Now if vaccination-related deaths happen uniformly, to people of all ages, then the two curves should look the same. If, however, vaccination-related deaths happen more predominantly to certain age groups, then this will stand-out.
Here are the graphs:
The graph of all VAERS reports (on the left) is not surprising. It show that most VAERS reports involve young patients, which makes sense because most vaccinations are given to children. There is also a peak in the 17-44 category. But this is not a real peak; it is an anomoly caused by the unequal groupings. The 17-44 year range is the widest by a large margin, so it includes a large number of VAERS reports. The graph on the right (VAERS events where the patient died) is surprising. It shows a much stronger peak among young children (below age 3). This peak is so strong that it even towers over the wide grouping of 17-44 year-olds. There are really two problems with these graphs: (1) the age groupings are not uniform, making some groupings stand out unfairly, and (2) it would be helpful to analyze the 0-3 year old range in more detail to see exactly when these children are dying. To solve this problem, MedAlerts lets you set different age groupings. It is another of the site’s “special features,” so to use it you must check the “Expert Mode” box in the upper-right. Then, instead of making a graph of Age, make a graph of Age, Custom. Custom Age graphs let you specify where you want the age breaks to occur. There are even a few buttons on the right side of the age break section that automatically fill it in with some “standard” schemes. So let’s redo the above two graphs, but this time use the age breaks that CDC Wonder suggests (click “Set Wonder” in the Custom Age section).
The results are here:
Now the graph of all VAERS events (on the left) does not show such a strong peak in the 17-44 range, but instead has most of its emphasis on people 18 years and younger. This is to be expected. We also see in the graph of patients who died (on the right) that the peak for young people continues to be pronounced, and that this peak happens in the first 6 months of life. Can we explore this at even more detail? Just set the age breaks to be even smaller. The graph below sets age breaks at 0.1 years, 0.2 years, 0.3 years, etc. This is the level of resolution that appears in VAERS reports (they seem to report age in tenths of a year, rather than twelvths of a year as you might expect).
The graph below shows the age of patients who died in the first year of their life:
And now we see where it is happening: at about 3 months of age. No other age seems to die after a vaccination as much as these 3-month olds. It makes you wonder whether this is a bad time to get vaccinated.
December 2010 VAERS Report
2010 is over and complete VAERS data for the year has been published by the government. Since 1990, when VAERS began, the number of reports added each year has almost always gone up. But not this year. In 2010, there were 36,818 new reports added, whereas 2009 had an all-time high of 37,181 (really, not very different). Here is a graph of the number of VAERS events released each year. To see this for yourself, click Show Graph (in Section 1) and graph Year of Appearance.
Last January, I looked at the dramatic rise in the the number of VAERS events during the past few years and analyzed the cause. In that report, I separated the VAERS events according to the vaccines given and the diseases they address. Let’s look at that graph again with the 2010 data included. To do this, click Show Graph (in Section 1) and graph Year of Appearance and Vaccine Type. To make it easier to read, I have simplified the graph by removing diseases that are associated with few VAERS events.
The graph shows a serious spike in Influenza-related reports during the last two years. Suddenly, there are about three times as many adverse events being reported following Flu shots. Of course, concerns about the H1N1 Flu caused more people to be vaccinated during these years, but were there really three times as many people vaccinated? The numbers do not show that. The CDC reports that in the 2005-2006 Flu season, about 30% of adults (age 18-49) got the vaccination. Older people got it at higher rates (36% of 50-64 year olds and 69% of people 65 and over). Further, they claim that this figure was a drop of about 5% from the 2003-2004 season. Other reports on the web confirm that about 1/3 of adults get a Flu shot in a typical year. And what about the 2009-2010 Flu season? The Rand Corporation estimates that during last year’s Flu season, 39% of adults were vaccinated, which is only a small increase over typical years. So it is not reasonable to blame the rise in adverse events following the Flu shot on the increased number of people getting it. There must be some other explanation. One explanation for the rise in the number of Flu reactions is that during the 2009-2010 Flu season, people got two shots, for both Seasonal Flu and H1N1 Flu. Of course, that would only account for a factor of two rise, not a factor of three. Also, not everybody got two shots. Let’s graph the three main Flu vaccinations that were reported in the past two years. The red line is Seasonal Flu, the purple line is the H1N1 Flu, and the green line is this year’s Seasonal Flu (which has H1N1 in it).
While it is true that 2009 had a double-spike of Flu reports, 2010 has just a single spike. Something is causing an increase in the number of reactions to the Flu shot, and it isn’t just that more people are getting it. We should all wonder why nearly half of recent VAERS reports involve people who have gotten a Flu shot.
November 2010 VAERS Report
It has been suggested that the H1N1 Flu vaccine causes miscarriages (see, for example, here, here, and here). This month, I want to see if the claim is supported by VAERS data. How do we determine whether a VAERS event resulted in a miscarriage? VAERS uses the MedDRA symptom classification, which organizes all known symptoms at five levels of detail. At the second level of detail is an entry “Abortions and stillbirth” which has under it “Abortion related conditions and complications”, “Abortions spontaneous”, “Stillbirth and foetal death” and “Abortions not specified as induced or spontaneous”. Each of these is further refined into specific symptoms. So it seems that this second-level term (or as it is known in MedDRA, the High-Level Group Term or HLGT) is a valid way to identify miscarriages. Now let’s search all of the VAERS events (going back to 1990) for this symptom and make a graph of the vaccines listed in those events. To do this, check Expert Mode (to enable MedDRA searches), click Show Graph and graph Vaccines (in Section 1), and select the MedDRA level HLGT under the symptom list and then select Abortions and stillbirth (in Section 2). This graph will surely favor vaccines that have been given for 21 years over those that have been recently introduced, because such vaccines will have been given much more, and so will have produced many more symptoms. In other words, this graph should de-emphasize the H1N1 Flu vaccine, which has existed for just one year. We should see relatively few H1N1-related miscarriage events compared with the “Seasonal” Flu vaccine which has been administered to many more patients. Here is the graph:
The results are shocking. First of all, the H1N1 Flu vaccine has appeared in miscarriage events more often than almost any other vaccine. Of the 1115 VAERS events that mention the abortion/stillbirth symptom, 203 are cases where the H1N1 Flu vaccine was given (200 with the FLU(H1N1) vaccine code and 3 with the FLUN(H1N1) vaccine code). This ignores the current Flu vaccine being given which has the H1N1 strain in it (the FLU(10-11) vaccine code). By contrast, there are only 63 abortion/stillbirth events associated with the Seasonal Flu Vaccine (vaccine codes FLU and FLUN) and this vaccine has been administered to millions of people over 21 years of data collection! If you consider that the H1N1 Flu vaccine has been associated with 3 times as many abortion/stillbirth events, and that it has been given for just 5 percent of the time that Seasonal Flu vaccines have been given, then it appears that the H1N1 Flu vaccine is 60 times more likely to cause a miscarriage than the Seasonal Flu vaccine. But the graph has more shocking results for us. The H1N1 Flu vaccine appears in many of the abortion/stillbirth cases, but not the most. The “winner,” appearing in 297 of the VAERS records associated with miscarriage, is Gardasil (vaccine code HPV4)! Once again, this vaccine is a newcomer, having only existed for 4 years. So pregnant women should read the product manufacturer’s insert for the vaccine they are considering and speak with one or more trusted health care professionals before making a decision about vaccination during pregnancy."
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