Vaccines: Ask Your Doc 11 Questions
11 Questions every Parent
should ask their doCtor
s The People’s Chemist, my main goal is to empower people to take charge of their own
health. That means asking questions. But, most people fear questioning physicians.
The relationship between doctor and patient has been eroded. Doctors act like dictators and badger
patients who question them. However, when doctors know that parents are informed, their attack
is thwarted.
When it comes to vaccination, parents are making a decision for the entire NEST. The outcome
can last for generations. That’s why I recommend using the NEST acronym when talking to
doctors about vaccination. NEST stands for Numbers, Effectiveness, Safety and Toxicity. These
are critical vaccine topics that each parent should be informed about.
Below, you will see that I have used NEST to question a physician about vaccination.
Remember, always protect your NEST:
1. Numbers | Why are so many vaccines being pushed on my child?
Dr Block: The drug companies have found a true “Cash Cow”. No matter how many vaccines they
develop, the pharmaceutically compliant government will make them mandatory. At the same
time, they release the drug companies from liability. For a business model, that is as good as it gets.
2. Effectiveness | Why do some vaccines have no immune boosting effect or lose effectiveness
over time?
Dr Block: Having a disease from natural exposure can provide lifetime immunity because that’s
how the body and our immune system were designed to work. The vaccine may create only
temporary immunity in many cases, because we are not designed to recognize infection coming
through the skin.
3. Safety | How safe are common vaccines? What are the reported side effects?
Dr Block: There are reported and unreported side effects to vaccines. I remember a young woman
who had a severe reaction after receiving a certain vaccine. The doctor who gave the vaccine said
the reaction was not from the vaccine so the reaction was never reported. This is very common
according to FDA, so no real statistics exist that show vaccines to be safe. Most doctors are only
saying they are safe because that is what they are told by vaccine makers.
4. Toxicity | What are some of the toxins found in vaccines?
Dr Block: There are many toxins in standard vaccines that can cause numerous health problems.
Aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde are just a few of the toxins. Formaldehyde is considered a
carcinogenic by the FDA. As a result, studies in other countries have found that vaccinated kids
have many more health problems than unvaccinated.
There are some additional questions we were able to ask Dr. Block:
5. Can anyone force a parent to vaccinate their child?
Dr Block: In some states, vaccines are supposedly required to enter school. But, those states also
have religious and medical opt-outs. About 20 states allow opting-out for reasons of conscience. If
the child does not go to school, it is unlikely that they would have to be vaccinated.
6. What does it mean when schools say vaccines are “mandatory”?
Dr Block: This means that the state has declared that certain vaccines are required for public school
admission. However, it is not unusual for schools and doctors to tell parents that the vaccines are
mandatory even in states where they are not. Parents should research and know the laws in their
state, regardless of what the school or doctor tells them. You must know and assert your
7. Are there any real benefits of vaccination for certain people?
Dr Block: There are some reported benefits but until there is no financial conflict of interest in
the reported data, I don’t think we will ever know the truth. Fortunately, we know enough about
naturally acquired immunity to know that proper hygiene, diet and santitation can ward off illness.
8. Are vaccines truly responsible for the decline in childhood illness?
Dr Block: Mostly, that is not the reason. Studies show that many of the diseases were already on
the decline when the vaccine was introduced.
9. What are some other proven ways to boost a child’s immunity?
Dr Block: Healthy food, water, air, decreased stress, vitamins and minerals are a few.
10. What is thimerosal and should I be concerned?
Dr Block: Thimerosal is a form of mercury. It acts as an adjuvant in the vaccine. Because it is
a toxin, it creates an immune reaction in the body as the body sees it as a foreign body. Yes, we
should all be concerned about mercury. The government has been clear that mercury is toxic and
has forced its removal from most other products. It is still in the flu vaccine, the tetanus vaccine
and others.
11. Are unvaccinated children at greater risk for childhood illness?
Dr Block: Today, most of the childhood illnesses are pretty rare and hard to acquire. The incidence
of pertussis (whooping cough) in California and other states was found mostly in vaccinated
children. Only 8% of the cases of pertussis in California were in unvaccinated kids.
In closing:
Dr Block: I think the use of vaccines in children should always be the parents’ choice. Studies
find that the most educated of parents are the ones deciding on alternative vaccine schedules or
no vaccines at all. It is important for parents to read, research and understand the pros and cons of
vaccinating or not vaccinating. But, ultimately it should be their right to decide.
About Dr. Mary Ann Block
After doctors made her daughter ill with psychiatric drugs for her bladder infections, Dr. Mary
Ann Block went to medical school at the age of 39 to save her. She not only learned what doctors learn, but also what they don’t learn. This knowledge helped her think outside the box and
save her own mother from metastatic, “terminal” lung cancer. Dr. Block is the author of 7 books
including The ABC’s of Raising Great Kids and has authored numerous articles for magazines.
Dr. Block has appeared on many television and radio shows. Dr. Block is in private practice in
the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Learn more at
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